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46,000 VOOM Subscribers As Of 2/28/2005 Reported | SatelliteGuys.US

46,000 VOOM Subscribers As Of 2/28/2005 Reported


SatelliteGuys Pro
Original poster
Jun 9, 2004
As mentioned by Tom Dolan, son of Charles (Chuck) Dolan, VOOM presently has a subscription base of 46,000 customers.

A substantial increase over the previously reported 26,000.

This appears to be some serious poker being played here... Given Chuck Dolan would have to liquidate his interest in CVC to finance VOOM HD LLC it stands to reason Cablevision itself may soon be on the block. Couple this with the CVC board's past lack of cooperation regarding VOOM and you'll see posturing on both sides; CVC's rejection of the sale to VOOM HD LLC could be an indication CVC's board is attempting to prevent the wholesale sale of Cablevision, itself.

CVC's board has seriously alienated Chuck Dolan; you reap what you sew.

It is my opinion Cablevision's days, as we know it, are limited.

Very interesting days ahead.

I don't believe it's over... neither should you.


JERICHO, N.Y., Feb. 28 /PRNewswire/ -- VOOM HD, LLC today announced that it is prepared to finance the continued expansion of the VOOM satellite service. Supported by the family interests of Charles and Thomas Dolan, VOOM HD, LLC has advised Cablevision that it continues to be interested in completing a transaction on the terms and conditions of the Letter of Intent into which the two companies entered several weeks ago. These include the purchase of assets and the assumption of liabilities related to the satellite service.

Said Tom Dolan, VOOM HD's CEO, "We are more than ever convinced of the viability of the VOOM service. We believe our offer to Cablevision is in the best interests of Cablevision's shareholders and VOOM's 46,000 subscribers across the nation. If we are able to complete negotiations with Cablevision, we are certain that VOOM HD will emerge as a robust new vendor providing a valuable alternative to the two services that now dominate the satellite industry."

VOOM is the first television service to provide a comprehensive array of high-definition (HD) programming for the rapidly growing but underserved HDTV audience. With a lineup of nearly 40 HD channels, VOOM delivers more HD programming than any other satellite or cable service provider. VOOM's HD lineup includes STARZ! HD, Encore HD, Showtime HD, Playboy Hot HD, ESPN HD, HBO HD and Cinemax HD, as well as an exclusive package of brand-new, commercial-free VOOM HD Originals such as WorldSport, Equator and Animania. The service also includes 87 of the most popular cable channels in standard- definition (SD), 23 digital music channels, and free over-the-air digital broadcast channels in HD, where available. VOOM is offered across the continental United States through local Sears retailers; at BrandsMart USA stores; and through O'Rourke Sales Company's independent electronics retailers with approximately 10,000 locations in all 50 states. Customers can also purchase the service by calling 1-800-GET-VOOM or by visiting
Not bad at all. IMO, you could easily double that number (an probably more) by December 2005 if the DVR is released.
justalurker said:
I'll believe it AFTER Voom HD LLC buys "the rest of Rainbow DBS" and it appears in an audited statement. :D


You can't play both sides of the equations... on the one hand, you die with your Press Releases but when presented with positive figures from a legitimate Press Release, you don't believe the Press Release. That in my book has a name but I do not remember :D :D At least recognize that your opionion and Press Releases are not the only that counts. :D (Seriously)
just curious

justalurker said:
I'll believe it AFTER Voom HD LLC buys "the rest of Rainbow DBS" and it appears in an audited statement. :D


which satellite or cable service do you utilize?
Sean Mota said:
You can't play both sides of the equations... on the one hand, you die with your Press Releases but when presented with positive figures from a legitimate Press Release, you don't believe the Press Release. That in my book has a name but I do not remember :D :D At least recognize that your opionion and Press Releases are not the only that counts. :D (Seriously)
I'm having trouble seeing the Voom HD, LLC Press Release as legitimate. You and I might just as well get together and issue a joint statement saying WE will continue Voom programming. Voom HD, LLC's options ended today - and the only thing that will change that FACT is a real positive change in Cablevision's position.

And I do recognize that there are other OPINIONS here, including yours. It just seems that some people tend to seek that moment when one word is said they like, and jump on it like a squirrel on corn. I actually did verify that the Cablevision press release was real before posting comment. Can you say the same about the "rumor" that something was up?

I doubt seriously anyone really cares whose opinions you recognize Lurker. On the otherhand, I think its a very safe bet that almost everyone pays close attention to Seans. Just my 2 cents.
justalurker said:
The one operated by the proud new owner of Rainbow 1. :D


Oh, the one I just dumped. The one with about 4 HD channels and a CEO who calls his company "the HD leader" but then says there is no compelling HD content so do not expect anything more in the next 12 months. The one that has only one major network in HD if you can get it. I am sure they will put Rainbow 1 to good use, maybe some Elbonian Bingo and shopping channels!
If they have 46,000 subscribers how come their revenue last quarter was less than it was when they had 26,000 subscribers. Did they add 20,000 subscribers in the time between December 31st and now? That does not seem possible. Especially since the future of VOOM has been up inthe air for the past 30 days.
justalurker said:
I'm having trouble seeing the Voom HD, LLC Press Release as legitimate. You and I might just as well get together and issue a joint statement saying WE will continue Voom programming. Voom HD, LLC's options ended today - and the only thing that will change that FACT is a real positive change in Cablevision's position.

And I do recognize that there are other OPINIONS here, including yours. It just seems that some people tend to seek that moment when one word is said they like, and jump on it like a squirrel on corn. I actually did verify that the Cablevision press release was real before posting comment. Can you say the same about the "rumor" that something was up?


What makes you think that the VOOM HD, LLC Press Release is not real. Can you disprove it and with what facts? You and I are very different from Tom and Charles Dolan who are representing VOOM HD, LLC. I own nothing and if I write up something and put it in the public eye, I maybe liable for mispresentation.

The "rumor" that something was up?: Yes, that was verifiable from the sources that come to this place. And it turned out to be good information. Many times people cannot give details becuase they are under other obligations. Some sources do not like to reveal themselves and confine to the staff here. These are people who long time relation with us have made them reliable source of information in our eyes. Guess what? I was told before the PR about "something coming down" ; no details but we knew about it. This is from the same people that you accused as "misinformed". We know everyone that comes here and who is real and who is not. We have ways to verify people's story.

Many times we know "information" that we cannot even post and have to swallow it and never posted because we cannot. That's why a PR does not give you the whole story of what's going on. Maybe VOOM will be gone in a blink of an eye, but we cannot disregard the information both positive/negative to carry on with your own agenda (whatever that maybe). The best thing is to keep an open mind to both sources of information whether is pro Voom or not.
hbk409 said:
they E* dont own anything yet
Oh, they own nine satellites, 125 transponders, two uplink centers and over 11 million customer contracts. So saying they "don't own anything" is not correct.

And they are a lot closer to owning Rainbow1 and Blackhawk than Voom HD, LLC. With the sales contract in place, Cablevision cannot even offer it to Voom HD, LLC if they wanted to.

justalurker said:
The one operated by the proud new owner of Rainbow 1. :D


Correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't a "lurker" someone who is just an observer- one who watches, but doesn't post messages?

Since you seem to post a lot, you should think of changing your nick- unless you are a "lurker" by the dictionary definition:

"One who lies in wait in a place of concealment especially for an evil purpose"

Which is it?

BTW- I used to have E*, and it is a joke compared to Voom. I can say that, because I have had both.

Are you a disgruntled former Voom customer, or do you just have no life?

I downgraded my dish service when I got Voom

justalurker said:
The one operated by the proud new owner of Rainbow 1. :D


There HD content was minimal, their HD hardware too buggy, especially the 921, and all Ergen is interested in right now is expanding international channels

If Voom doesn't make it, I will go with whoever supplies the most and best HD content, and right now it looks my only option would be comcast.

No more spending big bucks for HD satellite receivers that have tons of bugs, and are obsolete before they are released
JL, what are you doing in the VOOM forums? If you utilize Dish Network's service then I think that you should stay there. It'd be like me spreading my 2cents all over the directv forum when I don't have directv. it just isn't right.

As for those numbers let's think about this,
October 2003 to September 2004 which is 11 months they only have 26,000 subs.
Now look at October 2004 to Feburary 2005 which is 5 months and they have 46,000 subs.

Wow that's about 4 thousand installs a month. This is wonderful news. If those numbers end on December 31st instead on Febuary 28th then I have to say WAY TO GO VOOM! This is even better news because that means VOOM almost doubled their sub base in only 3 months. We need more information on how that number became so that we can properly congrats... VOOM.

Charles isn't an idiot and if anyone thinks that Voom is just going to die in the next 30 days just because james says so then you all have a lot to learn.
jnardone said:
If they have 46,000 subscribers how come their revenue last quarter was less than it was when they had 26,000 subscribers. Did they add 20,000 subscribers in the time between December 31st and now? That does not seem possible. Especially since the future of VOOM has been up inthe air for the past 30 days.

Again prove it that it is not 46K. Unless you work for their financial department, you have no clue what you are talking about. I have contacts with Financial people from VOOM and they have verified a number close to the one released.

Here is what I do not get about you people. There's nothing that VOOM can do wright in your eyes. VOOM releases no subs information and it was bad; that means that they have less than 20K; Voom releases the 46K information and now "I don't believe it" attitude. What is it? NOTHING Voom does is right in your eyes.
Maybe justalurker could change his name to justaspammer.

Whatever happens, no going back to E* for me. Will also stick with VOOM till the end, then back to comca$t if I have to switch.
jnardone said:
If they have 46,000 subscribers how come their revenue last quarter was less than it was when they had 26,000 subscribers. Did they add 20,000 subscribers in the time between December 31st and now? That does not seem possible. Especially since the future of VOOM has been up inthe air for the past 30 days.

If over five months, no the numbers are bad, if over two months, and based on the revenue amount, I do think the extra 20,000 came in the last two months which does show some growth, a drop in the bucket to D* and E* but a step in the right direction.
What I don't like are these six months contracts, when Voom first started they said no contracts, I know they did it because of churn, but I have learned from E* posts, when people want to leave but cannot, they get pretty pissed off and really start to hate the company, say a person decides after three months that he/she does not like Voom and wishes to cancel but can't, then that customer might ( and after reading E* posts will ) talk bad about the company to family, co-workers, etc.
If a customer wants to leave, let them, they will have a better feeling about the company and maybe give it another try.

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