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[BHOUSE] (Rumor): Bright House and Time Warner ESPN2 HD carriage within weeks: | SatelliteGuys.US

[BHOUSE] (Rumor): Bright House and Time Warner ESPN2 HD carriage within weeks:


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Supporting Founder
I've just got word from one of my less trusty contacts (he/she is right more than not) that Time Warner Cable will have a contract in place for ESPN 2 HD within weeks and this deal would also pass down to all Bright House Networks areas as well. Consider this a rumor for now but many TWC and BHN networks systems might see a Test channel pop up within a few days for the testing of this network feed. I'm trying to get in contact with others but until that time again consider this as a rumor only.
For those of you who have TWC and BHN you should soon be getting National Geographic Channel in HDTV. I've been told that BHN in the Tampa market is testing both ESPN 2 HD and NGC HD as we speak and with luck ESPN2 HD will be offered soon. Also note that TWC has a contract in place for NGCHD and that also covers all BHN systems as well. Also note that TWC nor BHN has a contract in place for ESPN2 HD but I would expect them have have one very very soon at least from the last I've been told. They must be close because they are testing the ESPN2 HD feed within the system.
well guys, check this out, I am going to give the sat companies 18 months to get their act together! I am getting for 99 dollars a month plus tax=like 107 total!

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Longhorn will this be system wide release, like for sure? here in northeast ohio, I feel that sometimes they get goofy about these things, they are great, just goofy :) also it seems like from the way I am reading your posts we should expect this channel in about two weeks, is that right?!
stuart628 said:
Longhorn will this be system wide release, like for sure? here in northeast ohio, I feel that sometimes they get goofy about these things, they are great, just goofy :) also it seems like from the way I am reading your posts we should expect this channel in about two weeks, is that right?!

I can't promise ESPN2 HD as no contract is done on this but I'm very hopefull on this from what I'm hearing. Now the NGC HD will be rolled out system by system and as such that means that your system could drag on for months without offering it while all other areas might have it up and running. That isn't saying your system would be that way. This isn't quite like DirecTV in that with DirecTV a national deal means all DirecTV HD customers get access to the new channel at the sametime. With cable a national deal doesn't mean we all get it at the sametime. Just keep that in mind but NGC HD looks like weeks so that should hold you over.
Good enough, thank you, and also I would think that time warner is smarter then that seems like last spring, they got epsn up and running pretty fast, do we know a turn on date for that? maybe they will celebrate the one year annviersary of that with epsn2hd!
If you have an 8x00HD series set-top, you can put it in 'diag' mode and punch in channel numbers directly and see if any "test" channels appear. I can get my local NBC and WB affiliates in this mode, but only this mode. TW and those stations don't have an agreement to carry yet.... I can also get an interactive card game of some sort. Not sure what else is available....

I'll check to see if either Nat'l Geographic Channel or ESPN2-HD show up.
hey Longhorn, has anything moved on this, I know I keep asking, but My indians play their first game on ESPN2hd, and I would love to know if your contacts have said anything else about the movement of HD channels in the system? any hd channels NGCHD, Universal or espn2hd on time warner, thanks!
stuart628 said:
hey Longhorn, has anything moved on this, I know I keep asking, but My indians play their first game on ESPN2hd, and I would love to know if your contacts have said anything else about the movement of HD channels in the system? any hd channels NGCHD, Universal or espn2hd on time warner, thanks!

Well TWC has a deal for Universal HD so this might be a problem with your specific system not offering this channel yet but they will. I haven't asked yet about NGC HD but I will soon. ESPN2 HD sadly isn't looking good right now as it seems like talks just went south but I still haven't got enough information to confirm or deny that talks have gone south. This is all about money right now but from my point of view right now I wouldn't get your hopes up to see that first game yet. Sorry to break the bad news but what else can I say.
LonghornXP said:
Well TWC has a deal for Universal HD so this might be a problem with your specific system not offering this channel yet but they will. I haven't asked yet about NGC HD but I will soon. ESPN2 HD sadly isn't looking good right now as it seems like talks just went south but I still haven't got enough information to confirm or deny that talks have gone south. This is all about money right now but from my point of view right now I wouldn't get your hopes up to see that first game yet. Sorry to break the bad news but what else can I say.

thank you for your honesty! I am looking forward to my twc-northeast ohio adding universal, I hope things go well with ESPN2Hd! I really would love that have that channel, thanks again, and please keep us updated if you can, your a good man Longhorn!
It tooks soooooooooooooooooooooooo looooonnnnnnnnnnnnnggg to hammer out a deal just to get ESPN-HD I can't for the life of me figure out why they didn't deal for ESPN2-HD at the same time??? Who the f*ck is in charge anyways? And why does he/she still have a job???????????????
hall said:
If you have an 8x00HD series set-top, you can put it in 'diag' mode and punch in channel numbers directly and see if any "test" channels appear. I can get my local NBC and WB affiliates in this mode, but only this mode. TW and those stations don't have an agreement to carry yet.... I can also get an interactive card game of some sort. Not sure what else is available....

I'll check to see if either Nat'l Geographic Channel or ESPN2-HD show up.

Once you get into diagnostic mode how do you find out if there are any test channels? Can you scan at all?
Am I wrong or did TWC just started carrying Universal HD last night???

I was browsing the HD channels and saw it and was like 'WTF? a new HD channel???'.

I'm in Houston, Texas, btw.

More new channels

Comcast just took over in Memphis from TW which

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