johnnynobody Johnny, try my trick that works for me: Put together a flexible pigtail wire from the motor, about 2-3 feet long, long enough that it'll reach from the motor screw connectors to the dish pole, no matter where on the arc the dish is aimed. This wire will have the sensor/reed switch wires completely shielded by themselves, and the power wires are outside of that in a separate shield.
Then, your OLD wire that used to go to the screw connections on the motor, get connected to the end of this new wire. You can solder and heatshrink tube them, OR use crimp connectors. You WANT to get your old original wire far enough away from the motor, that it can't pick up any spurious electrical signals the motor may be putting out.
In my case, I had some old-school shielded satellite ribbon cable wire to make mine up. I have a Venture 24" ball screw actuator, that's at least 20 years old. Stops my dish dead-nuts everytime with my Sadoun G-box, and I'm running 110' wire in pvc under my driveway, out to my dish.