HD-DVDs lull in titles is partially responsible for this.
Is Warner holding back so that they can release HD-DVD and Blu-ray versions simultaneously?
You know, I didn't think of that. Warner and Paramount could well want to do it that way- maybe as a way of testing the waters.
One more thing to watch.
John, the BD-Java will be out with the Pirate titles from Disney. There is going to be some cool things going on with the Bd-Java just like iHD.
Also, wouldn't you agree that the BD camp has MPEG4AVC cooking right now? Their latest titles using AVC have been outstanding!
Then navychop you are waiting for -- the PS3? But it is already out? Lets see, it supports uncompressed PCM on HDMI 1.3, plays CDs, decodes TrueDolbyHD, will soon decode DTSMasterHD, upconvert regular DVDs, do 24FPS and has an ethernet connection! :yikes It does smooth and quick searches and looks pretty good. Gee navychop, I guess the ability to play games is what is throwing you off.
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