Hi all
So, what do you think? Opinions?--
Last week, a local newspaper published an interview with Dish Manager for Puerto Rico, and he stated:
OK, so I went and counted.... (AEP here)
Right now I have 68 HD "regular" channels (cable, networks, premium), 4 Sports ALT, 11 PPV movie channels, 1 NHL Center Ice channel, plus 1 at 5710 (Velocity)
So that equals 85, plus Fox next week (hopefully) = 86. And I am being extra generous; the Alt channels are usually not available to us.
Let's add to this CI, PIXL, HDNMV, UNIHD, (which are in the guide, green color, don't think that right now we can subscribe to them), with those we could have 90 (or 86 if you subtract the ALTs)
So what are going to be the other 10 or 14?
I could suggest... (how about the premiums we lost, anyone?
Then again, am I missing some? I mean, if we need 10 to 14, but there is only 5 to reach the 19 new HD channels mentioned in the story, where are the other 9 channels coming from? Are there any Dish Latino HD channels that are not included in AEP?
Or maybe the newspaper misquoted him?
What do you think?
So, what do you think? Opinions?--
Last week, a local newspaper published an interview with Dish Manager for Puerto Rico, and he stated:
desde ayer se están añadiendo 19 nuevos canales de alta definición (HD por sus siglas en inglés) a su programación local, para un total de 100 canales en alta definición" (roughly- "since yesterday we are adding 19 new HD channels to our local programming, for a total of 100 HD channels").
So, last week Dish added 13 HD channels, 14 if you count Fox HD which is uplinked but not yet available. That leaves just 5 to be added....
OK, so I went and counted.... (AEP here)
Right now I have 68 HD "regular" channels (cable, networks, premium), 4 Sports ALT, 11 PPV movie channels, 1 NHL Center Ice channel, plus 1 at 5710 (Velocity)
So that equals 85, plus Fox next week (hopefully) = 86. And I am being extra generous; the Alt channels are usually not available to us.
Let's add to this CI, PIXL, HDNMV, UNIHD, (which are in the guide, green color, don't think that right now we can subscribe to them), with those we could have 90 (or 86 if you subtract the ALTs)
So what are going to be the other 10 or 14?
I could suggest... (how about the premiums we lost, anyone?

Then again, am I missing some? I mean, if we need 10 to 14, but there is only 5 to reach the 19 new HD channels mentioned in the story, where are the other 9 channels coming from? Are there any Dish Latino HD channels that are not included in AEP?
Or maybe the newspaper misquoted him?
What do you think?