I think my 625 is on it's last leg, any suggestions on what to replace it with? I have one hdtv and one standard def. Also is there a charge for Dish to come out and replace the dish with an HD one?
I think my 625 is on it's last leg, any suggestions on what to replace it with? I have one hdtv and one standard def. Also is there a charge for Dish to come out and replace the dish with an HD one?
To replace DISH will use the same model receiver that has been refurbished. To upgrade to HD they will have to replace the dish and the receiver which means a service call and 24 mo. contract. MATTG has already posted on this thread so send him the information requested and he should get everything setup.Well it died so what is the best way to upgrade or replace, on the phone or online chat?
To replace DISH will use the same model receiver that has been refurbished. To upgrade to HD they will have to replace the dish and the receiver which means a service call and 24 mo. contract. MATTG has already posted on this thread so send him the information requested and he should get everything setup.
ZachS looks like the only DIRT member active at the moment PM him and he should be able to take MATTGs place. Go to the main forum page and scroll to the bottom the names in red are DIRT members.I spoke to MATTG last night and he left notes on my account and I think he's not on again until Sunday. I might have a line of site issue with HD
Let's not give them too big a head and just say they are good.It's taken care of replacement on the way and someone coming next Thursday to check LOS. DIRT members are great!
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