The customer that I have has a 2800 and 301 receiver active on his account. At one point he also had a 510.
Ye$, that i$ curiou$. I'm $ure there mu$t be $ome rea$on for $uch a policy, but I'm $tumped a$ to what it could po$$ibly be.
Maybe they do ,but I don't think that they offer it free . There is always a fee associated with your credit level that DISH scores you by. The better credit pays less up front. But the majority of the poor credit subs don't have the money to pay up front and so they don't upgrade. Also a lot of customers, regardless of credit issues, won't upgrade at all if there is any money up front expected. This might be why it has taken so long to transition western arc to all mpeg 4 receivers.Doesn't Dish do this through their Dishin' It Up promotion?
Which is why I think the ViP722 series is not long for this world. After WA goes MPEG-4, what's next? TV2 outs.722 would ultimately be the best bet. Especially if they don't care for hd at tv2 for any reason. Same price, more options. Better technology. Nothing but benefits.
Not hardly. They are already making X dollars. Increase their STB expenses by Y dollars, and they make X-Y dollars. I'm sure they have some experts calculating when the tipping point for short term losses for long term gains is. But are they reading entrails when they do that?IF they got a year commitment or two years commitment, they would make their money back by keeping the customers subscribed for that length of time . If they broke their contract they would pay a big sum like they already do. I don't see how the penny wise /pound foolish mind set helps DISH in the long run.
For those that call dish on wa, what are they getting.....mpeg2 or mpeg4 equipment?
I helped a guy not long ago that had a bad 301, dish said they were sending a 211 but they sent a 311 instead.
THEN they come after TheKrell, that Luddite with ViP612s hidden in his hayloft!
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