<div class="bbWrapper"><b>OH!</b><br />
<br />
<blockquote data-attributes="" data-quote="Jason Crandall" data-source="post: 1602898"
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<a href="/xen/goto/post?id=1602898"
data-content-selector="#post-1602898">Jason Crandall said:</a>
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You have to have them hosted to the outside internet.<br />
DirecTV reviews the submission, then approves them. If approved, it shows in the catalog for everyone to test. You can't develop/test them individually, or make them just for your use (with the exception of using the RSS feed viewer through the widget page.)
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</blockquote><img src="https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/joypixels/assets/8.0/png/unicode/64/1f631.png" class="smilie smilie--emoji" loading="lazy" width="64" height="64" alt=":eek:" title="Eek! :eek:" data-smilie="9"data-shortname=":eek:" />OH!<img src="https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/joypixels/assets/8.0/png/unicode/64/1f631.png" class="smilie smilie--emoji" loading="lazy" width="64" height="64" alt=":eek:" title="Eek! :eek:" data-smilie="9"data-shortname=":eek:" /><br />
<img src="https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/joypixels/assets/8.0/png/unicode/64/1f615.png" class="smilie smilie--emoji" loading="lazy" width="64" height="64" alt=":confused:" title="Confused :confused:" data-smilie="5"data-shortname=":confused:" />Well, using the Widget SDK, how does one promote them to a hosted outside internet server? There simply appears to be just a PUBLISH button? <b>I am capable of using FTP to upload whatever is required to a hosted server</b>, just wondering if there are options coming in the Widget sdk?<br />
However, I guess you are saying that even then they have to be approved by DirecTV and are available to all!<img src="https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/joypixels/assets/8.0/png/unicode/64/1f615.png" class="smilie smilie--emoji" loading="lazy" width="64" height="64" alt=":confused:" title="Confused :confused:" data-smilie="5"data-shortname=":confused:" /><br />
p.s.: I think what I had toyed with is "the exception of using the RSS feed viewer through the widget page" If by widget page you mean the one that shows up using the sdk? (Then, again, perhaps you mean changing the parameters on the rss feed one at widgets.directv.com?)<br />
<img src="https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/joypixels/assets/8.0/png/unicode/64/1f631.png" class="smilie smilie--emoji" loading="lazy" width="64" height="64" alt=":o" title="Eek! :o" data-smilie="9"data-shortname=":o" />Also, I find that when I use any of the templates in the Widget SDK and then publish, I get: <span class="fixed-color" style="color:red">For input string: "true" </span><span class="fixed-color" style="color:black">and the widget doesn't publish? (I have even used some png images in the slide viewer which displays OK in the preview (but I don't seem to get anything but one picture in the preview)?</span><br />
<img src="https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/joypixels/assets/8.0/png/unicode/64/1f631.png" class="smilie smilie--emoji" loading="lazy" width="64" height="64" alt=":eek:" title="Eek! :eek:" data-smilie="9"data-shortname=":eek:" />I think these are some appropriate entrys from the log:<br />
<br />
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9:02:42,196 DEBUG [StAXSOAPModelBuilder] Build the OMElelment CodeBy the StaxSOAPModelBuilder<br />
19:02:42,196 DEBUG [StAXSOAPModelBuilder] Build the OMElelment ValueBy the StaxSOAPModelBuilder<br />
19:02:42,196 DEBUG [StAXSOAPModelBuilder] Build the OMElelment ReasonBy the StaxSOAPModelBuilder<br />
19:02:42,196 DEBUG [StAXSOAPModelBuilder] Build the OMElelment TextBy the StaxSOAPModelBuilder<br />
19:02:42,196 DEBUG [StAXSOAPModelBuilder] Build the OMElelment DetailBy the StaxSOAPModelBuilder<br />
19:02:42,196 ERROR [WebServiceManager] For input string: "true"<br />
19:02:42,196 DEBUG [WebServiceManager] [Ljava.lang.StackTraceElement;@1523d40<br />
19:02:42,196 ERROR [WidgetTemplateController] For input string: "true"<br />
19:02:42,196 DEBUG [WidgetTemplateController] [Ljava.lang.StackTraceElement;@334bfe<br />
19:02:42,196 INFO [WidgetTemplateController] setting the required attributes for handling the request<br />
19:02:42,196 INFO [WidgetTemplateController] gettting all the deployed widgets, without search option
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</blockquote>And here are some entrys from the widget log:<br />
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19:02:23,309 INFO [WidgetDeployer] deployed widgets count before undeploy is 4<br />
19:02:23,459 INFO [WidgetDeployer] deployed widgets count after undeploy is 3<br />
19:02:23,599 INFO [WidgetDeployer] deployed widgets count before deploy is 3<br />
19:02:23,599 INFO [WidgetDeployer] parameters as below<br />
19:02:23,740 INFO [WidgetDeployer] widget deployed successfully.<br />
19:02:23,740 INFO [WidgetDeployer] deployed widgets count after deploy is 4<br />
19:02:23,890 INFO [CatalogUpdater] count of deployed[4] and published[4] widgets are equal<br />
19:02:23,890 INFO [CatalogUpdater] deployed and published widgets match<br />
19:02:23,890 INFO [WebServiceManager] calling updateClient Widget in webService manager, action addWidget<br />
19:02:23,890 INFO [WidgetTransformer] Refresh Rate : 20<br />
19:02:23,890 INFO [WebServiceManager] Adding widget images ... <br />
19:02:23,890 INFO [WebServiceManager] webImage image file pathC:\Documents and Settings\Raymond Polone\Desktop\Eighter.png<br />
19:02:23,900 INFO [WebServiceManager] dockImage image file pathC:\Documents and Settings\Raymond Polone\Desktop\Eighter.png<br />
19:02:23,900 INFO [WebServiceManager] detailImage image file pathC:\Documents and Settings\Raymond Polone\Desktop\Eighter.png<br />
19:02:23,900 INFO [WebServiceManager] calling addClient athttp://widgets.directv.com/services/ClientService<br />
19:02:42,196 ERROR [WebServiceManager] For input string: "true"<br />
19:02:42,196 ERROR [WidgetTemplateController] For input string: "true"<br />
19:02:42,196 INFO [WidgetTemplateController] setting the required attributes for handling the request<br />
19:02:42,196 INFO [WidgetTemplateController] gettting all the deployed widgets, without search option<br />
19:02:42,346 INFO [WidgetTemplateController] setting the widgets list attribute for the request<br />
19:02:42,346 INFO [WidgetTemplateController] gettting all the widget templates<br />
19:02:42,346 INFO [WidgetTemplateController] setting the templates list attribute for the request<br />
19:02:42,356 INFO [AuthenticationService] before p010ne<br />
19:02:42,356 INFO [AuthenticationService] cookie name : JSESSIONID , 1hj6vvn1qy413<br />
19:02:42,356 INFO [AuthenticationService] cookie name : ASPSESSIONIDSSDQBADD , IDBJALJBJNMBEPCFMPFDCNNG<br />
19:02:42,356 INFO [AuthenticationService] cookie name : username , p010ne<br />
19:02:42,356 INFO [AuthenticationService] after p010ne
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