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en-US The Solid Signal Blog Get the latest on the world of Technology from our friends at SolidSignal.COM Wed, 22 Jan 2025 20:06:47 +0000 Wed, 22 Jan 2025 20:06:47 +0000 SatelliteGuys.US How does a cell booster only work inside your RV? Doesn’t the “boost” spill out to other cars? Sun, 30 Jun 2024 23:07:13 +0000 411004 (Stuart Sweet) Stuart Sweet Every so often I run into a really good question, something I never really thought about writing an article about. This is one of those cases. It’s really just simple geometry, but let me show you the problem.

Cell phone service, like all types of radio waves, spreads out equally in all directions from the point where the broadcast is made. In other words, a cell phone signal looks like this:

The problem is, your...

Will downloading new software solve your DIRECTV problem? Sun, 30 Jun 2024 15:48:13 +0000 411038 (Stuart Sweet) Stuart Sweet There was a once-common mantra that said DIRECTV receivers needed software updates early and often. Of course, it was also a once-common mantra to avoid wearing white after Labor Day. Look around and I suspect you’ll find at least one person who’s wearing white this very minute. Things change.

I rarely if ever recommend downloading new software manually for DIRECTV receivers, DVRs, clients, or servers. In fact I stopped recommending it long ago. Here’s a post from 2013 when I talked...

Should you use a “M2M” booster (IoT booster) for your connected devices? Sun, 30 Jun 2024 15:33:07 +0000 411040 (Stuart Sweet) Stuart Sweet When people think of cell phone signal boosters, they generally think of something that connects to their phones. That makes sense, of course. That’s how most people use cellular technology. But, there’s another whole class of device. The industry calls them M2M (machine to machine) or IoT (internet of things) boosters. You’ve probably never heard of them, because they’re sort of a specialized part. We don’t even list them at, because they’re only available through our...

UPDATED FOR ’24 AND BEYOND: What is the best Genie client? Sun, 30 Jun 2024 14:53:00 +0000 411039 (Stuart Sweet) Stuart Sweet DIRECTV satellite technology has gotten very stable. Although there have been changes over the last decade, overall the story is one of slow and steady growth and stability. When DIRECTV moved to Genie technology, they set in motion a process. This process led to the Genie clients we have today, which are more stable and capable than ever before.

But which one should you choose? There are four families of Genie client. They’re all good, but you might want to know the plusses and minuses of...

UPDATED: Is satellite TV different in Europe than in the US? Sun, 30 Jun 2024 02:42:30 +0000 411003 (Stuart Sweet) Stuart Sweet This article incorporates new content from reader comments.

Without a doubt, North America is the biggest paid satellite TV market. DIRECTV alone counts 24 million subscribers. However, if you were to look at all of Europe’s satellite services, it’s probably a bigger market than that. It’s impossible to know, though.

Most of Europe’s satellite TV services are free!​

That’s right, most people in Europe can put up a satellite dish and get free TV, just like we do with antennas...

EDITORIAL: Enough game shows already Sat, 29 Jun 2024 19:37:44 +0000 411024 (Stuart Sweet) Stuart Sweet Summertime’s here, and that means very little scripted content on broadcast TV. In years past, you’d find reruns all summer. That’s still sort of true, but unscripted content has really taken over the summer. It makes sense – who needs reruns when you can get all the shows you want on-demand? But in the last few years, it seems that summers and winters alike have become overrun by primetime game shows. Is it time for the trend to slow or stop?

I love game shows, I do​

I grew up on...

NICE AND EASY: How do you factory reset a Gemini Air? Sat, 29 Jun 2024 16:12:19 +0000 411025 (Stuart Sweet) Stuart Sweet Not that you should have to, but it’s possible to completely reset your Gemini Air to its original settings. This lets you set it up completely from scratch. That’s a good choice if you’re giving it to someone else or if it’s really misbehaving.

Here’s the easy way to do it​

Take a look at the image at top. It shows the underside of the Gemini Air. There’s a small reset button on it. Here are the steps you’ll need to take:

  1. Make sure the Gemini Air is connected to power and to...

Now available: “white glove” service for our marine customers Fri, 28 Jun 2024 17:32:45 +0000 411006 (Stuart Sweet) Stuart Sweet If you have a luxury yacht, you know the importance of having things “your way.” If you have a larger yacht, you probably have a captain who takes care of it. That captain’s busy with a lot of things, not just steering the boat. No matter where you fit as part of the marine world, you’re probably looking for ways to do more in less time.

When was the last time anyone reached out to you and said, “don’t worry, we’ve got it from here…”

That’s exactly what we’re doing with our new “white...

FUN FRIDAY: Top Ten Lost Films Fri, 28 Jun 2024 15:42:50 +0000 411005 (Stuart Sweet) Stuart Sweet The other day I came across a video that really made me think. It’s from YouTuber “Dark Corners Reviews” and it deals with something we really need to think about today: lost films. Here’s that video if you want to get caught up:

This particular video talks mostly about films made before 1930 that are culturally significant. Movies themselves started becoming common in the late 19th century and that means that about 40 years of film history is being represented by a very small number of...

Easy fixes for DIRECTV receivers with problems Thu, 27 Jun 2024 17:53:44 +0000 410981 (Stuart Sweet) Stuart Sweet If your DIRECTV receiver, DVR or Genie Client is running slowly or acting a little strange, there are a few things you can try right away. A slow receiver isn’t always a sign that it’s broken. In fact most slow receivers just need a few tweaks and you’ll find they work much better.

First thing to try: reboot twice​

Rebooting your receiver fixes a lot of things. We tend to not think about rebooting because the receiver rarely needs it.

Find the red button on the receiver. It may be...

THROWBACK THURSDAY: When I correctly forecast that YouTube TV would be a thing Thu, 27 Jun 2024 17:22:23 +0000 410978 (Stuart Sweet) Stuart Sweet Remember when you couldn’t watch videos over the internet? Oh those days. Back then we had to watch live cats doing cute things. My how the world has changed.

It was a bit over 19 years ago…​

…that a little site called YouTube was born. It was independent for its first year or so of life, and ever since 2006 it’s been part of the Google empire. It wasn’t the first video sharing site but it certainly grew to be the biggest. By letting users have virtually unlimited space to upload...

Boat owners: get to know your ACU Thu, 27 Jun 2024 17:22:22 +0000 410977 (Stuart Sweet) Stuart Sweet What’s the big difference between a marine satellite system and one for your home? It’s pretty obvious: the marine system needs to aim itself constantly. If your marine satellite system isn’t making chances several times a second, you’ll lose communication.

There are two parts to a marine satellite system: the dome and the ACU. The dome is probably something you’re familiar with. It’s up there on the top of the boat, this big white gumdrop that has the satellite dish inside. There’s a bunch...

Lost satellite signal in the marina? Here’s why Thu, 27 Jun 2024 16:12:54 +0000 410973 (Stuart Sweet) Stuart Sweet Satellite TV is awesome. Sure, internet is great too. It’s even better to have both. There’s a time for leaning into the internet experience, but don’t you just feel like sitting back and watching TV sometimes? I know I do. It’s a great way to unwind, and life on the water is all about relaxing, right?

Occasionally, our tech support reps will take a call from someone who says their satellite TV works great while they’re on the water, but stops working when they pull into the slip. It’s...

Should you avoid the HS17 Genie 2? Wed, 26 Jun 2024 19:29:28 +0000 410957 (Stuart Sweet) Stuart Sweet I recently ran into a facebook comment where someone said,

A tech told me to avoid the Genie 2 at all costs. Said there were nothing but problems with it.

I don’t know why someone would say something like that on Facebook. I’m glad he didn’t give the tech’s name because that person probably would have gotten in trouble. But, it’s worth talking about.

What’s so different about the Genie 2?​

Genie 2 is really a different beast, even compared to other Genies. Why? It’s...

NICE AND EASY: Will a Wi-Fi router fry your brain? Wed, 26 Jun 2024 17:42:11 +0000 410956 (Stuart Sweet) Stuart Sweet Important: I am not a doctor. I am not even a scientist. I’m a blogger and I research things pretty well. I’m telling you what I believe to be right. If you don’t believe it, prove me wrong in the comments.

Some people won’t keep their Wi-Fi router in the same room where they sleep. Some won’t let their kids near the router (a good idea, but for a different reason. I totally get it. There’s a lot of electromagnetic radiation out there and it’s scary to think about what it could be...

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