Too bad nobody has an ATSC 3.0 tuner that can pick it up.
Because it is SFN, it seems likely that there will be some locale restrictions regarding who is going to be able to see a signal.
Wouldn't SFN require some sort of directable receive antenna to make sure you get exactly one signal?
Basically an SFN will consist of several transmitters that are 'locked' together to prevent them interfering with each other. If anyone had service from MediaFLO a few years ago it worked on this principle. In the case of FLO TV, the engineering part of the concept worked well but the business model was flawed. Had the broadcast industry been allowed to adopt the more efficent, more robust and generally better OFDM modulation instead of 8VSB being forced by the FCC back when the standards were being decided we would be that much farther down the road now. ATSC 3.0 using OFDM modulation is the way of the future if broadcast TV is to maintain relevance in the long term.
Are ODFM transmissions receivable at greater distances than 8VSB?
Interference patterns happen and to suggest that any technology is only helped by them is a tough story to buy into. A node (the physical location where two identical waves precisely cancel each other out) is a node no matter the modulation scheme. I reason that if a node happens to be at the antenna location, no amount of technology downstream is going to turn a nulled signal into a usable signal. I sense that some laws of Physics may be being ignored for the greater joy-joy.For a SFN to work, all transmitters must transmit the same bits in unison. Any signal picked up from a second or third transmitter will add to the signal received. There is no need for the consumer to aim at a particular transmitter.
I'm not sure how this answers the question of an antenna located at a node where there is a cancelled signal.In an SFN each transmitter is required to radiate the same OFDM symbol at the same time. This comes from the fact that echoes (natural or artificially generated by co-channel transmitters) shall be confined in the guard interval period
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