Hello and welcome once again to SatelliteGuys and our Retailer Chat Recap!
If you have not read one of these before its quite simple, we recap news from the Retailer Chat which may be of interest to you the consumer. We however do not discuss sensitive dealer issues such as what they pay for stuff. If you are a retailer and would like to discuss retailer issues please visit our sister site at http://boards.dishretailer.com
Since we are listening and not watching the chat we could miss some information which may be shown on the screen.
Since this chat is typed in real time you may (and will) see spelling mistakes.
Also please join us in our chat room which is now open! The chat room can be found at http://chat.satelliteguys.us
Todays chat is about the Start, Jim and Amir just checked their mics (guess no Charlie today)
Enjoy and welcome to SatelliteGuys!
If you have not read one of these before its quite simple, we recap news from the Retailer Chat which may be of interest to you the consumer. We however do not discuss sensitive dealer issues such as what they pay for stuff. If you are a retailer and would like to discuss retailer issues please visit our sister site at http://boards.dishretailer.com
Since we are listening and not watching the chat we could miss some information which may be shown on the screen.
Since this chat is typed in real time you may (and will) see spelling mistakes.

Also please join us in our chat room which is now open! The chat room can be found at http://chat.satelliteguys.us
Todays chat is about the Start, Jim and Amir just checked their mics (guess no Charlie today)
Enjoy and welcome to SatelliteGuys!