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1000+ Upgrade is a joke. | SatelliteGuys.US

1000+ Upgrade is a joke.

John Kotches

SatelliteGuys Master
Original poster
Supporting Founder
Nov 21, 2003
Troy, IL (STL Area)
I don't know why Dish is bothering to say that the Dish 1000+ exists.

I had a 3rd install appointment scheduled today from 8-12. I got called at 11:00am saying the equipment was backordered and that I was being pushed back four weeks AGAIN.

As a nearly 7 year subscriber I am beyond furious that I would be treated in such an unprofessional and uncaring fashion. I'm a high dollar subscriber, I pay on-time with CC autopay every month and have for years.

This is a complete and literal (insert string of expletives here).
With an appt. to have that dish installed with the 622 Friday, I'm dismayed to hear your experience. I'm self-employed and have arranged other's schedules (in addition to my own) in order to be home for the install. A call like the one you got would make me very irritated indeed.

Can I hope the shortage of equipment doesn't exist in Northern California? Or does it make a difference whether it's a subcontractor or not? Maybe since I've been a subscriber for over 10 years there won't be a "shortage" for me? (Yah, right!)
John Kotches said:
This is a complete and literal (insert string of expletives here).

While I'm not sure exactly which expletives you would have inserted, I have a couple of guesses. On the other hand, I am farily certain that you meant figurative not literal. For example, I'm sure that this is not a literal "load of [scatological term here]", as that would be a stinky mess that the installer would certainly be required (by law surely) to clean up. Or for example, I don't think it was a literal "knowing" (in the Biblical sense of know), as there would be even greater legal ramifications (unless it was consensual).

Beyond that technical difficulty, I agree with you: That sucks.

Since you don't know the expletives involved I wouldn't say that you don't know ;)

Even better, after escalating they can't tell me for 48-72 hours when they might know an estimated installation date.

Of course my locals are shutdown because I have a work order to "add local channels".

In their infinite wisdom it didn't occur to them to program things so that the local HDs are a seperate line item at 0 cost so that you don't shut down all the sat locals just to add the HDs which are on a seperate sat and require a hardware upgrade that is proving very difficult to get installed. Of course not, because there will never be a lengthy delay for the install.

John I'm sorry that this has happened to you. The same thing happened to me when the 105 SuperDish came out for my locals about three years ago. Dish was advertising that local channels in Columbia were available for over three months before I was able to get the darn thing. I had the installers cancel three appointments with the first appointment being a no show without even calling me. They didn't have the SuperDish antenna in sufficient quanities. The installers were using what they had on hand for new installs not current customers.
Any market where content is present on 119K (118.75). Detroit and St. Louis have local HDs there. I'm not sure what else is there to be honest with you.

I'm in the same boat - in the Detroit area. I had a 1000+ install rescheduled about 5 times so far; the last install date was this Monday. Dish never showed up - which didn't surprise me. So I called DISH up, and I was told that they tried to call me this weekend but there was no answer (flat out lie, because I have Vonage and I can see all of the incoming calls - including the others from Dish previously). Anyway, they "automatically" rescheduled me for August 21st.

I am sorry you have been resched so many times. I can tell you though that new customers are not getting dish1000+ either. Another tech on here even said the only one that had been installed was one they had gotten for shop training. We have not seen dish500+ either.

So don't feel bad it's not just you. Try being the guy that has to call and reschedual these people time and time again.
I'm on my third reschedule. I'm a new customer (actually, coming back after 18 months gone). Suppose to be hooked up Friday......... but I'm not holding my breath......:D
John Kotches said:
Yet new installs are getting the 1000+.

It makes sense; current subscribers are captive, new subscribers are not.


I just bought another house and just had my install. They installed a pieace of crap 1000, not a 1000+. So my signal on 129 sucks. So, I did not get a 1000+, just a FYI.

On the kind of funny side, during the install, my brain surgeon installer forgot to bring a DPP44, he waited four hours fora guy to bring him one instead of driving five minutes to where the the guy with the switch was. This is not a joke and it was 98 degrees.
Claude Greiner said:
Dishstore has 1000 Plus Dishes. You could do your upgrade yourself :)
I was just on the Dishstore web site and even though they list the 1000 plus dish in the side bar area, when you click on the link it doesn't show the dish at all. Is it shown somewhere else on their site ??? If so, could you provide a link to it ??

The 1000 and 1000+ use the same reflector. If your 129 signals are low, and by low I mean less than 60 because 80 is good on 129. Then your installer did not aim the dish properly.
Have you even tried calling any local resellers to see if they even have any Dish 1000+ in?? If not I would have done that before I even think about calling Dish to setup a install. Due to if the local installers do not have them on site then they will half to waite to get them in stock. If they dont have them in stock then most likely everyone in that area will half to waite untill they have some there localy. Plus if you get your local HD on the 129 or 119 or 110 then there is no real need for q 1000+. I know some have had low signal issues with the 129 with a Dish 1000 but most time thats do to how the Dish was installed. :)
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