I think a LOT more DN customers would switch if D* redid the GUI. Maybe, make it look like the 922 on E*.
The comparison is between E* and D*.
it serves it's purpose and works well. If the GUI is the worry then they don't need to switch IMHO
I think a LOT more DN customers would switch if D* redid the GUI. Maybe, make it look like the 922 on E*.
I think the GUI is fine, but hey if they ever fresh it up a bit that would be fine I guess
yeah i bet you would like polkadots on there wouldn't you??? :hahaYeah, this is my opinion on it as well.
I spend so little time looking at the guide, they could actually make it black and white and with polkadots and I wouldnt mind much.
what else do you want it to do? Read your mind?
The guide works fine for me. It shows what is coming up, if its in HD and if I hit info it gives me more info than a E* guide does
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