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Recent content by parker1158 | SatelliteGuys.US

Recent content by parker1158

  1. parker1158

    power for the 4x4 switch

    im going to take a wild guess and say no. Legacy and pro plus are pretty different im guessing the voltage wouldn't be the same i def would not try it. what kind of dish do you have and what kind and how many recievers do you have? Whats the reason your wanting to use the pro plus 44 switch? and...
  2. parker1158

    Need help with setup

    well i would scrap that .4 to begin with. The signals it pulls are the lowest compaired to the 1000.2 or the 500. What i would do if i was you is to get 2 20 inch dish's (the dish 500) they are cheap you could get two full kits here under 100 dollars. Anyways the first one use for aiming at the...
  3. parker1158

    Remote issues

    i ran into the same problem on an install a few months back with a 50 inch lcd all i did was turn the brightness level of the tv up just a little bit not evan enough to really make to much of a difference and fixed the prob right away
  4. parker1158

    Tailgating Help

    opps.... then run a cable from the two way splitter to each tv put one tv on the channel tv2 usually works on and set the other to what ever channel you set the reciever to work on for tv1
  5. parker1158

    Tailgating Help

    Just in case the tv's do not have inputs for a/v cables you could have a short cable coming out of the home distribution going into a two way splitter. If this is done obviously then you would want to go into menu and go to modulator setup (menu button then press 6 1 5) change tv1 setting to...
  6. parker1158

    How often does DN call to verify?

    lol..... thanks ill make a note to change that. In my defense i didnt not read the rules i thought we were all adults and a place like this people could speak/type freely as long as they wernt harassing or using it towards anyone in a negative way. i am new here so thank you. I like this site...
  7. parker1158

    Is there an adapter available to install 1000.4 to 2" super dish mast ?

    i dont want to step on anyones toes here. Just my opinion as an installer so take this with a grain of salt. i strongly disagree with what awohar said adding the adapter makes it more sturdy than the sd mount. Not true the .4 dish like the superdish mass has it's own mass and suport arms given...
  8. parker1158

    Is there an adapter available to install 1000.4 to 2" super dish mast ?

    tell the tech to use a primestar pole adaptor every company should have them and they dont cost you a thing. i use them everyday they rock when doing 500 dish upgrades. however i think that it was mentioned already about the weight of the .4 dish if you wont let the tech put up a new mass which...
  9. parker1158

    Spare TV1/IR 158926 Remote

    Just in case im not on when you reply if you do in fact have two remotes already..... using the one that is working for your reciever hit the menu button then press 613 that should take you into the system info screen just hit the record button on both remotes it should sync each one to that...
  10. parker1158

    Spare TV1/IR 158926 Remote

    what reciever model do you have? And are you asking how do you set two remotes to operate the same reciever? Do you have two remotes already? give me a little more info and i can probebly help you
  11. parker1158


    If what you are saying is that you already have a dish reciever and have a dish whats the best way to get service with dish without having to have a retailer come and install you and so you dont have to pay installation? if that is what your asking then first off exactly what lnb do you have...
  12. parker1158

    How often does DN call to verify?

    you mean to tell me if they call me to verify all the numbers of my recievers and i a. dont answer the phone period or b. answer and hang up right away they will shut me down. and what if i dont have a phone or my number on my account is not active anymore then what. This is the first i have...
  13. parker1158

    Buyers remorse time to opt out of DISH?

    Seems like i have seen that sort of issue at a similar place here in wisconsin. Agrees with sexy warlock the switch would ultimately be for the best. But if thats the situation and its available to them once again just switch back there just isnt a way to get out of the contract without paying...
  14. parker1158

    61.5 LNB drift

    I install dish systems. Im not sure if this goes for all the lnb's due to the fact i dont run into drift at all exept on the super dish 121 arrays i have yet to see it on any other lnb we install or service. But just incase its the same for all dish lnb's ill post this. There is something called...
  15. parker1158

    Parts for 1000.2

    exactly what part of the 1000.2 dish kit are you needing? IM a installer for dishnetwork, we have what we call a dish graveyard in the back i would concider sending you parts you need given you send me a box and include the cost for me to send it back to you with the parts in it just let me know
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