So, . . . Aug 15th is here, and I want my future Deadliest Catch in HD! An upgrade is now mandatory! 
After a 2nd call to Dish (1st resulted in 'can you please hold' every other broken English sentence), . . . this is what I was told via the tech line. BTW - this CSR agent sounded VERY familiar with all the changes that took place today.
Equipment Upgrade Costs (w/18 month pro-rated commitment);
$149 up front for a 622 w/$100 mail in rebate (in 8 - 10 weeks - need first bill)
$199 up front for a 722 w/$100 mail in rebate (same as above)
Programming Cost Changes:
From $54.97/month
AT100 w/Locals - $34.99
Add'l Rcvr (6000 + 508) - $5.00
Old HD Pkg - $9.99
Golf Channel ala carte - $4.99
To $66.96/month
AT100 (drop locals - I get all the Boston Digital OTA now) - $29.99
New HD Cost - $20.00
Golf Channel ala carte - $4.99
DVR Fee - $5.98
Lease Fee - $6.00
Plus, I was told that I would qualify for HD Free for 6 months - $20 credit to my account for the first 6 months.
So, . . . a few question on this;
1) Is the 722 really $199 up front for the Dish 'n it Up Promo? Thought I read that it too would be $149 (622 discontinued).
1a) Is it worth $50 more for the add'l HDD space? - I think so.
2) Do I really qualify for the free HD for 6 months promo as an existing sub?
3) Do I really have to pay the lease fee if I drop to a single rcvr (thought I read that some do not pay this with a single rcvr)?
4) Not sure anyone knows this one - but will the Golf Channel ala carte qualify me for Golf/Versus HD? - I really want to get Golf HD - but not willing to go to AT250 to get it.
5) Anything else jump out at anybody as incorrect or confusing on this?
Thanks in advance!

After a 2nd call to Dish (1st resulted in 'can you please hold' every other broken English sentence), . . . this is what I was told via the tech line. BTW - this CSR agent sounded VERY familiar with all the changes that took place today.
Equipment Upgrade Costs (w/18 month pro-rated commitment);
$149 up front for a 622 w/$100 mail in rebate (in 8 - 10 weeks - need first bill)
$199 up front for a 722 w/$100 mail in rebate (same as above)
Programming Cost Changes:
From $54.97/month
AT100 w/Locals - $34.99
Add'l Rcvr (6000 + 508) - $5.00
Old HD Pkg - $9.99
Golf Channel ala carte - $4.99
To $66.96/month
AT100 (drop locals - I get all the Boston Digital OTA now) - $29.99
New HD Cost - $20.00
Golf Channel ala carte - $4.99
DVR Fee - $5.98
Lease Fee - $6.00
Plus, I was told that I would qualify for HD Free for 6 months - $20 credit to my account for the first 6 months.
So, . . . a few question on this;
1) Is the 722 really $199 up front for the Dish 'n it Up Promo? Thought I read that it too would be $149 (622 discontinued).
1a) Is it worth $50 more for the add'l HDD space? - I think so.
2) Do I really qualify for the free HD for 6 months promo as an existing sub?
3) Do I really have to pay the lease fee if I drop to a single rcvr (thought I read that some do not pay this with a single rcvr)?
4) Not sure anyone knows this one - but will the Golf Channel ala carte qualify me for Golf/Versus HD? - I really want to get Golf HD - but not willing to go to AT250 to get it.
5) Anything else jump out at anybody as incorrect or confusing on this?
Thanks in advance!