Just wondering if there's any Military Auxiliary Radio System Members here. I am a Member of Navy-Marine Corps MARS in Michigan have been for the past 3 years call is NNN0AAP...
I am not a member but glad to hear that MARS is still active. In 1957, while in the army, I worked at the Pentagon MARS station. At that time the call sign was WAR. The army was in half of the office and the Air Force was in the other half. The call sign there was AIR. In 1958-59 I was the CHOP of AE1US/DL4US in Germany (I was the only OP) Does the Pentagon still transmit daily or weekly messages? I am no longer a ham.
I am not sure if they are or not, I know the Pentagon still has a station. I was selected couple years ago to participate in the MARS/HAM Cross band test at Great Lakes Navel Base north of Chicago...it was very neat. Where abouts in MI are you? and have you thought about getting back in to ham radio?
I live in the Comstock Park area in Alpine Twp. Not to far from you. I thought about getting a license again but I have to many other things that require money. I still listen to the ham bands and copy CW. Back when I was in MARS all communications was CW. Years ago I was K8RJV and DL4GI. I miss typed the MARS calls signs in Germany. It was AE1USA. AE1US was the main MARS station in Manheim. I was just outside of Stuttgart.