stevenl wrote -
You misread i was stateing 10db loss on the return path but a 4db gain on the fwd output..
Every amp we use gains 14 DB of signal...
Then once you add the splitter ie 4port amp 8 port amp you subtract the loss and thats your "gain" 4 port loses 7 so 14 - 7 = 7db Gain and 8 port is 14 - 10 = 4db of gain...
But on the return path the "reverse" is -7db (4port) -10db (8port) with no gain..
I added some line breaks/carriage returns but did not change it to make it easier to read. Hope you dont mind that part.
We all agreed, after showing a flow diagram on a white board on how you come up with the numbers for the 4 port and 8 port.
The biggest debate that we had, was for the 1 port amps.
Forward output is 15db. Wish I had one in front of me at current moment but I am at home now. If all amps have an 14db of gain, how is it that one port amps have a 15db of output?