What will you do with it? Won't a 4x1 work? I assume you don't want a 22mhz switch?I am looking for a 2 way switch for my setup diseqc 2x1switch any suggestions?
There are no 2 port DiSEqC 1.0/2.0 switches available that I know of. But thanks to N0QBH there is a plan to build a 2x1 switch here (scroll to the bottom of the page)
I happen to be in need for one myself and decided to build this switch to suit my needs. I gathered up the parts. Some assembly required.
View attachment 134907
That thing is a freak of FTA. It responds to any switch protocol, 22khz, 1.0,1.1 . It would not work in Dan's set-upSay what? Of course there are. Here's just one, but if he can wait, he can also order from China and get them way cheaper: EMP Centauri 2 x 1 DiSEqC 2.0 Multi Coaxial Switch P. 162-IW 22KHz 950-2300 MHz | eBay
Here's a better photo of that switch: 2x1 Premium DiSEqC FTA switch S2/1PCN-W1, 4 years warranty, Made in EU 8595577604079 | eBay
EMP-Centauri - DiSEqC switch S2/1PCNopt-W1 (P.162-IW Option)
I only have 2 dishes and do not plan on getting any more.it seems that 2x1 DiSEqC switches are quite common in Europe, I'm pretty sure I saw some in big box stores in France. (as 22kHz switches are kinda useless in places where universal Ku LNBFs are the norm).
But my question would be... Why would you want a 2x1 when you can get a 4x1 for just a few bucks very easily from most of our usual favorite suppliers. What would be the benefit of a 2x1 over a 4x1 (other than fewer potential points of entry for moisture)?
No, I would like to go down on some lnbs to 4 lnbs instead of 8. My lnbs are all dual output running into 22khz switches then into 3 8x1 diseqc switches.
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