Her stance isn't just about violence against women vs violence against men. It's also that overall, women are not well represented in games or not well personified. For one, I think she rightly points out that in many instances, a female player is simply a female version of the male protagonist (Ms. Pacman, Lala, any girl in the Gears of War series, etc.) Also, often the number of females is significantly less than the number of males, and while the male characters all have distinctive characteristics, oftentimes the female's distinction is simply that she's a female.
Still, I too don't agree with ALL her stances. Personally I see nothing wrong with the whole "Damsel in distress" issue. That's been around since the dark ages and in numerous other forms of storytelling. There's nothing wrong with tried and true storytelling. Also, she complains that oftentimes, abuse against women is used as a weak storytelling point to show how bad someone is. If you want to paint someone as a despicable villain, simply have her hit a woman and you don't have to do anything else. I also don't see anything wrong with this. So, should it be then that we should NOT think negatively of people who hit women, or hell hit ANYONE for that matter? And finally, her presentation is rather drab and dull. I mean given how much money she raised with her Kickstarter she should have at least upped her production values a little.
It does suck though that she's had death threats and other harassment thrown her way (although there are a number of people who say she's faking it for sympathy and publicity.) It just paints us all in a bad light. I'm also not really sure what all the fuss is about over her. It's not like she's trying to censor violence or change main story plots, she just wants females to be represented in a way similar to males. That's hardly something worth grabbing the torches and pitchforks over. Hell I was ready to grab my arms (figuratively, not literally as I have no weapons) when the Southington SOS game destruction rally was going to go on after the Sandy Hook shooting because I felt that was a true destruction of art as a vapid excuse to not deal with a bigger problem. I won't go into what I was going to do to protest that, but I decided against it when after about a week the story basically slipped into obscurity as it should have.
I do think her videos are worth a watch, even if you end up not agreeing with her stance in all of them. If nothing else, they do bring some ideas to light and make you think about the current state of gaming.