I am looking to hire someone to Align my C Band dish and LNB...
My C Band LNB I had in the dish died sometime in mid December, so I purchased a new LNB and put it in today. Can get 99 West OK but nothing else...
Really looking to get 105 for the radio feeds and NBC, but would love it if I could get it to move across the arc.
My dish if off the ground and the LNB is about 15 feet in the air, and I am afraid of heights so I tinkered as much as I could while my son held the A frame ladder for me.
I do have a AI Turbo S2 meter but its only good if I know where the satellite is. As I mentioned I am getting 99 but nothing from 97 or 101 when I move the dish.
So I am looking for someone who knows what they are doing to repeak the dish and aim the LNB for me. Very happy to pay for someones expertise. Almost begged my wife to let me fly Titanium out here for a day.
My C Band LNB I had in the dish died sometime in mid December, so I purchased a new LNB and put it in today. Can get 99 West OK but nothing else...
Really looking to get 105 for the radio feeds and NBC, but would love it if I could get it to move across the arc.
My dish if off the ground and the LNB is about 15 feet in the air, and I am afraid of heights so I tinkered as much as I could while my son held the A frame ladder for me.
I do have a AI Turbo S2 meter but its only good if I know where the satellite is. As I mentioned I am getting 99 but nothing from 97 or 101 when I move the dish.
So I am looking for someone who knows what they are doing to repeak the dish and aim the LNB for me. Very happy to pay for someones expertise. Almost begged my wife to let me fly Titanium out here for a day.