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Alernative Entertainment AEI is the worst installer by far | SatelliteGuys.US

Alernative Entertainment AEI is the worst installer by far

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Wisconsin Sat Man

Original poster
May 21, 2004
Alernative Entertainment is the worst installer by far

If in Wisconsin or Michigan do not let a company called ALTERNATIVE ENTERTAINMENT (AEI) do your installation they rescheduled on me 5 times and do not no what they are doing the installation had to be done over by another more reputable company. My wife is missing some jewelery that she believes the person from ALTERNATIVE ENTERTAINMENT (AEI) stole but the police are taking care of that.

Dish network is a great service but some of there installing companies are costing them greatly
Holy cow man, how many times are you gonna post this? Plus I serious doubt you have experienced ALL the installers and thus have the background to make such a sweeping claim. Mods, cmon, this is getting stupid.
Sat Man, By posting the same thing over and over, you are really losing credibility. You already have this exact same thread posted. Please do not post the same thing more than once!
Tony S and Satin mind your own business you must work for the company who's owner is under investigation for conspiring to defraud and unlawful entry of his employees to customers premises.
Well I guess you need a hobby. Personally instead of resorting to a mesage board I would pursue with a district attorney or the BBB. But hey, if you feel this will get your message across I guess you are entitled, unless the mods say something.
Please dont. You point has been made.

Although maybe to better get your fustration across to put a little blub in your signature, this way everytime you post a message you also take a jab at them. This way people don't get upset about you posting full messages over and over again about the same thing. :D

If I were you I would email them and let them know about this site and how you exposed them to over 80,000 people here at SatelliteGuys. :D THat should get them moving. :D
I have to come to the defense of Wisconsin Sat Man My first installation was done by aei and they didnt have the right equipment and had to come back three times. I finally had dish network send a company to my apartment that knew what they where doing and everything is working great no thanks to aei.
avoid aei at all costs!!!!

First off, I will say that I work for AEI. There are a couple of points I would like to make here.
1. Judging an entire company based on a few people is a little unfair. Like any company, there are people that have a more knowledge of what they are doing than others. I have gone to plenty of jobs (done by both AEI and a few other companies in the midwest) and have come across some pretty shoddy workmanship done by new installers or just people that didn't care much about the quality of work they were doing. Just because a few people have a problem doesn't mean that the company as a whole is bad. AEI has tons of people working and I can tell you that MOST of them are definately qualified and capable of quality work. You can save yourself some time by questioning the installer before they start any work. Make sure they have a plan that you agree with, and if you don't agree and they will not work with you, ask to have another installer.

2. As far as being rescheduled due to techs not haveing the right equipment, this happens more often than you might think with Dish installs. Techs are assigned 2-4 jobs per day and have the equipment for those jobs. If a few of the jobs that they have cancel or reschedule during the day, the tech may be sent to other jobs that they are not prepared for. Also, many times the Dish work orders do not have all the information as to equipment needed, therefore new or inexperienced techs will not be prepared for unexpected changes.

Just to sum it all up here, AEI is not the problem. The problem is that there will always be techs that are a little behind the 8 ball when it comes to installations, however they could be working for any company and are not confined to AEI. Again, placing all the blame on AEI for a few problem installs is like blaming McDonalds for giving out food poisoning, meaning that is is the Exception rather than the rule. My advice is to first off question the installer. If you are not comfortable with them or feel that you are having / will have problems with the instalation or tech's service, CALL AEI IMEDIATELY and let them know. The only way to weed out bad installers is from customer complaints. AEI will let people go if there are multiple consecutive complaints against them.

Sorry this is so drawn out, but I just think it's a little unfair to be this irate with a company or a product that you have not had substantial experiences with.
By the way, Sat Man, what did AEI fraud you out of?
Wisconsin Sat Man said:
If in Wisconsin or Michigan do not let a company called ALTERNATIVE ENTERTAINMENT (AEI) do your installation they rescheduled on me 5 times and do not no what they are doing the installation had to be done over by another more reputable company. My wife is missing some jewelery that she believes the person from ALTERNATIVE ENTERTAINMENT (AEI) stole but the police are taking care of that.

1) Reschedules happen for many reasons. Not home, equipment, manpower issues, time, traffic, routes, etc. You just had a bad streak.

2) If you left the installer alone in your own home, that's your poor judgement. And, the "police are taking care of that.".. So it was an isolated incident.. get over it.
This guy is on EVERY forum I have been too with the EXACT same message. Too me he looks like an competitor to AEI and is trying to drum up some business.
This thread should die.

Edit: if you're that hard done-to by this company, take them to court, tell your local rag or throw a few pillows.
Posting the same inane diatribe in several forums only serves to piss people off and make you look like a tit.
I think this thread should be left alone. I too have had problems with aei and there incompetent installers and management. My wife and I are letting our lawyer do the talking though. I am also glad wisconsin sat man is reporting his problem with a company in this format it lets people in the industry and people who have an IQ over 90 know about incompetent business practices.

I found this post by doing a search on google I just wish I would have found it earlier.

It seems to me that too many people responding to this post work for aei.
I don't work for AEI and am many states away.

1. If you leave the installer alone in your home, you are an idiot of the first rank. Today alone, I told two customers point blank that if they walked out the door, so would I, job left unfinished, and I WOULD NOT return to finish. I make it clear that you CANNOT take off and leave me alone once you accept my arrival and start of work. My career is to important to risk a liability suit much less a criminal charge because you had a brain fart and misplaced diamond earrings and decided to blame me instead of look on your bathroom vanity where they've been sitting since you took them off.

2. There is no way to prepare for the unexpected by definition. We get trench and post jobs where we have to drive out to get concrete and posts. We get wallfish jobs where we have to go and get a new fish rod set. We get all sorts of weirdness. Sometime we have no choice but to drive across the state to buy diplexors to backfeed the second RF output of a dual tuner because another cable line is out of the question.

But... there are many idiots in installations.

1. The dish MUST be grounded as MUST the coax lines.

2. Household electrical service ground MUST be used and NOT oil tank vent pipes, wrought iron railings, and so on.

3. Uninsulated staples should NEVER be used EVER.

4. Coax should NEVER be kinked or c-clips tightened so as to crush the coax.

These simple things seem to escape about 40% of installers in my experience and 95%+ of all trouble calls revolve around damage due to lack of proper grounding. It's fairly humiliating when A)the offending tech is a co-worker, B)the job was an SBC Dish job, and C)the problem is traced back to the Dish installation by an SBC phone tech.
Trained Monkey said:
You make it sound like installing a dish requires a skill.

Thanks for the laugh.

You give me an dish installing monkey... and I'll give you a lifetime supply of trouble calls.

It's not skill we all gripe about.. it's damn common sense. Any fool can do a shoddy install. We expect a certain level of professionalism out of our installers. To get paid, we expect them to perform work up to a certain level of craftmanship. We're not asking for the Sistine Chapel.. just some level of pride.

A trained monkey can run household electric too, it ain't rocket science, but there are codes and rules to follow so that the job is safe, and reliable.

I think the problem is really a lack of personal drive to do a job well done in the youth of this country. Everyone expects everything for nothing. Laziness and poor attitudes will make for shoddy installers. This isn't McDonalds where there are step by step instructions with pictures on how to build a cheeseburger.

This is a rough industry, and it's hard to find good help. We'll hire 10 people, and 8 won't last 3 weeks. Of the two that stay, we'll be lucky if one of them lasts 6 months. The one that does stay, doesn't get fired for doing something stupid, and has few complaints is worth their weight in gold.

I'm not defending anyone.. I'm just saying it takes more than a trained monkey to install more than one dish a day.
bcshields said:
I think the problem is really a lack of personal drive to do a job well done in the youth of this country. Everyone expects everything for nothing. Laziness and poor attitudes...

AMEN! Attention to detail (in anything...not just satellite installs) is slowly becoming a thing of the past!
I want to get into the installation business as a side job in the summer, and I want to do a good job at it. I installed a few dishes here at my house, but they look shoddy because my dad won't let me do some stuff because he's unorganized while I prefer a good looking install.
DWS44 said:
AMEN! Attention to detail (in anything...not just satellite installs) is slowly becoming a thing of the past!

It isn't "today's youth" who designed the piece of sh*t cars in the 70's or the crappy TV's in the 80's that turned American consumers to look to Japan for quality.

It isn't "today's youth" that is churning out bug ridden hardware such as the 522, 921, or 811. (or, giving incorrect information when you call CS.)

There has simply been a decline in quality of goods and services in this country for 20, 30, 40 years. Spend some time in Japan (and probably other countries, as well, I don't know) to see people who take pride in their work, be it service, manufacturing, designing, whatever.
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