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Alright. I just signed up last night and the already messed up. | SatelliteGuys.US

Alright. I just signed up last night and the already messed up.


SatelliteGuys Pro
Original poster
May 14, 2004
Round Rock, TX
Alright. I just signed up last night and they already messed up.

I signed up for VOOM last night online and they just sent me this e-mail minutes ago:

Dear Daryl Lee,

Thank you for your recent purchase from Expert Satellite. Your installation request, Job Number ****-***, has been delivered to INSTALLS inc., our nationwide installation management company.

The local installer information for your installation is as follows:

Company: Adant Wireless Communications
Phone Number: (800) ***-**** (Call this number to confirm an
Email Address: *******

Per the information we received, you have requested an installation for
a Basic_2_Receiver_DBS.

The standard installation for the technician to complete the job is as

Mount 18 inch or elliptical satellite antenna on an exterior structure
of home, and align to appropriate satellite(s). Route up to four lines
of up to 125 Ft (per run) of coaxial cable to two receivers using
customer provided multi switch when necessary. Ground satellite antenna and
cable to local/NEC standards. Connect two receivers to existing hard
wired phone jacks using supplied wire in DBS boxes. Program supplied
remote to two TVs. Activate customer selected programming. Provide
instruction to familiarize the customer with the basic use of their system, and
DVR function. Sign and date customers receipt. Report completion on

Any additional work you request or require will be negotiated between
you and the technician. You will pay him directly for any additional
work. Please address any questions with the local office at the time you
confirm your scheduled appointment.

If you have any questions or problems with regard to your order, please
call INSTALLS inc at (800) 344-4856 and reference your Job Number
1605-353. Thank you.

First of all, my name is not Daryl Lee. Secondly, I ordered a single receiver VaVaVoom package. Not the Basic_2_Receiver_DBS.

So, appearently, they messed up my e-mail address/account. I guess I need to call them already.
they screwed up my zip when I called (after I told them a number of times) and that delayed things a bit.
OK, I called Installs Inc. and they have no clue what's going on. They don't seem like a very good company to do business with. Once I got tired of talking to the lady at Installs Inc., I called Voom to get to the bottom of it. Mike, the Voom phone rep., was awesome. He has explained everything and I am now rescheduled for a time.

The next step is for me to wait to hear from the installer. He/She will call me with a confirmation of the install. The install date that I set up with Voom is May 29 (a Sat.) So, if something happens (they don't show up), I won't be out a day of work.

Does anyone know how long it takes for Voom to send the installers the equipment?

Walter L. said:
I would call (and blame) whoever sent you the e-mail (Expert Satellite?) rather VOOM or Installs Inc.?

It was Installs Inc.

It doesn't really matter which e-mail the send me as long as the install gets done when Voom says it will get done. I'm in a wait and see pattern now. I still have 2 Fridays to go.
the same thing happened to me
Dear Charles Lloyd,

Thank you for your recent VOOM purchase. You're one step closer to life in high definition! Here are some details and suggestions to help you prepare for VOOM installation.

Contact Information For Your Installer
Your local installer will be contacting you to confirm your installation appointment.

Scheduled Date: 05/24/2004 - Morning
Account Reference: 50619
Installation Reference: 5044-637

If you need to reach them, here is their contact information:

Company: Installs Inc
Phone Number: (888) 987-3474

my name is bryan and i only ordered one receiver i hope this isnt a bad sign :no
Seawaves said:
The cable co, the phone co. the water delivery company, all screw up!....

I agree with the cable company...however, a dial tone is always present when I pick up the telephone - my water always runs cool & clear when I turn it on, and I have never (or so rarely that I no longer recall) been overcharged for either service. Other than drafting a check, I rarely have contact with either one - it's like they are...ummm...a UTILITY and I TAKE THEM FOR GRANTED.

I expect VOOM to be yet another nameless/faceless UTILITY in my existence.

Voom is the most visable of any utility for several reasons. They are the face of your home entertainment. Being new and having one bird they will be fraught with problems, least of all rain. They are fragile and will never be faceless.

Voom has very nice HD content BUT they are the number three SAT provider and will be for a long time.

But hey, that's just my opinion.
So what? Get over it

[sarcasm]Oh! I'm sorry. I could have sworn this was a forum about Voom service and our dealings with voom. I must have been mistaken! :rolleyes: [/sarcasm] If you don't like what I have to say about Voom, don't read it and move on, but did it ever occur to you that I wanted to see if I was the only person that had this problem?!

I'm not here to dog on Voom. I subscribed to them for pete's sake. I am simply voicing my frustration about how sad it is for a company like voom to have their customers screwed over by a company like installs inc.

The cable co, the phone co. the water delivery company, all screw up!

Dish Network never screwed me over. The one and only reason I'm leaving them is because they refuse to add HD programming. It's not like Voom is any cheaper than Dish Network either. In fact, it's quite opposite. So, when I am paying a company money, I expect them to be professional about it.

If anyone is this worried about any of these problems then they need to get over it and get a life. People are dying every day in Iraq and oh my god! My Voom install is messed up? Cry me a river!

If I were on a message board about the war in Iraq, then I wouldn't be talking about Installs Inc. now would I? So why would you come on a message board about Voom and talk about the war in Iraq? I realize that a botched voom install (it's not even botched yet) is not as important as people dying in Iraq, but then again, I never said that it was.

And why do you think there are Americans in Iraq fighting and dying for us? So that we can HAVE FREE SPEECH and voice our opinions when we're not happy and when we are happy. So instead of coming around here and insulting people by telling us that we don't have lives, why don't you leave us be?
ChetK said:
I signed up for VOOM last night online and they just sent me this e-mail minutes ago:

First of all, my name is not Daryl Lee. Secondly, I ordered a single receiver VaVaVoom package. Not the Basic_2_Receiver_DBS.

So, appearently, they messed up my e-mail address/account. I guess I need to call them already.

I ordered VOOM with one receiver. I received an email exactly like yours stating two receivers. This must be a formatted response that they send to everyone. My online account shows only one receiver. Below is the emai that they sent to me. Does the name sound familar?

Dear Daryl Lee,

Thank you for your recent purchase from Expert Satellite. Your
installation request, Job Number XXXXXX, has been delivered to INSTALLS inc.,
our nationwide installation management company.

The local installer information for your installation is as follows:

Company: Adant Wireless Communications
Phone Number: (800) 370-0076 (Call this number to confirm an
Email Address:

Per the information we received, you have requested an installation for
a Basic_2_Receiver_DBS.

The standard installation for the technician to complete the job is as

Mount 18 inch or elliptical satellite antenna on an exterior structure
of home, and align to appropriate satellite(s). Route up to four lines
of up to 125 Ft (per run) of coaxial cable to two receivers using
customer provided multi switch when necessary. Ground satellite antenna and
cable to local/NEC standards. Connect two receivers to existing hard
wired phone jacks using supplied wire in DBS boxes. Program supplied
remote to two TVs. Activate customer selected programming. Provide
instruction to familiarize the customer with the basic use of their system, and
DVR function. Sign and date customers receipt. Report completion on

Any additional work you request or require will be negotiated between
you and the technician. You will pay him directly for any additional
work. Please address any questions with the local office at the time you
confirm your scheduled appointment.

If you have any questions or problems with regard to your order, please
call INSTALLS inc at (800) 344-4856 and reference your Job Number
XXXXX. Thank you.
ChetK said:
And why do you think there are Americans in Iraq fighting and dying for us? So that we can HAVE FREE SPEECH and voice our opinions when we're not happy and when we are happy...

:shocked excuse me, but the last time I checked what our President and Mr. Rumsfeld were saying the war in Iraq was not about our free speech. Maybe I should move a bit to the right to get it...

The bottom line is that you are a whiner and everything in your world "Chicken Llittle" WILL go wrong because you say it will.

Voom will not be perfect any time soon. I too had Dish and they made mistakes. Your whole world seemingly revolves around your Voom install which is what really is sad. Every service company is flawed, period. If Dish is great, stay with them. They will catch up in HD.

Like I said- your perspective is what will make Voom horrible for you and i know you won't last with Voom for more than 90 days because of your outlook. You make something as meaningless as Voom way too important!

Voom will always rock.

Aren't these your words? Chet wrote on another thread- "I can't count on both hands how many times Charlie has broken promises about HD and PVRs on E*."??

Dish is great now you say? Chet wrote- "Dish Network never screwed me over."

Which is it?

Let's just change this forum name from "Voom" to "Chet Complains" because it's all about you.

Don't worry about people here for whom everything is "vooming great", and as a last option, just get in contact with Wilt. He will take care of it.

Hope you get it solved.
"If anyone is this worried about any of these problems..."

Sorry...but I don't see anything wrong with expecting a company to handle a simple transaction like taking an order, especially over the web, and not screwing it up. And I certainly don't see anything wrong with expressing/relating the event here, which is the purpose of this forum.

If you choose to accept it, fine, but I wouldn't.


no need for personal attacks. The thread has gone out of control. I will be deleting personal comments and posts. If the thread continues with same, it will be closed. Let's keep our focus on the topic.



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