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Am I the ONLY one excited about the new HD deal? | SatelliteGuys.US

Am I the ONLY one excited about the new HD deal?


SatelliteGuys Pro
Original poster
Mar 14, 2005
I have been a member of this forum for a while and a member of the other forum too.

Like most people here I caught the Charlie Chat stuff and I am for one think it was a VERY resonable deal for those who already have HD and a GREAT deal for those who dont.

I fall in the those who dont have an HD reciever yet and waited through the 921 and 942 stuff. One main reason is that I thought Dish didnt have enough programming to warrent the charge per month.

Lots of people around here have complained and complained about not getting a deal like this and now are complaining that they are. I really dont get it. Stop complaining. Its making it look really bad for the rest of us.

Dish may never ever offer such a deal again. Charlie said specifically he was trying to please those who shelled out lots of dough for the other boxes. For 99 bucks thats a steal. If you can get more out of your reciever on Ebay and do the 299 thing then great! Either way you are still getting a good deal.

To me some people on this forum are destroying what was once a very constructive place.

I for one applaud that finally Dish is doing the lease thing even on their HD boxes. Some people want everything for free and I dont get it. Was I going to pay 700 or 1000 for a reciever????? No. I stood up and made my stand by simply not buying it. Dish made 0 money from me in equipment and programming in HD in the last 2 years.

In my situation I will pay 299 for a new dish 1000 and a 622. To me its a hell of a deal. Why? It's simple. Dish is still cheaper than cable in Cincinnati if you get the same general channels + HD. If Dish were to provide everything for free we would all be paying more for programming than cable. In the long run im still saving money.

Call me whatever you wish and I expect lots of flames to come from this post because I seem to be in the vast minority here. To me Dish finally has enough HD content to warrent my $$$ and I am very much looking forward to the upgrade.
cincyguy2k4 said:
Lots of people around here have complained and complained about not getting a deal like this and now are complaining that they are. I really dont get it. Stop complaining. Its making it look really bad for the rest of us.

What you can't get? It was a good deal on Monday. But it became a bad deal on Wednesday for those who has 2 or more HD receivers. That is why many members here including myself yesterday changed their mind about this deal. You think it is fair to be able to upgrade only one receiver, pay for new programming and will not be able to watch it on other receiver(s) and pay fees on that receiver (because you can't watch what you pay for:confused: ).
Maybe now you will understand.:rolleyes:
Minsk1 said:
What you can't get? It was a good deal on Monday. But it became a bad deal on Wednesday for those who has 2 or more HD receivers. That is why many members here including myself yesterday changed their mind about this deal. You think it is fair to be able to upgrade only one receiver, pay for new programming and will not be able to watch it on other receiver(s) and pay fees on that receiver (because you can't watch what you pay for:confused: ).
Maybe now you will understand.:rolleyes:

Dido on that !!!!!!!,have already called D* and they are set to install tomorrow tired of Charlie using what I called extortion tactics.You want ESPN2 and UHD ???? Well you cant have them unless you want all this Voom crap also throw in the fact that will be in a low rez format {HD-Lite} and also throw in the deals being offered to current customers that already own their HD Receivers,it all smells of B.S. 2Me.Just my own opinion however...............
You know... for the most part, I agree with you. I'm in a very similar possition. I have a hi-def TV, but have been relying on OTA for the last couple of months, waiting for all the MPEG4 stuff to shake out. Now that Dish has laid out a plan, I'm ready to get on board. $300 certainly beats $800.
But, at the same time, I do sympathize with the early adopters. While the new plans are great for us fence-sitters, I can see why someone who owns a 921 or 942 (or any older HD box) might not be so pleased. Unfortunately, the old addage about pioneers having a few arrows in their back holds true here.
I'd have to pay about $30/month more to get a similar level of service from my local cable company, and they offer far fewer HD channels, and their DVR box isn't in the same league with what I've grown used to from Dish. Am I totally happy with what Dish is offering? No. But I don't think the decisions that Dish has made so far justify gnashing of teeth and rending of garments I've seen in some posts.
Right, I think it would be a very fair deal except for the idea that they will only upgrade one receiver. I never expected the upgrade to be free, and I am perfectly willing to pay for an upgrade on each receiver. However, to let people only upgrade one receiver when they have multiple HD receivers is ridiculous.
I'll also point to the content as well. Prices are going up, in addition to the upgrade fees, and the content is getting watered down. You don't have to go too far to see conversation about HD Lite.

So for all of the upgrades and extra fees, plus new package pricing what are you really getting? If you've never had HD it may seem a great deal but for HD subscribers already the resolution is getting worse, and the prices are going up.
Minsk1 said:
What you can't get? It was a good deal on Monday. But it became a bad deal on Wednesday for those who has 2 or more HD receivers. That is why many members here including myself yesterday changed their mind about this deal. You think it is fair to be able to upgrade only one receiver, pay for new programming and will not be able to watch it on other receiver(s) and pay fees on that receiver (because you can't watch what you pay for:confused: ).
Maybe now you will understand.:rolleyes:
Well, I see the one receiver upgrade rule as a mitigation of the 211/622 supply shortage, hopefully short term. I can live with one receiver being upgraded for now.

Cincyguy2k4, you're not alone here.
I think they are doing this initally because of limited quantities. Dish is expecting to try to get at least one of these things into as many homes as possible. Maybe in about 6 to 8 months when everyone has one that initally wants one they will loosen up.

Also I understand that most of us here are super bleeding edge. You have 2 HD sets and 2 HD recievers and I bet shelled out massive money for the HDTV sets alone. I can feel your pain there but wouldnt go to the level of upset that you are if I was in the same boat.

Dish is looking for as many new subs to the new HD stuff as they can get right now. I bet by this time next year they will release that limit. I know currently its one a year. Eventually they will have an overstock and have to move some units.

Cable here does the same kind of tactics with their HD and in my opinion worse. Friend of mine had HD reciever and wanted DVR. They told him DVR for new customers only. Then told him you can get DVR but you forfiet any discounts on your programming you have and have to pay full price on everything. He waited about a year and finally he got a DVR. Thats crap on the programming thing considering he has a bundle of services from them.
cincyguy2k4 said:
I think they are doing this initally because of limited quantities. Dish is expecting to try to get at least one of these things into as many homes as possible. Maybe in about 6 to 8 months when everyone has one that initally wants one they will loosen up.
Also I understand that most of us here are super bleeding edge. You have 2 HD sets and 2 HD recievers and I bet shelled out massive money for the HDTV sets alone. I can feel your pain there but wouldnt go to the level of upset that you are if I was in the same boat.
Dish is looking for as many new subs to the new HD stuff as they can get right now. I bet by this time next year they will release that limit. I know currently its one a year. Eventually they will have an overstock and have to move some units.
Cable here does the same kind of tactics with their HD and in my opinion worse. Friend of mine had HD reciever and wanted DVR. They told him DVR for new customers only. Then told him you can get DVR but you forfiet any discounts on your programming you have and have to pay full price on everything. He waited about a year and finally he got a DVR. Thats crap on the programming thing considering he has a bundle of services from them.

I'm pretty much with you, cincy. I really don't see the other alternatives (D*, cable) as clearly outclassing the E* deal, as it currently stands. I have been with E* for 5 years and have been thru a 501, 721, 6000, 811, 921 and 942 - with the 942, 921 and 501 remaining - and feel that E* has provided a decent upgrade path all the way, for me at least. I am not a bleeding edge adopter but did take advantage of upgrades (6000 for $149, 811 for $99, 921 for $499, can't remember on the 942).

For me at least, I will upgrade the 921 to a 622 and see what happens. Can't really complain about 2 HD-DVRs that have NBR. 622 will be primary and specials while the 942 can continue to record wifes GH and other non-critical programming, while still having 2 OTA HD tuners between the 2 HD DVRs.

we'll see
I am excited about the new HD deal. I have a 942 and will upgrade it to a 622 on April 1st(when the $200 rebate is available). I am happy that we are getting many new HD channels this year, especially HGTV-HD, Food Network-HD, and Universal HD. Dish will also add 5 - 10 more national HD channels by the end of 2006. Directv hasn't said anything regarding new HD channels this year and my cable company never adds any new HD channels. So, I am very happy with Dish right now.
Mike4HDTV said:
I am excited about the new HD deal. I have a 942 and will upgrade it to a 622 on April 1st(when the $200 rebate is available). I am happy that we are getting many new HD channels this year, especially HGTV-HD, Food Network-HD, and Universal HD. Dish will also add 5 - 10 more national HD channels by the end of 2006. Directv hasn't said anything regarding new HD channels this year and my cable company never adds any new HD channels. So, I am very happy with Dish right now.

But wouldn't you rather know 100% if the 5-10 more HD channels are going to be broadcast in actual HD? If they are planning on putting the MPEG-4 channels in their native broadcast quality than this looks like a great deal. However, if they continue to put up channels (like they are with VOOM) that are reduced to less than HD standards, than how is the upgrade plan worth it?
Weezknight said:
But wouldn't you rather know 100% if the 5-10 more HD channels are going to be broadcast in actual HD? If they are planning on putting the MPEG-4 channels in their native broadcast quality than this looks like a great deal. However, if they continue to put up channels (like they are with VOOM) that are reduced to less than HD standards, than how is the upgrade plan worth it?

All my locals do simulcast HD and SD sub channels in Cincy lowering the quality a bit. Let me tell you 1280 x1080i isnt bad. Im not complaining there either. Keep the real HD for where its really needed. I dont need to see HGTV or a piece of food cooking on the food network in full HD nor do I have any aspiration to see upconverted HD in full HD as it is overkill.

Keep the full HD to the good stuff. Sports... first run movies... and a few other places where needed. I dont see the need for full HD on every channel. The market will figure it out. Just needs time.

Anything looks better than an SD signal on an HD set.
I think the upgrade plan is a good one, although I would like to see it for more then one receiver. In my house I have 3 HD Receivers (942, 921 and 811), so to upgrade those all will be expensive.

I honestly believe the limit of 1 upgrade is due to the fact they hardly have any inventory available. It will be awhile before most people get a 622.

But I am looking forward to all the new programming.
Scott Greczkowski said:
I think the upgrade plan is a good one, although I would like to see it for more then one receiver. In my house I have 3 HD Receivers (942, 921 and 811), so to upgrade those all will be expensive.

I honestly believe the limit of 1 upgrade is due to the fact they hardly have any inventory available. It will be awhile before most people get a 622.

But I am looking forward to all the new programming.

Maybe some 211's & 622's will fall off a delivery truck!!!
What may be a good deal to those that don't have HD now, or who were leasing an HD box already, is definately not a great deal for those of us who own our equipment. I started out with a purchased model 6000, which I alter need to upgrade by buying an OTA card and a 8psk card which we were told would be all that we needed to receive all current and future HD from E*. Then I purchased a 921 when it was released and later purchased a 942. Although it pained me to upgrade each time, I was able to offset some of the cost by selling my used receivers on eBay. then later, because E* wouldn't lease me (an existing customer) a 942 when I required a second, I had to go out and purchase my second 942 at full retail. I now have two 942's that were purchased and although E* will allow me trade in my owned 942 for a leased ViP622 for $99, I would never own that box. I will also have to purchase a a second ViP622 at full price, but this time I couldn't sell my used 942 to help offset it's cost, because E* will no longer activate Mpeg-2 boxes. This may be a good deal to some, but I don't think it's a good deal to me and a lot of others out there. Maybe the better thing for all of us to do is not to pay for an upgrade at all and wait for the day that Mpeg-2 is shut down and E* would have to replace my box for free or lose me as a customer for ever.
I am not excited about but it is nice...I own my 942 and I still dont know IF they expect me to give it to them if I take advantage of the 299/99 rebate program.

The V* channels didnt do it for me and ESPN/2 have very lil actual HD programing that I watch. (TNT has the lock on the NBA HD programing) I would mind UHD for BSG but that is about it.
I'm pretty excited about the deal, but I have only one HD receiver (a 942) and one HDTV. I have a 522 for our other two SD TVs. So I'll just need the one upgrade to a 622 -- for the time being. If Dish doesn't want my owned 942 with the upgrade, then I'll probably keep it and use it for my other TVs for just SD, and return my leased 522.

But I certainly understand the ire of those who have multiple HD boxes. If limited supply of new boxes is the reason Dish is limiting the number of upgrades, I would hope that Dish would make exceptions for the subs with multiple HD setups, since there are probably relatively few of those (relative to the total number of subs, that is). Fortunately (for me), I'm not in that situation. But I think it really sucks for those who are.
Cincyguy2k4 you are corect, this is a great deal for all, it's a first step and I'm sure in the future we can have as many HD receivers as we want because everything will be HD. Some wanted it to be free and I don't like having to pay extra for HD since it is the future of everything either but that is the direction we have gone. We chose a long time ago to forego "free" tv and pay someone else to bring it to us instead of getting it ourselves for free and I accept that I am part of society and must go with the crowd. This is a fair upgrade for now and I own a 921. I have been assured that I wil be covered for the $99 and that's fair.
DVDDAD said:
What may be a good deal to those that don't have HD now, or who were leasing an HD box already, is definately not a great deal for those of us who own our equipment. I started out with a purchased model 6000, which I alter need to upgrade by buying an OTA card and a 8psk card which we were told would be all that we needed to receive all current and future HD from E*. Then I purchased a 921 when it was released and later purchased a 942. Although it pained me to upgrade each time, I was able to offset some of the cost by selling my used receivers on eBay. then later, because E* wouldn't lease me (an existing customer) a 942 when I required a second, I had to go out and purchase my second 942 at full retail. I now have two 942's that were purchased and although E* will allow me trade in my owned 942 for a leased ViP622 for $99, I would never own that box. I will also have to purchase a a second ViP622 at full price, but this time I couldn't sell my used 942 to help offset it's cost, because E* will no longer activate Mpeg-2 boxes. This may be a good deal to some, but I don't think it's a good deal to me and a lot of others out there. Maybe the better thing for all of us to do is not to pay for an upgrade at all and wait for the day that Mpeg-2 is shut down and E* would have to replace my box for free or lose me as a customer for ever.

I look at it this way on leased equipment. Say you sold your 942 for 500 and did the 299 deal. I believe it was clarified that they will still activate the old HD boxes sold on another thread. You are still breaking even because the 200 you made off the 942 would equal out to the 99 deal.

I think ownership is a thing of the past. Its too expensive in the long run and leaves people very disgruntled just like yourself. Shelling out literally thousands just to get the programming IMHO is ridiculous and the very reason I waited till now for this upgrade.

Regarding Dish saying that all you would ever need to receive all future programming. Well thats Dish's fault. That is like saying in the early 80's a salesman selling a Betamax saying this is all you will ever need. Technology ALWAYS changes. Its a fact of life and a fact of simply living in this day in age.

Those that jump on new technolgy first always gets burned. Some more than others. My dad bought one of those betamax's for 1000 when it first came out because it was revolutionary you could record TV to tape. Where is it now? Gathering dust in his basement. Another example is those who bought DIVX players. They are nothing but paperweights now. At least if you kept that 6000 it would still work today and is finally becoming obsolete. That would have given you a good 6 years or so if you kept it? Would that worth the price of admission for the 622?

Hell I feel like I got burned buying my HDTV set in Nov 2004 after seeing whats coming at half the cost I paid for my TV. Thats what I get for jumping and not waiting for the price to drop. But on the other hand football, CSI: Miami, Smallville, etc sure looks good on it Over The Air.

As a customer since 1997 I have been treated VERY fairly. I started with an 2 old 2700 boxes. 6 years ago I moved and got a free dish 500 for moving. 3 years ago I replaced them with 2 508's in which I paid only 125 each for them. After owning those 2700's for 6 years I felt VERY pleased to get a DVR at that price.

A year later I added a 721 for 200 and with that 721 I got a free Quad LNB plus all cabling I needed to hook it up at the house. The LNB and cable alone justified the purchase for that one. Did I have to buy it? No. Did I want to have it? Yes and therefore did the purchase.

What did I do with those 2700's? They are gathering dust in a landfill somewhere.

A new Dish... DVR HD reciever.. and OTA antenna for 299 at the cost of giving them a 508? WOW Thats awesome. Besides, if I leave Dish what in the world would I do with my old equipment? They can have their equimpment if I ever got that fed up with them. Maybe they would at least properly dispose or recycle the equipment. :)
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DVDDAD said:
What may be a good deal to those that don't have HD now, or who were leasing an HD box already, is definately not a great deal for those of us who own our equipment.....
ya know DVDDAD, I very much USED to feel the same way. But now that I add up all of my upgrade costs I am no longer so sure that owning is the way to go. I have always been an owner, not a leaser, on everything. But for sat tv I am really no longer seeing the advantage. Sure I got my 6000 for cheap and sold it for 3x my cost, but I no longer see that as being the case. With a $99 upgrade and $5-$10/month lease I figure I could have leased my 942 AND 921 for a minimum of 2 years before the costs became equivalent. And I think that is quite a while in this business.

I dunno, each situation is different.....and this is my story:rolleyes:

Will Dish ever have a On demand service?

dish at 61.5

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