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en-US Linux / Enigma OS Support For discussion and support of receivers based on the Linux/Enigma Operating System Wed, 22 Jan 2025 19:58:24 +0000 Wed, 22 Jan 2025 19:58:24 +0000 SatelliteGuys.US Linux EHD Backup on E2 receivers Wed, 25 Dec 2024 15:06:00 +0000 413833 (Corrado) Corrado I find the aging EHD I use on my Edision Mio 4K is nearing the end of it's life cycle. Curious what method other users utilize for duplicating or backing up recordings.

I know the receiver can move recordings between drives one at a time easy enough. What about running a command line in a Linux distro? Seems more efficient. Would the Edision have any issues with permissions if not done in a certain manner on the replacement hdd?]]>
How to do a mini backup in TNAP 5.x? I forgot... Thu, 12 Dec 2024 04:19:33 +0000 413659 (primestar31) primestar31 I could have sworn there was a manual way to do a settings backup through the menus that also did your satellite bouquets and such. NOT the FULL image backup, just a mini backup. I don't remember how to do it as it's been too long, and haven't been able to muck around and figure it out in TNAP 5.1.

Does anybody know how?]]>
TNAP 5.1 Available for Edision Wed, 11 Dec 2024 19:36:35 +0000 409538 (cyberham) cyberham The new TNAP 5.1 test image has been posted by el bandido. You can do the installation via your Edision online feature to flash the new image into an available slot. Be sure to keep valid older images in the other slots just in case you need to revert back. Installation went well and the software has auto-install which means after installing you still have all your user files (satellite transponders, user bouquets, etc.) in place. You don't have to re-configure everything. This is a great...

Red-necked automatic Psip ATSC EPG grabber Wed, 17 May 2023 19:24:32 +0000 382043 (primestar31) primestar31 Until we get something built that's better, you can use the WebIF TIMERS screen for setting automatic daily timers for OTA channels.

I'd much prefer an automated web grabber to grab EPG from Tvguide/Zap2it/TitanTv, and I have a manual one, BUT, I can't figure out as of yet how to get the Mio to see the downloaded XML data file and integrate it into the OTA EPG guide. There's Rytec automated epg plugin's for NA SatDreamGr, but even if you install them, they refuse to show up in the Plugins...

Osmio 4K plus has bad tuner Tue, 07 Mar 2023 00:44:00 +0000 401728 (Conway) Conway I think my osmio 4K plus has a bad S2x tuner. Tuner A seems to fail to output voltage. I’m using Open PLi 8.3. I can unplug the unit for a while and plug it back in and it will work a while. If I turn it off and turn it back on later I get the no signal error. Tuner B S2 seems to work fine! Any ideas? Can the tuner be replaced?? Thanks!]]> 9 Edision OS Mio vs. Mini Fri, 13 Jan 2023 00:05:46 +0000 401426 (cyberham) cyberham Edision OS Mio 4K S2X versus Edision OS Mini 4K S2X. Functionally, what's the difference? The Mini is being sold in Canada.]]> 4 need help with OSMIO4K+ Wed, 17 Aug 2022 19:02:48 +0000 399584 (Brct203) Brct203 My MIO4K+ seems to have seen better days... It no longer display any video

It seems to boot fine, I can access it via openWebIF, see the screen in there, but on the TV, all I get is the initial EDISION grey slide then the skin TNAP 4.1 background, then the screen goes blank while the bargraph cursor on the front pannel fills up and then the TV says there's no HDMI signal.

I rebooted several times, tried with a different TV, with the power supply of my MIO4K, same result

I also rebooted...

Is TNAP 4.2 still in testing mode? Mon, 08 Aug 2022 17:52:32 +0000 399507 (N5XZS) N5XZS Any new updates on TNAP 4.2 since it's now August?

Is 4.2 still in testing mode after all this time? :hungry :hatsoff]]>
Streaming from the Edision with VLC Sun, 15 May 2022 06:42:44 +0000 383668 (Magic Static) Magic Static Since I managed to start Open WebIF in the Edision I decided to see about streaming the elusive 4:2:2 ABC/CBS channels. I managed to stumble right into it. :) Here's what I did. Started "Open WebIF" by entering the IP address of the Edision in my browser (chrome).


Now since the Edision was turned off at the time, I turned it on with the on-off switch.
The current channel was displayed in the upper left.
I clicked on the Satellite tab, selected the drop down list of channels...

Can the Edison reciever add new video codecs like VVC? Thu, 24 Mar 2022 13:14:32 +0000 397784 (N5XZS) N5XZS From looking of VCC video codecs that supposed to be better 50% improvement over HEVC.

Can this new codecs software be downloaded just in case some satellite broadcasters decided to use the video formats?

Maybe for future TANP 4.2?:hungry

Online updates for TNAP 4.1 are now ended. New version being worked on Fri, 17 Dec 2021 02:41:33 +0000 396581 (primestar31) primestar31 Per E.B. over at

Online updates for TNAP4.1 have ended. A new version is being worked on that includes blindscan for the ka bands or pretty much any type lnb that could be used for fta.
Edison OS MIO 4k Stuck on 'boot' Tue, 05 Oct 2021 18:46:28 +0000 391730 (Fizbi) Fizbi I don't see this particular problem after searching this forum so this could be new, maybe not.

My box display is stuck on 'boot'.
I tried cycling the power several times.
My big screen TV shows a blank screen, no flashing logos, lights, nothing.
Played with the remote while cycling power, just no progress.

So I don't know what else to try.

Any suggestions from those who know more than me?
Thanks in advance.

how do you set up wifi on Edision OS Mio? Mon, 19 Jul 2021 01:17:39 +0000 393604 (Jim S.) Jim S. I'm trying to set up my new Edision and I can't find ANYTHING in the menu to enable wifi! The setup wizard green-screened when trying to connect to a network, but it never even said anything about connecting to a wifi network so I'm assuming it was only looking at the ethernet port, which isn't connected to anything. So after I rebooted, I skipped the wizard and tried to set it up manually, but under settings/system/expert/network I only see anything about turning the "adapter" on or off...

My Edison reciever says PDC when tuning in DW on 103 W* Ku Mon, 22 Mar 2021 13:31:05 +0000 393054 (N5XZS) N5XZS Everytime I tune in DW English my Edison's on screen information shows PDC on the near lower right part of TV screen.

What is PDC?

I know we got EPG, but no subtitling, CC and Teletext on DW English station.

Any ideas? :hatsoff]]>
New OS Mio 4K setup questions Sat, 20 Mar 2021 03:35:24 +0000 392864 (armadillo_115) armadillo_115 Just ordered an OS Mio 4K. Got a few questions before it arrives.Will be using the pre-installed TNAP image. I am mainly interested in streaming and viewing from laptop, pc, etc. I'm hoping WebIF will suit my needs but that may change once I begin experimenting.

Is it possible to do the initial setup/configuration via WebIF (or other app) without a tv connected to the OS Mio? Can the receiver stream afterwards with no tv connected? ( I prefer to work from my desktop location and not...

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