Wal-Mart sells for about 70 bucks. Is it strictly indoor? Does it work as well as others like the clearstreams? Claims up to 60mile range. Thanks
Thanks. I'll look into it. I need uhf..45.1,2 53.1,2 61.1,2 I know pretty much where the" sweet spots" are so this will help.For $70, you'd be better off buying a DB4 [$73 on Amazon] and putting it in a closet or hang it on a wall, if you can't have a outside antenna and don't have much room inside. I had one here before I bought my 8200u and it worked pretty good along with a AP-8275 pre-amp. I think with the Leaf you'd be disappointed, I'd expect the performance of it to be similar to a set of amplified rabbit ears, even though they claim 60 m for the range.
The DB4 is UHF only though, if there's any VHF channels you need to get. With mine though, even though it was UHF only, I did receive one strong VHF station on it, from about twenty miles away.
Fractal antennas are absolutely a valid design, but they have limitations.The leaf is more than a "Cute gimmick." It works fairly well for an indoor antenna.
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