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100 HD channels in Puerto Rico? | SatelliteGuys.US

100 HD channels in Puerto Rico?


SatelliteGuys Pro
Original poster
Jun 21, 2008
Guaynabo, Puerto Rico
Hi all
So, what do you think? Opinions?--

Last week, a local newspaper published an interview with Dish Manager for Puerto Rico, and he stated:
desde ayer se están añadiendo 19 nuevos canales de alta definición (HD por sus siglas en inglés) a su programación local, para un total de 100 canales en alta definición" (roughly- "since yesterday we are adding 19 new HD channels to our local programming, for a total of 100 HD channels").
So, last week Dish added 13 HD channels, 14 if you count Fox HD which is uplinked but not yet available. That leaves just 5 to be added....

OK, so I went and counted.... (AEP here)
Right now I have 68 HD "regular" channels (cable, networks, premium), 4 Sports ALT, 11 PPV movie channels, 1 NHL Center Ice channel, plus 1 at 5710 (Velocity)
So that equals 85, plus Fox next week (hopefully) = 86. And I am being extra generous; the Alt channels are usually not available to us.
Let's add to this CI, PIXL, HDNMV, UNIHD, (which are in the guide, green color, don't think that right now we can subscribe to them), with those we could have 90 (or 86 if you subtract the ALTs)

So what are going to be the other 10 or 14?

I could suggest... (how about the premiums we lost, anyone?:))

Then again, am I missing some? I mean, if we need 10 to 14, but there is only 5 to reach the 19 new HD channels mentioned in the story, where are the other 9 channels coming from? Are there any Dish Latino HD channels that are not included in AEP?

Or maybe the newspaper misquoted him?

What do you think?
I asked the same question last week & nobody made a remark also. Just saw an add on wapa2 game for hopper & 100+ HD channels. I also don't understand the math here....unless they are counting the HD VOD also. I don't think we will ever know.

But I am sure this is just a pr stunt due to increasing hd competition.
rajmarie said:
I asked the same question last week & nobody made a remark also. Just saw an add on wapa2 game for hopper & 100+ HD channels. I also don't understand the math here....unless they are counting the HD VOD also. I don't think we will ever know.

But I am sure this is just a pr stunt due to increasing hd competition.

They will count vod, ppv, and alts to get your 100, just like they did for us here in the lower 48 when they were starting the HD race with Directv.

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Then it is false advertising

Doubtful that is actually false advertising. There probably are about\very close to 100 HD channels, or will be. It's true though seems overstating it when ALT channels are included for instance, but they are HD. And evey carrier does that.
I check my 722k VOD on channel 1...& found that there are 15 HD VOD movies listed there.

Also since I have AT200....I counted approx 60 HD channels that include locals, networks & PPV. So adding that VOD takes it to 75+.

IMO that is actually false but since every carries does that...I guess cant blame Dish.

BTW...just check the 70+ HD channel list of Onelink (maybe its their future list)...& they are only local & networks. No PPV or HD VOD listed there. So in a way...Onelink will have more HD...then Dish
I check my 722k VOD on channel 1...& found that there are 15 HD VOD movies listed there.

So there are the last 15 channels to drive this list to 100... I have a 211, not ethernet connected, so no channel 1 here (I don't remember if they are even capable of receiving VOD, not much interested in VOD right now)... So, I won't see the 100 HD channels.
I was hoping that maybe we had at least a chance of getting back some of those premiums we lost...

I understand carriers counting the VOD, even if not everyone can see them. I won't accept they counting ALT channels that are only "available" when nothing is on, and when there is a game they are always blacked out-"not available in your area", because in reality, they are never available. But in our case, it does not seem they are counting those.

So the list goes- 68 "regular" + 11 PPV + 1 NHL Center ICE (I don't know if this is available to us when they are really broadcasting) + 5710 (dummy Velocity channel, no guide) + 15 VOD (as per rajmarie) + Fox (when available) = 97. Plus we could easily receive and they could add (if they decide so, but I don't see any movement in that direction) CI, PIXL, UNIHD for a total of 100, in theory. In reality, right now we only have 96...
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HDNMV is already available on channel 130.

Still...I am not happy to see Dish advertising 100 HD channels...when in reality...if you have everything pack (their highest) you get about 70HD only...the rest of he 30 are PPV or VOD.
HDNMV is already available on channel 130.

Still...I am not happy to see Dish advertising 100 HD channels...when in reality...if you have everything pack (their highest) you get about 70HD only...the rest of he 30 are PPV or VOD.
You are right about HDNMV! I'll edit the post above to reflect this.
I check my 722k VOD on channel 1...& found that there are 15 HD VOD movies listed there.

Also since I have AT200....I counted approx 60 HD channels that include locals, networks & PPV. So adding that VOD takes it to 75+.

IMO that is actually false but since every carries does that...I guess cant blame Dish.

BTW...just check the 70+ HD channel list of Onelink (maybe its their future list)...& they are only local & networks. No PPV or HD VOD listed there. So in a way...Onelink will have more HD...then Dish

Where is the Onelink HD Channel list? It's available online?
HDNMV is already available on channel 130.

Still...I am not happy to see Dish advertising 100 HD channels...when in reality...if you have everything pack (their highest) you get about 70HD only...the rest of he 30 are PPV or VOD.

I have to disagree about the PPV or VOD, I think it's fair to count those. Although you may not want to use them, could be good for someone else. No different than saying there are 60 HD channels in my package but I only watch 40 so there are only 40.
Checking that lineup, here are the channels DirectTV PR offers in HD that are not available to Dish PR customers (30 channels in total). Channels in bold are channels that Dish offers in HD to US customers:

Yes, I care to. Look a few posts back, there are over 100. I might agree Alt channels for example are a stretch, but you can't pick and choose if you are going to make a big deal about the count and if someone is going to throw around false advertising.
Tampa8 said:
Yes, I care to. Look a few posts back, there are over 100. I might agree Alt channels for example are a stretch, but you can't pick and choose if you are going to make a big deal about the count and if someone is going to throw around false advertising.

There are abt 35 HD ppv, HD movies & HD vod. That's 1/3 of their HD lineup. Looks like dish is doing what Comcast used to do (or are still doing). The correct wording should be more 100HD choices at any time.

I leave it like that now. At least it's more then before.
anyone cares about posting a channel list including the totally of the HD channels available to PR? since i'm subbed to AEP, and only counts 65 channels, it will be interesting to see where are those missing channels that totals more than 100. maybe those missing channels are going to be added before the year ends? hope before december 21!
Yes, I care to. Look a few posts back, there are over 100. I might agree Alt channels for example are a stretch, but you can't pick and choose if you are going to make a big deal about the count and if someone is going to throw around false advertising.
Tampa, I think I need to clarify, because it was me who made the count, and it was me who made the comment about false advertising.
About the false advertising, I was never stating as fact that they were making false claims. I was replying to a comment from rajmarie (and quoted his comment), that maybe it was "a pr stunt". What I meant to say was that, if it was indeed a pr stunt and they did not have 100 channels and were advertising 100 channels, then it was false advertising. I thought I was clear, but I am sorry if I was not. I understand that they count PPV, it is their right to do so and I believe they should (I always counted them).

About the count:. First of all, the ALT channels I referred to are "visible" in the guide but NEVER available to PR, so I do believe they should not be counted, they are not PR HD channels. It is not like the PPV, where I could opt to buy and watch (I counted those and, again, have no problem with DISH counting them). Or the ESPN alts, which are not HD but once in a while we can watch them. Hey, I even counted a TEST channel with no guide info, that would render that channel unrecordable in the hoppers and joeys.
So, to be clear, unless my receiver is unable to show me additional HD channels (as happened with the VOD channels someone already pointed out and I added):
Right now I see 96, plus FOX when its made available= 97. And if someone from PR with BB can confirm if they receive PIXL, CI and UNIHD those would add to 100 (until recently, those channels were not available to us).

This thread was created as an informative collaborative discussion about the real number of HD channels in PR, responding to questions from other members in other threads. I have never tried to be sarcastic, ironic, etc. (and I know you are not accusing anyone of anything, just trying to be clear for anyone else reading about why I started this thread). I am the first one that hopes that Dish numbers are real (hope they were more than 200 :)). But I can't find them. And when I started this thread, I had around 85 (I don't have a VOD channel in my receiver), so you would understand my interest in trying to find how Dish was going to accomplish this.

Tonight I will be back at my receiver, I will make sure I can see all available channels, and I will count again; I could have missed channels. Anyone in PR who receives any HD channel in addition to what has been discussed, please post them. Right now, I just need one more HD channel to meet Dish advertising (101 is "+100", as the graphic in their commercial states).
I will try to make a list, per manteca's request...
Hope this clarifies my previous posts.

Hopper freeze

Anyone else's guide still showing X-Factor on fox on Sunday 11/4?

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