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Any possible date yet for local on the 8's? | SatelliteGuys.US

Any possible date yet for local on the 8's?


SatelliteGuys Pro
Original poster
May 28, 2004
Sorry for posting a new topic about this thread but when I search it it won't find it.There must be a glitch or something anyway Scott have you heard a possible release for this?It will soon be September surly they plan on implementing this soon.Also I don't think this will be like the channel 100 local weather.I don't think the customer service reps know anymore then we do.I still think it would be better if they just scrap this all togeather since there is so many glitches and just give us weatherscan that would solve the whole problem.
Ok I found a link.When the announcement come out last year it said you would get the slide show so I'm still assuming you will and looking at the short term forcast and all that other stuff in this copied link makes me think it's exactly like the cable version.It's unfortuanet that it hasn't been uplinked to receivers yet.Last I heard it was suppose to be sometimes in July.Here is the copied link.

In addition for the first time ever Satellite viewers will be able to view their full local weather information on the Weather on The 8's!

Dish Network viewers will be presented with a banner prompting them to press SELECT for their local weather. When the viewers presses SELECT, the Locals on the 8s slideshow presentation begins. The information presented in the slide show consists of: Current Conditions, Severe Weather Alerts, Local Observations, Regional Radar, Daypart Forecast, Short Term Forecast, 5-Day Extended Forecast. The information is presented with the stame style and look that cable tv viewers enjoy today.

In addition the new TWC Interactive can alert viewers of area Weather Alerts for their area.
I have sent dish an email again asking them about this.I asked them to foward this to the people who are working on this software and also directed them to this site and thread.Hopefully the software people will come here and read this.I also asked them if they could revamp the radar on channel 100 where we can enlarge it and antimate it.
I think many people have given up hope for this.... :( If Dish is still working on it, that's fine, but don't give any dates. Surprise us !
I would like to have this feature. Without it, the local on the 8's is lame.
More like the whole channel is lame without it. :(
They're probably thinking (assuming THEY've given up), "Well they already have this half-crappy (sorry) app on Channel 100. Most have a computer, anyway, so... And, oh yeah, if a tornado is out and about, the local channels will be on with no-delay radars, zooming in a 1000x more than our iTV tech will allow, and they have ESP systems and such. Why bother competing w/ them?"
New idea: connect and gather weather data via the Internet. You know, those "ethernet" ports. This *could* open up the door for more "mainstream" apps (with much higher quality- just look at MCE's interactive apps).
Maybe they're better off doing it that way (no satellites required!)
More like the whole channel is lame without it. :(
They're probably thinking (assuming THEY've given up), "Well they already have this half-crappy (sorry) app on Channel 100. Most have a computer, anyway, so... And, oh yeah, if a tornado is out and about, the local channels will be on with no-delay radars, zooming in a 1000x more than our iTV tech will allow, and they have ESP systems and such. Why bother competing w/ them?"
New idea: connect and gather weather data via the Internet. You know, those "ethernet" ports. This *could* open up the door for more "mainstream" apps (with much higher quality- just look at MCE's interactive apps).
Maybe they're better off doing it that way (no satellites required!)

That is pretty crappy -- In fact, my DISH usually locks up while I'm trying to access the interactive application. Of course, I have a DISH500 (several years old so maybe that has something to do with it). What's the point of local on the 8's if it doesn't even apply to your area?

More like the whole channel is lame without it. :(
They're probably thinking (assuming THEY've given up), "Well they already have this half-crappy (sorry) app on Channel 100. Most have a computer, anyway, so... And, oh yeah, if a tornado is out and about, the local channels will be on with no-delay radars, zooming in a 1000x more than our iTV tech will allow, and they have ESP systems and such. Why bother competing w/ them?"
New idea: connect and gather weather data via the Internet. You know, those "ethernet" ports. This *could* open up the door for more "mainstream" apps (with much higher quality- just look at MCE's interactive apps).
Maybe they're better off doing it that way (no satellites required!)

spend some time in the st louis market won't ya. heck your lucky to see them break in during a tornado warning at all. Which is funny since they go wall to wall on their WEBSITE, but if you have a tornado heading towards ya, wouldn't there be no need to be on the computer?
spend some time in the st louis market won't ya. heck your lucky to see them break in during a tornado warning at all. Which is funny since they go wall to wall on their WEBSITE, but if you have a tornado heading towards ya, wouldn't there be no need to be on the computer?

When the weather is bad enough to warrant a tornado warning I usually have the computer turned off to protect it from power surges.
this has been working on my 622 since last week. more like on the 10s, not on the 8s, and is the same thing as TWC app on channel 100. works a bit smoother/quicker though.
Weather Channel Local on the 8's

Everytime I turn on the weather channel (satellite searching for signal) because it is raining so damn hard, I switch over to my local ota weather plus, here in chicago it is digital 7.3. THe weather channel is pretty worthless anyways because for me the chicagoland area is so big, the temperature difference can be like 15 degrees. Out in the stix where i am it may be 20 where in the city on the lake it is like 32 deg.
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I am sure Dish and TWC are still working on this but all the bugs have not been fixed yet. I too would love this feature.

In the mean time I have a weather radio with SAME alerts programmed and ready to go here. I know some cannot get a signal from the NWS like that. Especially those out in the boonies.

There is also something some of you might be able to do to help out the NWS and refining their weather forecasts to be the best possible. I have been a rain and snow spotter for over 8 years now. When home and you see something, you get a special number or email to contact the NWS directly.
Check out this link.. CoCoRaHS - Community Collaborative Rain, Hail & Snow Network
I just got a reply back from dishnetwork conserning weather scan.They said they would send this idea to the engineers.
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this has been working on my 622 since last week. more like on the 10s, not on the 8s, and is the same thing as TWC app on channel 100. works a bit smoother/quicker though.

Just out of curiosity does it show everything you see on 100?What I mean is does it have it's own slideshow where it shows your local condition,forcast,extended forcast and radar or does it just show the forcast?
Just out of curiosity does it show everything you see on 100?What I mean is does it have it's own slideshow where it shows your local condition,forcast,extended forcast and radar or does it just show the forcast?
It's an exact duplicate of 100. The button appears on the 10s, not the 8s. It's just a little smoother in transition than going through all the gyrations using channel 100.
So it does have a slideshow great.I wish they would test it on my 2 receivers.
Eh, no... Look what Stew said:
It's an exact duplicate of 100. The button appears on the 10s, not the 8s. It's just a little smoother in transition than going through all the gyrations using channel 100.
An EXACT duplicate of what already available, just faster to load, that's all. And it had a slideshow, chances are they'd be testing this ON THE 8's... but since they aren't, perhaps they are saving something different for that slot...:)
Just out of curiosity does it show everything you see on 100?What I mean is does it have it's own slideshow where it shows your local condition,forcast,extended forcast and radar or does it just show the forcast?

yes, exactly what i see using the TWC app on channel 100...more integrated into channel 214, though. not a big fan of it, but at least it is something.

i much prefer my NOAA weather radio for accurate weather info, but obviously no visual on a i have a great widget radar map on my Mac that i use for a visual in combo with the weather radio.

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