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  1. BigShowJoe

    CE's for the Weekend of 7.27

    That did it. Thanks.
  2. BigShowJoe

    CE's for the Weekend of 7.27

    Forgive me if its been covered but I downloaded the CE for my HR-34 last night and I don't see Pandora or YouTube. Aren't they supposed to be part of this CE?
  3. BigShowJoe

    CE's for the Weekend of 7.27

    Just got my HR34 today so I'm ready. Long time CE'er on the HR20.
  4. BigShowJoe

    Upgrade questions.

    Install was moved up to today and just finished. Everything works great. Love D*. Thanks for all the input guys.
  5. BigShowJoe

    Upgrade questions.

    I think I just answered my last question. My order includes the cinema connection kit. That connects to my wireless router correct?
  6. BigShowJoe

    Upgrade questions.

    So for my setup: dish to power inserter to splitter to each receiver? That setup could also be split to one more single tuner receiver in the future correct? Do both the HR34 and HR24 each need an internet connection (for on demand, etc.)?
  7. BigShowJoe

    Upgrade questions.

    Thanks for the info. Yes, I will only have one HR34 and one HR24. So with the SWM, there will never be more than one line coming from the dish itself? After that, just a splitter and straight to the receivers?
  8. BigShowJoe

    Upgrade questions.

    I am scheduled for an install next week to upgrade to an HR34 in my living room and an HR24 in the master bedroom. I currently have an HR20 in the living room and an H20 in the bedroom. These are my only D* receivers. There are currently 4 lines coming from my dish. Two to the HR20, one to...
  9. BigShowJoe

    Kudos to Dish (and D* as well)

    Was this coverage on the NASA channel?
  10. BigShowJoe

    Club Dish

  11. BigShowJoe

    Club Dish

    Anyone needing a Club Dish referral number please PM me. I have two to give away. These will save you $50 on a new install. Don't signup for new service without one.
  12. BigShowJoe

    Listing of Free Preview Channels?

    All I know is that MLB Extra Innings will be on free preview from today thru Monday. Channels 625-639.
  13. BigShowJoe

    NJ User - Cannot watch majority of MLB games

    Does MLB EI still cost $169 halfway through the season?
  14. BigShowJoe

    Dish Service Sux

    I understand your frustration but I have to say that I totally agree with sksatellite's statement about using local retailers. You always have them IN TOWN (as opposed to India) and they will make problems right because otherwise their credibility is damaged. Sorry to hear about the problems...
  15. BigShowJoe

    OTA PreAmp w/ DPP

    Thanks. So what you are saying is that the 24VDC that the Satellite receiver sends to the LNB will also give the preamp enough power??
  16. BigShowJoe

    OTA PreAmp w/ DPP

    Can I diplex an ota antenna with a pre-amp and a dish pro plus lnb? I know I can diplex just the antenna but my question is, is the pre-amp going to cause problems with the antenna or the sat signal? If no problem, then once inside, do I put the combined line into the power injector or just the...
  17. BigShowJoe

    Is Dish ever going to add any more channels?

    With ten more coming this fall. Bringing the total HD channels to 27. NOBODY else has that.
  18. BigShowJoe

    No difference in 942 monthly fees lease vs. purchase?!?

    From what I have seen on the Dish website, the 942 has what they call a stand alone price of $699 but if you add it to a package (lease) its only $299. Maybe thats just for new customers though.
  19. BigShowJoe

    cable/satellite question

    I don't know from experience, but I have heard that its a bad idea to diplex cable and sat feeds. They arent the same frequency but it can still cause problems. Especially with the signal needed for a cable modem and a HD satellite receiver. The Dish installer told me that when he put my...
  20. BigShowJoe

    811 Works for me

    Well, I got my Dish Network installed with the 811 today. I was worried the whole time because of all the issues I have read about SD PQ. Once it was installed, I was disappointed. The SD PQ was not good to say the least. I still had digital cable installed and I used it as a reference...
  21. BigShowJoe


    Ok, I am currently a cable customer and I have no problem with them. I have a scheudled install of Dish Network today but I have heard a lot of bad things about the 811. Someone who has made the switch from digital cable and hd to Dish 811 please tell me your opinion. I don't want to get into...
  22. BigShowJoe

    New guy...811 question

    I have no problem using s-video for SD and component for HD but how do I get audio to two different video inputs on the TV?? Is it ok to put a Y cable on the autio out jacks from the 811?
  23. BigShowJoe

    Distant Locals

    My dream would be for them to split sports packages up by the team at cheaper rates than having to buy the whole package. Especially for the Red Sox Nation :)
  24. BigShowJoe

    Distant Locals

    So in other words, since I live in SC, there is no possible way for me to get Red Sox games without buying the MLB Extra Innings???? (NESN, WSBK)
  25. BigShowJoe

    Distant Locals

    Does anyone know if with distant locals, you also get that regional sports network without blackouts?? As if that were your home location. The reason I ask is because I am a fan of a baseball team not in my region and from what I gather, I can't get just that teams games. I have to order the...
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