I have an install on a log house. The owner insists that the cable run between the logs be brown. I can't find RG6 (3Ghz) in brown anywhere. Does anyone know a vendor? Your help very much appreciated.
I have an install on a log house. The owner insists that the cable run between the logs be brown. I can't find RG6 (3Ghz) in brown anywhere. Does anyone know a vendor? Your help very much appreciated.
Painting requires scuffing the cable to create bonding edges and that's going to take considerable time. Primer is recommended.
Thank you so very much for that link raoul5788 - that's exactly what I'm looking for. I am not an installer, just running the wire for my boss prior to DirecTV coming back out to his home. As with most bosses, he is quite exacting about what he wants. Good times. I coordinated my planned efforts with the installer and am hopeful this particular job will be behind me soon.
Yes, if this were the install at my house, I would be sure it is done right (well, I had one, and it was). In this case, there is only one spot on the whole home that has a line of sight past the forest of trees beyond. There is a run of about 20 feet where it has to be between two logs in the log siding and with the exception of the mounting arm, he didn't want any holes punched through that wall. The rubber filler between each log is brown to match the natural color of the logs. Therefore, painting said cable would need to be done prior to mounting, and just getting a bit of brown wire (as he is asking for) is indeed expensive, but also gets the job done with the least amount of hassle given the situation.
Yeah - that makes perfect sense to me and you ... but the boss had brown wire run last time (somehow, someone, who knows) and wants that precise same look. It's one of those situations where you pick your battles, and as he is paying for what he is asking for, I just abide.If the run is only 20 feet, how about a brown wire channel?
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