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Adding Ku To My C Band System | SatelliteGuys.US

Adding Ku To My C Band System


SatelliteGuys Pro
Original poster
Aug 12, 2012
Cape Cod - MA.
Hi Guys,

I've got a question regarding adding a Ku LNBF to my C band set up.
Weather outside is kind of mild here on the Cape for February, so I went out to my dish this AM with my Sathero 300HD, some coax and a Maverick Ku LNBF that was generously donated to me by KE4EST several years ago.
After attaching the coax to both the LNBF and the Sathero, I held the Ku LNBF up next to my C band LNBF, placed as closely as possible to the center of the dish. Using 97W (11836V 20770) I got a steady signal of 15dB and was quite surprised it was so easy to find.
I know I need to purchase a clamp to hold it in place on the dish arm, but how would I connect both LNBFs to my stb (Edision Mio 4K) ?
Its been a while since I had both C and Ku together. I know I need a splitter. If I added both coaxs from each LNBF to the splitter, than ran a single wire to the stb, would it be able to automatically switch back and forth between each band ?
Please forgive my ignorance on this issue. Like I said its been several years since I had this type of set up.
Thanks in advance.


Thanks for your response.
I have one of those switches left over from my 4DTV days when I had to slave it (4DTV receiver) to my then stb receiver.
Good to know the stb does the work. ;)
Thanks again.

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Another question for the experts.
What clamp would be best, to attach my Ku LNBF to the dish arm ?
I've seen anything from duct tape to plastic ties being used. I wanted a neater look if possible.
Thanks in advance.

Plumbers Tape works great.
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The only plumbers tape I know of is white has a plastic feel to it.
Whats that tape made of ?
Never seen plumbers tape like that before.
Looks more like a metal strap.

used to strap down water heater . Bendable for making a lnb bracket and ty wraps help. I have found the focal point with lnb bent 3 plumbers tape and ty wrapped them on lnb to steady the mount. Just have to wing it and this stuff works for that great.
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What clamp would be best, to attach my Ku LNBF to the dish arm ?
Why to the dish arm and not to the C-band LNB? Perhaps it is even better to install Ku-band LNB in antenna's focus and C-band LNB in multifeed. How many feedarms your antenna has? Is it motorized? Couple of pictures would be nice to see.

Here's a picture of my dish taken a few minutes ago. It has 3 feed arms and it is motorized.
I would prefer to keep the C band LNBF where it is...looks cleaner besides I want to keep the cover on it. I got a 15dB Ku signal holding that LNBF in place by hand right next to the c band feedhorn. That's where I'd like to place it.
Thanks for your response...much appreciated.


OK, I see. Perhaps multifeed system like this could work for your antenna. It is possible to have C-band LNB in the middle and Ku-band one in multifeed, but also can be opposite. If dish is motorized than multifeeded LNB should be placed very carefully and precisely to catch signals from more than one satellite. IMG_20191005_223841 (Large).jpgIMG_20191005_223929 (Large).jpgIMG_20191025_225919 (Large).jpgIMG_20191025_230523 (Large).jpg
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Hi RimaNTSS,

Thanks for your input. This set up looks interesting.
I'm assuming and maybe wrongly so, that with the Ku LNBF as close as possible to the C band LNBF, I would only be off several degrees on Ku with each satellite I "hit."
Like I mentioned earlier, I got a 15dB reading just holding it by hand almost against (to the left) of the C Band feedhorn. So I'm probably not too far off placing it there.

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I would attach the KU LNBF onto the flat scalar ring. For only a few dollars and a trip to Home Depot, use a 1 1/2" galvanized pipe hanger and and an L bracket with a few bolts, lock washers and nuts.

Drill a hole through the scalar in line with the horizontal axis. Attach the L bracket to the scalar then attach the pipe hanger to the L bracket. Install the LNBF into the pipe hanger bracket and snug the clamp. With the dish aimed at a satellite that has both C and KU active transponders, bump the dish East or West (opposite of the side the LNBF is mounted on) to lock the KU transponders of that same satellite. Adjust and optimize the Signal Quality of the KU KNBF by slightly tilting up/down/right/left and also the rotate the skew then tighten.

Determine the number of degrees the KU LNBF is offset from the centered C-band feedhorn position and program the KU satellite positions with this approximate offset.

Thanks for responding.
I do have a Chaparral feedhorn, but have retired it for the convenience of the LNBFs.
As reliable as it was for me...over 20 years...I frequently worried that on the coldest nights, the servo motor might decide to quit on me. Leaving me without full use of my dish until warmer weather arrived.
However, I'm not getting rid of it anytime never know.

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Hi Brian,

Good to hear from you and thanks for responding.
Your solution seems to be the one that will give me the cleanest install and reliability.
So...I think I'll give it a go.
However, I do appreciate all other suggestions offered me...thanks guys

This dish has performed flawlessly since I put it up and has survived 2 winter windstorms with gusts to 70mph. It didn't move a bit.
Take care and thanks again.

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Hi All,

Just an update and a question,
I have attached my Ku LNBF to my dish alongside my C Band LNBF.
Using 97W (11836V 20770) for reference, I'm getting a signal of between 9-11 dB.
What settings do I need to program on my stb (Edision Mios 4K) to take advantage of the Ku LNBF ? I'm using an Ecoda 22 hz tone switch with C band as lnb 1 and Ku as lnb 2.
Thanks in advance for any assistance.

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Hi Brian,

I haven't really done any configuring yet with my stb.
The reading I got from my Ku LNBF was out at the dish. I was wondering what settings I have to make with my stb now that I'm splitting the signal between 2 LNBFs with the Encoda switch.

You just need to add a 22KHz switch setting to each C and KU satellite that you activate.

Look at your switch. Which LNBF is connected to 22KHz On port? Which LNBF is connected to 22KHz Off port. These are the settings that you will assign for each satellite in your list.

Currently, you have probably configured the C-band satellites using LNB profile #1? If, so, add the switch setting to establish the signal path to the C-band LNBF. Set the band setting to either Band = ON if C-band LNBF is connected to 22KHz ON port or Band = OFF if the C-band LNBF is connected to the 22KHz OFF port.

Configure LNB profile #2 for KU. Use LNB 2 profile for each KU satellite. Program the switch setting for the 22KHz port that the Ku LNBF is connected.
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What comes first, DiSEqC or 22khz switch?

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