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Recent content by dave7424

  1. D

    622 With A Dp34 Switch. Will Not Work!

    I'm considering a 622 after the beta testing is over (I had a 501 from the first shipment). I'd drop the 4900 and use tv2 for whole house distribution. You're telling me that I would have to upgrade the switch to use the combiner/seperator ? I ran 3 rg6's to the location where I would put the...
  2. D

    622 With A Dp34 Switch. Will Not Work!

    What am I missing here ? I have a Dish 1000 feeding a DP34, which feeds an 811, 501, 311 and a 4900. They all work. Why do I need a DP44 ?
  3. D

    811 P3.35 Download 2/9/06

    Mine has been locking up and needing a hard reboot lately. Last time it lost it's mind regard HD aspect ratios, something entirely new. Unit has been pretty bug free since last update help any of this ?
  4. D

    Lack of Upgrade Deal for 811 Owners Who Waited for the New HD-DVR (622)

    There is a competitor to dishstore that offers a $75 trade in for the 811 when buying a 622. Don't think it applies to a lease offer.
  5. D

    demo channel showing ESPN clips

    Doah, just dawned on me that I don't get 61.5 anymore. We moved and the dishmover put us on a dish 1000. :mad:
  6. D

    demo channel showing ESPN clips

    You guys have my complete attention. I haven't bothered to check the channel as my 811 has shown it off air for the last few days. So Espn2HD is mpeg 2? That would be a good thing.
  7. D

    Updated Dish 1000 Info

    Nice twist to a dish move today.....I had a d500 (quad legacy) and an additional d500 (single lnb) aimed at 61.5 for Voom. I called to add locals before signing up for a dish move. CSR asked if I wanted another dish (2 Louisville locals on 61.5), I told her no thanks, I have 2 dishes. I...
  8. D

    Need help with pointing Dish500 to 61.5

    I did the same thing back when the Voom channels started on 61.5. I also found the elevation wrong (too low). Either my house is crooked :D or the earth is getting cattywampus.
  9. D


    Louisville local channel say U on Dish by Saturday ! EspnU has become a hot topic as they grabbed the UL-USF game this Saturday as part of the Big East contract. This kept the local channel from televising as an away game. It's not on the national scale, but people are going nuts here. Local...
  10. D

    Lost Odd T's on 119

    Checked the ground blocks near the dish and they were heavily corroded. I didn't have a crimp tool when I installed the quad a few years ago, so I replaced all the connectors around the ground block. Reoriented the ground blocks so that they were level and put loops in the lines before...
  11. D

    Lost Odd T's on 119

    Ok, 1-9 are spotbeams...nevermind. I installed a new legacy quad 4 lnb, ran a check switch and all the receivers found the sat signal. Signal levels looked good, at least for 1/2 hour. Then back to the acquiring sat signal block. I was able to get past that block only on the 811 by...
  12. D

    Lost Odd T's on 119

    Anyone else having trouble with 119 ??? After 110 came back up, we had 2 days without trouble. Now 110 is at 115 signal strength. 119 evens at 75, and 119 odds at zero. I can't see where aiming the dish would help....any ideas ?? Anyone else having trouble ? signal strength...
  13. D

    Lost one satellite feed . . . what's wrong??

    Ok, now I'm receiving all channels from 110 and 119. Why would 119 go out for 110 problems. I did absolutely nothing but run switch checks. Lost a week total to this baloney.
  14. D

    Lost one satellite feed . . . what's wrong??

    Ok Simon, what gage wire to ground the dishes ?
  15. D

    Lost one satellite feed . . . what's wrong??

    Same problem with quad setup I lost 119 in Louisville last weekend. Fluttering 119 signal strength and rock solid 110 at first. If I go straight to a channel on a 110 transponder on any of the recievers it won't show the program, just the acquiring satellite block. Now I don't show but half...
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