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Search results for query: *

  1. I

    D12 satellite - now we're receiving signals!

    My guess that any delay that might be occuring would have a lot to do with the BSS payload, and the fact that Spectrum Five seems to be absolutly intent on preventing D* from doing anything BSS related. I wouldn't blame directv if they wished to have as nuch time as possible testing the BSS...
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    Need help bypassing parental controls @ work.

    LOL! I was trying to get my post count down to 1 per year ;). Geuss I blew that all to heck.
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    Need help bypassing parental controls @ work.

    What a soap opera! The OP asked a simple question which in this case has a very simple answer. What he is asking cannot be done within his requirments. He didn't ask what we would do were we his employer. He didn't ask if we had the privlege of television in our break rooms. He didn't ask for...
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    Will D* Use Some of the Additional Bandwidth for More SD Channels?

    Ok I have to chime in here at this point. all you SD only peeps out there. For whatever reason you seem to think that you are getting shafted by D* with this round of upgrades. Well welcome to the club!;) D* has been steadily adding SD channels since 2004. Meanwhile those of us looking for HD...
  5. I

    H20 Guide Blows!

    Is it just me or does anyone else think that the program guide on the H20's absolutely sucks. I just got 2 new H20's and if I didn't need em to get HD locals in the Twin Cities, I'd toss them in the trash. What is the deal with having to pick the filter for the guide every time you want to look...
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    FCC response to my email about HD "lite"

    The definition of HD seems to be somewhat slippery. Being as several of the networks have chosen to broadcast thier "HD" in 720p, it could be argued that 720p is the mimimum resolution to be called High Definition. It seems like the legal lusers over at D* have covered pretty well. I hope...
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    Modem Fried

    Similar Problem My HD300 was killed by a voltage spike. I sent it to sony, and it only cost 70 dollars to repair. While it was in it's warranty period I didn't crab about the $$ cause the surge was my fault. (didn't tell them that though)
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    Space Systems/Loral Completes DIRECTV 8 Two Months Early

    More likely than not the the bird will launch at or near it's scheduled launch slot. Launches are very tightly scheduled, and generally not subject to change forward.
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    Stay away from Value Electronics!

    caterpa, I was in no way trying to say that you were in the "wrong" if there is a right and wrong here. only that you didn't actually tell the whole story in your post. Certainly VE has the responsibility to take care of your situation, and as his post indicated he will do so, as soon as he...
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    Stay away from Value Electronics!

    Well I for one will not be too put off of VE simply because of what's been posted here. I've seen many many posts from more than satisfied individuals, and just this one poor one. Seems to me like there are some other factors involved that were somewhat glossed over. Such as the installer...
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    Bad Install?

    Hey! Lets see some pics of the re-install. It'd be nice to see something done right :)
  12. I

    Titans - Dolphins Moved To Saturday

    Doh! Just out of curiosity, What do you think D* should do about this. The phrase "Act of God" comes to mind here. Changes were made that were beyond D*'s control. I am sure that when you go to E* you will find their NFL-ST package to be eminently satisfactory. :eek: "NEWS at...
  13. I

    HD200 vs HD300

    The HD-200 will not output 480i and DVI/RGB Simultaneously. The HD-300 seems to run a whole bunch cooler than the HD-200, and also in my area at least gets vastly better OTA reception. Hope that helps ya :-)
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