blockisle9 said:
Ok, I understand the account sharing part.
Is it better to have two dish's or is sharing just as good?
If sharing is fine, can I as the owner of the home make sure Dish installers use this option and is is part of the free install or will there be additional install charges for my tenants? I have a new roof and would like to keep the wholes to a minimum.
Thank you
Ahh, you can share. Here's the drill. Basically here's what I would do if I were you. I would buy two receiver off ebay or get an existing customer promotion from dish. You'll get it installed for free if you pick the second option only you'll have to sign another contract

Your also going to need a new quad LNB. I don't know how old your existing receivers are but if they DP on them then your good. Installation companies charge if they have to break out their Legacy equipment.
Now when the installer arrives, let him know you are the landlord and you want 2 receivers installed in the other part of the duplex for your "good friends." The installer should be fine with it unless he's a punk.
Then I would set up parental lock on those two other receivers so that the tenants can't order any pay-per-view movies or events.
Now you can give your tenants the hook up on tv! Just include it in their rent!
If you live in the structure and own it and then sublet half of it, I think your safe legally. It's the same concept as having a roommate that you would share the satellite bill with. You can really be expected to get a seperate account per each adult under 1 roof?
This isn't nazi germany so don't think like a german!
Think like an American who get's charged too much for everything!