Well decided to go to the 4 dish set up I spoke about in the "Custom built WA setup (w/ EA dish for "LIL")" thread. Now have the Fortec .9 on 129, .7 Fortec on 110, .9 Channel Master on 119 and a .7 Primestar (.7 X 1.2) on 61.5. Now have new SS on ch 21 for comparison. Was mid 60's on 129 now 78 to 80, 119 was upper 80's now is 91 to 93, 110 was mid 60's, now 83 and finally 61.5 is 77 and my spotbeam LIL 61. Should have plenty of extra SQ (SS) to help w/ rain fade and in case of ice or snow this winter.

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