I just have to speak my two cents worth after numerous phone conversations and reading between the lines. I believe we have to infer from what IS NOT being said more than what is that something is up. The vibes I am getting from Voom is "Oh boy I wish I could spill the beans!"
Think about this. Voom and Cablevision already covered their butts in the fine print concerning their obligations to deliver a service or product and their sole discretion to terminate that service or product whenever and however they choose.
This is where you need to read between the lines. If they are going to stop the service they would have pulled the plug and locked the doors with no notice to us or the employees. The apologies would have come after the fact. This is business and nice has no part of the decision process. If the vote is to close you walk over to the equipment rack and pull the plug. You don't give anyone a 30 day notice to do so. Money is money and that 30 days is costing millions of dollars. The due notice to us has been the struggle within Cablevision up till now.
I am more than 50% sure a transition of Voom 21 to another provider or business as usual on another satellite shortly after the May1 deadline to close.
If the closer is for real and the Voom 21 programming is done on May 1 I will bring the crow out for all of you to see me eat. Just can not decide what wine I want to serve with it yet. Hmmm.. maybe a nicely chilled bottle of MD 20-20?
Think about this. Voom and Cablevision already covered their butts in the fine print concerning their obligations to deliver a service or product and their sole discretion to terminate that service or product whenever and however they choose.
This is where you need to read between the lines. If they are going to stop the service they would have pulled the plug and locked the doors with no notice to us or the employees. The apologies would have come after the fact. This is business and nice has no part of the decision process. If the vote is to close you walk over to the equipment rack and pull the plug. You don't give anyone a 30 day notice to do so. Money is money and that 30 days is costing millions of dollars. The due notice to us has been the struggle within Cablevision up till now.
I am more than 50% sure a transition of Voom 21 to another provider or business as usual on another satellite shortly after the May1 deadline to close.
If the closer is for real and the Voom 21 programming is done on May 1 I will bring the crow out for all of you to see me eat. Just can not decide what wine I want to serve with it yet. Hmmm.. maybe a nicely chilled bottle of MD 20-20?