I just upgraded to the new HR20 and also got the a new 5LNB dish installed. $99 for the DVR and 19.99 for delivery and I also negotiated for 6 months free HD service. I had to commit to 2 years.
I think you can do better.
Geez all I paid was $20.95 shipping for the Dish and the HR20.
Basically same here. $19.95 - the wife just got it put in last Tuesday. Said the guys was neat, clean, professional and was done in less than 1 hour. I will be going up in the morning (midnight) for the first time to use it. I can't wait to be out of this damn corp apt so I can have all the comforts of home again.
Basically same here. $19.95 - the wife just got it put in last Tuesday. Said the guys was neat, clean, professional and was done in less than 1 hour. I will be going up in the morning (midnight) for the first time to use it. I can't wait to be out of this damn corp apt so I can have all the comforts of home again.
Any idea how long it will be till you get out of your corp housing ? Jimbo
So you finally went HD with Directv?Great timing and congrats. Avoid the fall rush when folks realize Directv has been serious the past 4 years about HD. Its going to be a fun Fall.
We have been HD from day 1 that is was out; but just now up'd to the 5 LNB and a HR20 with the new sats up and gearing toward Sept '07. The HR20 replaced the LG LSS-3200a that was in the den which now moves into the bedroom replacing a Zenith SAT-HD520.
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