OK, saw a similair thread elsewhere, and figured, if we had running bug threads here, a feature request thread should be at home as well. Hopefully someone with the power to influence change will read this 
1 Use the internet to dial-out instead of the phone line (Dish interactive "account" features are super slow when you have to dial out)
2 Use the internet to access the guide and schedule recording
3 Use a home network to independatly access TV1 and TV2 guides and change channels with web-enabled home automation hardware/software - Essesntially a webserver in the 622 that serves TV1 and TV2 guides independantly and lets you click on a show to change channels...
4 Use of home network to send/stream programming stored on a VIP-622 to any other VIP-series receiver for playback.
5 The option of having the 622 map both SD and HD locals to local channel numbers, for example:
- SAT SD Channel 5 is listed as "5"
- SAT HD Channel 5 is listed as "5-00"
- OTA HD Channel 5 and subchannels are listed as "5-01," "5-02," etc.
This would be an enhancement to the existing method which makes you prioritize which SAT Local channels get priority, HD or SD, by adding a "both" option
6 DVR button goes directly to DVR instead of DOD/DVR page (user selectable).. oooh, someone said hit DVR twice, I'll give it a try
7 Use of external USB HDD to expand storage space seamlessly...1 option to have USB storage "added" to existing storage without having to specify recording to external device or anything like that
8 Ability to toggle closed captioning with one button, though I don't know how they'd upgrade the remotes.. They could, however, out out a discrete command for download for those of us with programable universal remotes.
9 An IR to UHF converter so an IR universal remote could be used in place of the UHF TV 2 remote... The "converter" would be placed in the TV 2 room and respond to Dish IR commands, converting them to UHF for reception by the VIP-622's UHF remote antenna. You would program the TV2 universal remote just like you would program a remote for TV1, but on a different IR channel.
10 Option to disable DOD and reclaim all that HDD space
11 Specification of new or repeat in guide info so "new episodes" works reliably when recording
12 Be able to adjust the transparancy levels for overlaid graphics like info, and the playback bar
13 Move the HD channels out of the 9000's (I've used locks to hide all of the PPV and other junk so there's not so much menu to go through, even if one of our favorites lists are not displayed - my wife always seems to toggle out of the favorites and all sub lists...)
14 Dedicated keys for "Cancel" and "OK," perhaps mapped from keys that are not used during data entry like the skip buttons (voripteth)
15 Ability to queue multiple recording for playback and/or recording to external device (VCR, DVD burner, DVR, etc.) (riffjim4069)
16 Ability to switch between single/dual via remote (wied)
17 Ability initiate the recording of another channel in the background without interrupting what you're currently watching. (LER)
18 Ability to organize recordings using folders/categories and assign timers to place recordings in folder/category automatically (mike123abc & mdntblu)
19 Option to enable automatic deletion of oldest episode after "X" episodes (user defined) (mike123abc)-OK, this one's already a feature.
20 Ability to "undelete" deleted recordings - deleted recordings are removed from the DVR list, but not over written until the HDD begins to run out of space (mike123abc)
21 Allow user defined mapping of locals to overcome limitations of current configuration when locals decide to use a subchannel other than X-1 to carry their main feed. Currently local guide info is mapped to X-1 only (abricko)
22 Allow native resolution pass through
23 Allow resolution remapping (map everything to one resolution, or map everything 720p or less to 720p, and pass 1080i native, or other combinations)
24 Allow a remote button combination to change resolution on the fly (abricko)
25 Ability to share and/or copy favorites lists between TV1 and TV2 (abricko)
26 Ability to assign a name to a manual timer (abricko)
27 Ability to automatically search for a repeat presentation of something you're watching, or something in the guide that has already started and create a time to recor dit without interupting whatever you're watching at the time... for example, pressing info not only gives you summary information, but also lists the next several presentations of the same show/episode. (Chop-Chop)
28 Optional, audio feedback for the skip buttons (so you know the receiver knows you sent it a skip command)
29 Automatic searching for and/or displayed list of alternative recording times for timers when there is a conflict
30 A modulated HD output (for example, output on ATSC 3-1.... may be a hardware limitation though) This would allow you to have HD on both TV1 and TV2
31 Ability to set TV Type for TV2 (in case you have a 16:9 TV2)
32 Ability to keep live video playing in more submenus, like the search box
33 Option to automatically record a show from a non-OTA source when there is a confflict. For example, if I want to record from 4-1 and 12-1 at the same time, the 622 would use my priorites, recording the higher priority show from the -1 channel (or whatver your locals' main subchannel is), and the lower priority show from the -0 channel
34 User-defined skip intervals, instead of the defualt 30/10 seconds
35 Color controls to allow better matching of the 622 to your set and other components it shares its input with, and some built-in test patters, at least one each for color, white level, and black level (simple like the THC optimizer on DVDs). These could simply be three static images selcted via the menu.
36 Ability to use the OTA tuner on TV2 when TV1 is not using it
37 Longer pause time - maybe 2 hours
38 Ability to save preferences (favorites, locals, etc.) via ethernet or external HDD in case you get another box or have to get a replacement.
39 Ability to "unlock receiver until standby," So, you could unlock the receiver once the kids were in bed, and it would relock itself once you place it in standby, or after a user-defined number of hours, or time...(dmmsturm)
40 Recording and/or editing of an existing recording.. for example, saving just a single play of a 4-hour ballgame, an exceptionally funny clip from your favorite show, or a segment from a news cast. Better to devote a few minutes worth of recording time to save a clip, than have to devote the space required for the entire broadcast... (bub, Foxbat)
41 Integration of local channel PSIP information, especially for subchannels that are not available via the Dish guide (Jim5506)
42 Ability to copy MP3s to the receiver or attach an external HD with MP3s on it and the receiver be able to play them (wied)
43 local OTA channels that don't have Dish-supplied EPG data should notbe coded as "NR/AO" as opposed to "NR" or no rating at all. If you have children in your household and use the receiver ratings locks, you know what a pain it is to access OTA channels (Foxbat)
44 A version with a black faceplate or the ability to change faceplates (tclundin)
45 Ability to choose a tuner on the fly (overriding "record plus") (Mr_Crowley)
46 Ability to change the channel (or browse through channels) on the PIP screen while keeping the image on the full screen the same (barheel)
47 Expand event limit from 288 to 999 (voyagerbob)
48 5.1 audio out of the HDMI port. Since the HDMI port is capable of carrying the video and the audio signal, it should carry the full 5.1 signal so that we don't have to hook up the optical cable as well (cleblanc)
49 Get rid of the Annoying popup "Part of recording lost due to loss of signal" My OTA is weak at times and I lose a frame or two now and then... I have to keep hitting the OK button 100 times watching a show... I would rather just see it skip than the popup (nitstalker)

1 Use the internet to dial-out instead of the phone line (Dish interactive "account" features are super slow when you have to dial out)
2 Use the internet to access the guide and schedule recording
3 Use a home network to independatly access TV1 and TV2 guides and change channels with web-enabled home automation hardware/software - Essesntially a webserver in the 622 that serves TV1 and TV2 guides independantly and lets you click on a show to change channels...
4 Use of home network to send/stream programming stored on a VIP-622 to any other VIP-series receiver for playback.
5 The option of having the 622 map both SD and HD locals to local channel numbers, for example:
- SAT SD Channel 5 is listed as "5"
- SAT HD Channel 5 is listed as "5-00"
- OTA HD Channel 5 and subchannels are listed as "5-01," "5-02," etc.
This would be an enhancement to the existing method which makes you prioritize which SAT Local channels get priority, HD or SD, by adding a "both" option
6 DVR button goes directly to DVR instead of DOD/DVR page (user selectable).. oooh, someone said hit DVR twice, I'll give it a try
7 Use of external USB HDD to expand storage space seamlessly...1 option to have USB storage "added" to existing storage without having to specify recording to external device or anything like that
8 Ability to toggle closed captioning with one button, though I don't know how they'd upgrade the remotes.. They could, however, out out a discrete command for download for those of us with programable universal remotes.
9 An IR to UHF converter so an IR universal remote could be used in place of the UHF TV 2 remote... The "converter" would be placed in the TV 2 room and respond to Dish IR commands, converting them to UHF for reception by the VIP-622's UHF remote antenna. You would program the TV2 universal remote just like you would program a remote for TV1, but on a different IR channel.
10 Option to disable DOD and reclaim all that HDD space
11 Specification of new or repeat in guide info so "new episodes" works reliably when recording
12 Be able to adjust the transparancy levels for overlaid graphics like info, and the playback bar
13 Move the HD channels out of the 9000's (I've used locks to hide all of the PPV and other junk so there's not so much menu to go through, even if one of our favorites lists are not displayed - my wife always seems to toggle out of the favorites and all sub lists...)
14 Dedicated keys for "Cancel" and "OK," perhaps mapped from keys that are not used during data entry like the skip buttons (voripteth)
15 Ability to queue multiple recording for playback and/or recording to external device (VCR, DVD burner, DVR, etc.) (riffjim4069)
16 Ability to switch between single/dual via remote (wied)
17 Ability initiate the recording of another channel in the background without interrupting what you're currently watching. (LER)
18 Ability to organize recordings using folders/categories and assign timers to place recordings in folder/category automatically (mike123abc & mdntblu)
19 Option to enable automatic deletion of oldest episode after "X" episodes (user defined) (mike123abc)-OK, this one's already a feature.
20 Ability to "undelete" deleted recordings - deleted recordings are removed from the DVR list, but not over written until the HDD begins to run out of space (mike123abc)
21 Allow user defined mapping of locals to overcome limitations of current configuration when locals decide to use a subchannel other than X-1 to carry their main feed. Currently local guide info is mapped to X-1 only (abricko)
22 Allow native resolution pass through
23 Allow resolution remapping (map everything to one resolution, or map everything 720p or less to 720p, and pass 1080i native, or other combinations)
24 Allow a remote button combination to change resolution on the fly (abricko)
25 Ability to share and/or copy favorites lists between TV1 and TV2 (abricko)
26 Ability to assign a name to a manual timer (abricko)
27 Ability to automatically search for a repeat presentation of something you're watching, or something in the guide that has already started and create a time to recor dit without interupting whatever you're watching at the time... for example, pressing info not only gives you summary information, but also lists the next several presentations of the same show/episode. (Chop-Chop)
28 Optional, audio feedback for the skip buttons (so you know the receiver knows you sent it a skip command)
29 Automatic searching for and/or displayed list of alternative recording times for timers when there is a conflict
30 A modulated HD output (for example, output on ATSC 3-1.... may be a hardware limitation though) This would allow you to have HD on both TV1 and TV2
31 Ability to set TV Type for TV2 (in case you have a 16:9 TV2)
32 Ability to keep live video playing in more submenus, like the search box
33 Option to automatically record a show from a non-OTA source when there is a confflict. For example, if I want to record from 4-1 and 12-1 at the same time, the 622 would use my priorites, recording the higher priority show from the -1 channel (or whatver your locals' main subchannel is), and the lower priority show from the -0 channel
34 User-defined skip intervals, instead of the defualt 30/10 seconds
35 Color controls to allow better matching of the 622 to your set and other components it shares its input with, and some built-in test patters, at least one each for color, white level, and black level (simple like the THC optimizer on DVDs). These could simply be three static images selcted via the menu.
36 Ability to use the OTA tuner on TV2 when TV1 is not using it
37 Longer pause time - maybe 2 hours
38 Ability to save preferences (favorites, locals, etc.) via ethernet or external HDD in case you get another box or have to get a replacement.
39 Ability to "unlock receiver until standby," So, you could unlock the receiver once the kids were in bed, and it would relock itself once you place it in standby, or after a user-defined number of hours, or time...(dmmsturm)
40 Recording and/or editing of an existing recording.. for example, saving just a single play of a 4-hour ballgame, an exceptionally funny clip from your favorite show, or a segment from a news cast. Better to devote a few minutes worth of recording time to save a clip, than have to devote the space required for the entire broadcast... (bub, Foxbat)
41 Integration of local channel PSIP information, especially for subchannels that are not available via the Dish guide (Jim5506)
42 Ability to copy MP3s to the receiver or attach an external HD with MP3s on it and the receiver be able to play them (wied)
43 local OTA channels that don't have Dish-supplied EPG data should notbe coded as "NR/AO" as opposed to "NR" or no rating at all. If you have children in your household and use the receiver ratings locks, you know what a pain it is to access OTA channels (Foxbat)
44 A version with a black faceplate or the ability to change faceplates (tclundin)
45 Ability to choose a tuner on the fly (overriding "record plus") (Mr_Crowley)
46 Ability to change the channel (or browse through channels) on the PIP screen while keeping the image on the full screen the same (barheel)
47 Expand event limit from 288 to 999 (voyagerbob)
48 5.1 audio out of the HDMI port. Since the HDMI port is capable of carrying the video and the audio signal, it should carry the full 5.1 signal so that we don't have to hook up the optical cable as well (cleblanc)
49 Get rid of the Annoying popup "Part of recording lost due to loss of signal" My OTA is weak at times and I lose a frame or two now and then... I have to keep hitting the OK button 100 times watching a show... I would rather just see it skip than the popup (nitstalker)
20 April 2006:I have edited the list again, adding summaries of what other contributors have posted here.
Try to limit feature requests to things that can be implemented via software
[/PIE]Try to limit feature requests to things that can be implemented via software
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