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11/4/2011 8:20pm - Uplink Activity Report - 67 changes | SatelliteGuys.US

11/4/2011 8:20pm - Uplink Activity Report - 67 changes


DigiDish Uplink Report

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SatelliteGuys.US DishNetwork Uplink Activity Report - 11/4/2011 8:20pm - 67 changes

Uplink Comparison Range: 10/29/2011 03:31A - 11/04/2011 08:16P

Channel Additions:
5264(9) - WVAN [MPEG4 HD] added to Ciel-2 129W TP 11 Spotbeam 44 (Mkt:Savannah, GA-Savannah, GA-PBS) (NA)
5265(21) - KAME [MPEG4 HD] added to Ciel-2 129W TP 02 Spotbeam 17 (Mkt:Reno, NV-Reno, NV-MY) (NA)
5186(18) - KLRU [MPEG4 HD] added to Ciel-2 129W TP 12 Spotbeam 48 (Mkt:Austin, TX-Austin, TX-PBS) (NA)
5186(18) - KLRU [MPEG4 HD] added to Echostar12 61.5W TP 05 Spotbeam 17 (Mkt:Austin, TX-Austin, TX-PBS) (NA)
215 - CURNT [MPEG2 SD] added to EchoStar11 110W TP 01 ConUS beam (Current TV) (A)
215 - CURNT [MPEG4 SD] added to Nimiq5 72.7W TP 05 ConUS beam (Current TV) (A)
349 - OFFER [MPEG2 SD] added to EchoStar11 110W TP 21 ConUS beam (A) (H)
349 - OFFER [MPEG4 SD] added to EchoStar15 61.5W TP 22 ConUS beam (A) (H)
5407(299) - REELZ [MPEG4 HD] added to Ciel-2 129W TP 24 ConUS beam (Reelz Channel) (A) (H)
5407(299) - REELZ [MPEG4 HD] added to Nimiq5 72.7W TP 04 ConUS beam (Reelz Channel) (A) (H)
5837 - TST1 [MPEG2 SD] added to Anik F3 118.7W TP 31 ConUS beam (NA)
9504(299) - REELZ [MPEG4 HD] added to Ciel-2 129W TP 24 ConUS beam (Reelz Channel) (A) (H)
9504(299) - REELZ [MPEG4 HD] added to Nimiq5 72.7W TP 04 ConUS beam (Reelz Channel) (A) (H)

Channel Removals:
215 - TRV (A) (H) [MPEG2 SD] removed from EchoStar11 110W TP 09 ConUS beam (Travel Channel)
215 - TRV (A) (H) [MPEG4 SD] removed from EchoStar15 61.5W TP 20 ConUS beam (Travel Channel)
610 - GRMSP (A) (H) [MPEG2 SD] removed from Anik F3 118.7W TP 03 ConUS beam (My Sports Germany)
724 - GKINO (A) (H) [MPEG2 SD] removed from Anik F3 118.7W TP 03 ConUS beam (German Kino Plus)
725 - DWTV (A) (H) [MPEG2 SD] removed from Anik F3 118.7W TP 03 ConUS beam (Deutsche Welle (USA))
726 - PRSBN (A) (H) [MPEG2 SD] removed from Anik F3 118.7W TP 03 ConUS beam (ProSiebenSat.1 Welt (German))
4172 - TMP20 (NA) [MPEG4 HD] removed from Ciel-2 129W TP 18 ConUS beam
4180 - TMP21 (NA) [MPEG4 HD] removed from Ciel-2 129W TP 28 ConUS beam

Channel Package Flag Changes:
6446(60) - KCSM [MPEG4 HD] - Ciel-2 129W TP 01 Spotbeam 16 changed to Available (H) (Mkt:San Francisco, CA-San Mateo, CA-PBS)
5264(5) - KNPB [MPEG4 HD] - Ciel-2 129W TP 02 Spotbeam 17 changed to Available (H) (Mkt:Reno, NV-Reno, NV-PBS)
947(87) - AUD20 [MPEG AUDIO] - EchoStar14 119W TP 12 ConUS beam changed to free preview (A) (Mkt:Abilene, TX)
947(87) - AUD20 [MPEG AUDIO] - Nimiq5 72.7W TP 22 ConUS beam changed to free preview (A) (Mkt:Abilene, TX)
949(82) - MUZK2 [MPEG AUDIO] - EchoStar14 119W TP 12 ConUS beam changed to free preview (A) (Mkt:Abilene, TX)
949(82) - MUZK2 [MPEG AUDIO] - Nimiq5 72.7W TP 22 ConUS beam changed to free preview (A) (Mkt:Abilene, TX)
294 - CURNT [MPEG2 SD] - EchoStar11 110W TP 01 ConUS beam changed to free preview (A) (Current TV)
294 - CURNT [MPEG4 SD] - Nimiq5 72.7W TP 05 ConUS beam changed to free preview (A) (Current TV)
375 - SHRTS [MPEG4 HD] - Ciel-2 129W TP 26 ConUS beam changed to hidden from non-subs (Shorts) (A) (H)
375 - SHRTS [MPEG4 HD] - EchoStar15 61.5W TP 28 ConUS beam changed to hidden from non-subs (Shorts) (A) (H)
388 - PIXL [MPEG2 SD] - EchoStar14 119W TP 21 ConUS beam changed to Available
388 - PIXL [MPEG4 SD] - Nimiq5 72.7W TP 22 ConUS beam changed to Available
5524 - UNIHD [MPEG4 HD] - EchoStar10 110W TP 12 Spotbeam 46/47 changed to Available (H) (Universal HD)
5553 - EPIX2 [MPEG4 HD] - EchoStar14 119W TP 05 Spotbeam A24 changed to Available (H)
5553 - EPIX2 [MPEG4 HD] - EchoStar14 119W TP 03 Spotbeam A27 changed to Available (H)
5557 - EPIX1 [MPEG4 HD] - EchoStar14 119W TP 05 Spotbeam A24 changed to Available (H) (Epix Movie Channels)
5557 - EPIX1 [MPEG4 HD] - EchoStar14 119W TP 03 Spotbeam A27 changed to Available (H) (Epix Movie Channels)
5561 - STARZ [MPEG4 HD] - EchoStar10 110W TP 29 Spotbeam 46/47 changed to Available (H) (Starz (East) Movie Channel)
5572 - SK&FM [MPEG4 HD] - EchoStar10 110W TP 27 Spotbeam 46/47 changed to Available (H) (Starz Kids & Family)
5574 - STZC [MPEG4 HD] - EchoStar10 110W TP 29 Spotbeam 46/47 changed to Available (H) (Starz Comedy)
5576 - HMC [MPEG4 HD] - EchoStar10 110W TP 12 Spotbeam 46/47 changed to Available (H) (Hallmark Movie Channel)
9047(60) - PBS [MPEG2 SD] - EchoStar14 119W TP 08 ConUS beam changed to Available (H)
9433(189) - OWN [MPEG4 HD] - Ciel-2 129W TP 18 ConUS beam removed from free preview (A)
9433(189) - OWN [MPEG4 HD] - Nimiq5 72.7W TP 18 ConUS beam removed from free preview (A)
9447(113) - COOK [MPEG4 HD] - Ciel-2 129W TP 26 ConUS beam changed to free preview (A)
9447(113) - COOK [MPEG4 HD] - Nimiq5 72.7W TP 32 ConUS beam changed to free preview (A)
9464(218) - VERIA [MPEG4 HD] - Ciel-2 129W TP 26 ConUS beam changed to shown in non-sub's guides (Veria TV) (A)
9464(218) - VERIA [MPEG4 HD] - EchoStar15 61.5W TP 26 ConUS beam changed to shown in non-sub's guides (Veria TV) (A)
9476(206) - FOXB [MPEG4 HD] - Ciel-2 129W TP 29 ConUS beam changed to shown in non-sub's guides (Fox Business) (A)
9476(206) - FOXB [MPEG4 HD] - EchoStar15 61.5W TP 27 ConUS beam changed to shown in non-sub's guides (Fox Business) (A)
9483(395) - SPMAN [MPEG4 HD] - Ciel-2 129W TP 20 ConUS beam removed from free preview (A)
9483(395) - SPMAN [MPEG4 HD] - EchoStar15 61.5W TP 31 ConUS beam removed from free preview (A)
9490(193) - SCI [MPEG4 HD] - Ciel-2 129W TP 19 ConUS beam changed to free preview (A) (Science Channel)
9490(193) - SCI [MPEG4 HD] - EchoStar15 61.5W TP 16 ConUS beam changed to free preview (A) (Science Channel)
9527(111) - DIY [MPEG4 HD] - Ciel-2 129W TP 32 ConUS beam removed from free preview (A) (Do It Yourself Network)
9527(111) - DIY [MPEG4 HD] - EchoStar15 61.5W TP 02 ConUS beam removed from free preview (A) (Do It Yourself Network)
9529(130) - AMC [MPEG4 HD] - Ciel-2 129W TP 31 ConUS beam changed to free preview (A) (American Movie Classics)
9529(130) - AMC [MPEG4 HD] - Nimiq5 72.7W TP 32 ConUS beam changed to free preview (A) (American Movie Classics)

Channel Renames:
8234(54) - KQED+ (Mkt:San Francisco, CA) - EchoStar10 110W TP 31 Spotbeam 43 renamed to KQEH (Mkt:San Francisco, CA) (A) (H)
990 - PI - Anik F3 118.7W TP 32 ConUS beam renamed to PBINT (NA)
990 - PI - EchoStar14 119W TP 09 ConUS beam renamed to PBINT (NA)
990 - PI - Nimiq5 72.7W TP 21 ConUS beam renamed to PBINT (NA)
990 - PI - EchoStar9 121W TP 15 ConUS beam renamed to PBINT (NA)
9645(99) - ABRVA - EchoStar11 110W TP 10 ConUS beam renamed to XTRME (A) (FP)
9645(99) - ABRVA - Nimiq5 72.7W TP 23 ConUS beam renamed to XTRME (A) (FP)

Transponder Changes:
Anik F3 118.7W TP 31 ConUS beam 20000 QPSK 3/4 added

Channels in the system: 8407
(A) = Available to subscribers
(NA) = Not Available
(H) = Hidden from non-subscribers
(FP) = Free Preview

The Format and Layout of the SatelliteGuys Uplink Report is © Copyright 2011 SatelliteGuys.US and may not be republished without written permission from SatelliteGuys.US.

The SatelliteGuys Uplink Report is powered by Digiblur Technologies! - DigiDish v11.10.31

© 2011 - All Rights Reserved - SatelliteGuys Incorporated
Looks like Current is a ping-pong ball! Rather than just switching Travel and Current, they moved current to the wasteland in the 280s for a couple of weeks while they transitioned Travel from 215 to where is should have been all along with its sister stations.
Nice to see we are back in business....

Might have to work on getting my pc going again for uplink backup purposes. My 8psk adapter bit the dust a good while back and my htpc power supply died several months ago. At least I assume it is the power supply as it turns on for split second and cuts off. Haven't taken it out of the AV rack to see.
349 - OFFER [MPEG2 SD] added to EchoStar11 110W TP 21 ConUS beam (A) (H)
349 - OFFER [MPEG4 SD] added to EchoStar15 61.5W TP 22 ConUS beam (A) (H)
why dooes dish have this channel up when they could add another channel instead :) i know they are trying to switch you from starz to another but what a waste of space for this channel :)
its probably attached to the VOD on the same transponder (channel 1 & 501) so it takes no extra space

funny as it doesnt show in my guide on the 211k :)
375 - SHRTS [MPEG4 HD] - Ciel-2 129W TP 26 ConUS beam changed to hidden from non-subs (Shorts) (A) (H)
375 - SHRTS [MPEG4 HD] - EchoStar15 61.5W TP 28 ConUS beam changed to hidden from non-subs (Shorts) (A) (H)
interesting wondering what they are going to do with this channel or what new channel it may be......hmmm :)
I dont know...maybe read the other thread (the one where Scott said there was no power at his house) and read the answers to the exact SAME question you posted there...

and I dont know why you deleted the other post of this you made in this thread? Its not like you worded the question different.....

edit: and you asked the same thing in the other thread when the channel was removed
I dont know...maybe read the other thread (the one where Scott said there was no power at his house) and read the answers to the exact SAME question you posted there...

and I dont know why you deleted the other post of this you made in this thread? Its not like you worded the question different.....

edit: and you asked the same thing in the other thread when the channel was removed
i wrote it wrong and deleted it by mistake instead of editing it i was asking what channel shorts maybe since its going away :)

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