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  • Users: joem919
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  1. joem919

    hi all been a while for me

    been a while since ive been on , had some surgury and lay up time done so all is well. I got my fta system back up in running Thanks to a bunch of great guys i have stayed in contact with going to c band come next month n a half after we move into our new place, Already checked intire area its...
  2. joem919

    happy new year 2009

    well we finealy found a wonderful place in sc 10 miles from conway ,the owner has a 12 ft c band stoped useing it as of april in switched to cable, they have offerd it to me when we move in next week. so now i will be in the real worrld of fta. just gotta figure how this all is gonna go into...
  3. joem919

    has g-18 changed some networks ?

    does anyone know if g-18 has changed any networks around this past month ?
  4. joem919

    diseqc switch ?

    ok i have the invacom0.3db lnbf, my question how do i set this settings for l n r and h n v . I have the diseqc 4 n 1 switch . thanks for any one who responds on this and their help
  5. joem919

    tropical storme hanna has arrived in mb sc

    well tropical storme has found us ( but not my dish system ) winds are about 65 with some rain so not that bad ,its 848 pm est time all is well
  6. joem919

    interesting ? about c band fta

    I notice since i have my motor installed, I did a blind search on g10r under c band bye mistake. is it possable for me to actually get it with a 90 cm dish qual lnb ? I seem to be getting live transponders on blind scan
  7. joem919

    finealy my motor works in up n running

    i hope everyone has a fantastic weekend ,its officall i got my motor installed doing smart searches oh whata joyful weekend its turned out to be
  8. joem919

    does any 1 have a list of new sats names ?

    i notice alot of sattlelites being replaced ,and new names for them. Does anyone have a up to date list , of whats been changed and hasent been changed yet? I keep checking the list but it hasent been updated yet
  9. joem919

    weekend of frustration

    well i took everyones advice tryed till i was red as a lobster to work this motor. seems i would get it to run but ,I couldnt hit the arch,went back n forth,for like 3 1/2 hours. I even had 3 installers 1 from dish 2 from direct wondering what i was doing, I told the 3rd 1 im standing on my feet...
  10. joem919

    is anyone close to my area that can help set motor ?

    guys ,you all have herd me before ramble on about my system I have. I still not been able to install the motor. I still get great quility and level , haveing it on g10r aka g18, it seems . I have tryed everything evryone asked told me to try so if anyone is close and interested in helping me out...
  11. joem919

    still cant find a true fta installer for motor

    ive tryed n looked i cant find a true person who knows how to hook up my fta motor system so i guess im gonna give up looking and keep it stationary thanks for everyones help threw it
  12. joem919

    does anyone know where il be able to find olympic feeds at this comeing weekend ?

    since the olympics are starting i was wondering if anyone new where i could find the best feeds at ?
  13. joem919

    nbc note for some users in myrtle beach

    myrtle beach has come out with a new NBC channel in myrtle beach its 8.8.08 if anyone is interested i will try n figure out where they have it set just launched friday
  14. joem919

    my wife wants to shoot my dish helpp

    all the good programming on weekends n weeknights im haveing to much fun now my wife wants to shoot my dish n toss my resever into the atlantic anyone else have same issues with spouses lol
  15. joem919

    analog to digital fta question

    since the channels are going to digital is that gonna make a differences for us fta users who uses ku band or am i still safe ?
  16. joem919

    question avout conus signals

    does conus mean its on a spot beam and can only reach a certain area ? or is it a scrambled channel ?
  17. joem919

    antenna local question

    i notice on back of my pansat and mercury 11 resevers a place for a spot to place a antenna for locals does anyone know how it will appear on your resevers
  18. joem919

    Retro Jams no sound??

    iceberg its still their i have video no sound but found out why i dont have sound lol
  19. joem919

    galaxy 10 r comes alive for me

    i had 2 installers inform me that a tree was in the way for g10r i spent half the day slowly moveing the dish bye hand back in forth well so far 18 transponders on g10 and i owe all my learning how to use this dish to satellite guys no useing a bird dog or sat meter all done line of sight n...
  20. joem919

    g28 feeds

    i got a new wineguard dish system with a new lnb and i hit g28 with a 72 percent on abc news now.but problem is i got 565 other channels looks like all paid am i on 2 sats or what ?
  21. joem919

    g28 info question

    im getting strong n week transponders on g 28 some seem to be paid subscription channels could i still be hitting another bird ? because my transponder code is 12676v19.999 abc news now comes in strong 65 percent
  22. joem919

    this is so funny i had to share it with u

    our local cable company added a cbs 2 to their network claiming its myrtle beach programming what a surprise its a rtn network from g10 and their claiming its their programming lol
  23. joem919

    the people on this sight

    threw all the mess from nc to sc all of u have been great n helping me out .u all have taught me alot on the fta side and i am so glad to be a part of this group ty all so much
  24. joem919

    happy fathers day to all u dads

    just wanted to wish all u dads a happy fathers day hope its a good 1 for u
  25. joem919

    how close togeather are sattlellets in space

    after scrolling n scrolling threw the chat and going out fiddleing with the dish just curious but realy how far apart are all the sats ?i mean if i move a cpl inches n the dish im on amc 4 then move it not even a inch to 2 inches im on amc 1 ? are they all really that spread closed to each other ?
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