I don't see anywhere in that post where I said I like or slighly prefer Microsoft. I was just stating my feelings on Sony since this is a blu-ray thread. Maybe because I said I am against Sony and blu-ray, but heck I am just anti-sony overall, so I guess in my opinion, I am going with the lesser of two evils.
Ah, I guess you don't remember the greats: Windows 3.1., Windows 95, Windows 98, Windows 98 Second Edition, Windows Milineum Edition, Windows 2000, XP, XP PRO, XP Media Edition, Vista ( and the three or four differant editions that will come). And wouldn't you know, you had to upgrade or else there would be games that came out that would not run well on your old OS. And in addition to that, every new OS was more expensive, require more cpu and graphic power, and pretty much did not leave the consumer any options. And always, every OS was released with things not working. Months, years, sometimes never would those things get worked out. M$ statement is we will do that in the next version of windows. Thank you M$.
Even in the business world you are being forced, use UPS WORLDWIDE shipping software and this year you had to have XP , on Jan1, 2007 you must have XP updated to the 2nd revision. This does not stop. M$ gets plenty of my money from my computer at home and my computer network at work. I also play XBOX games but I decided to give my next gen money to Sony first. I am not so sure M$ is the lesser of two evils. I see them in the same light. Both are out to make a buck any way they can. That is why they are in business. And if there is no competition you watch them drag things out. Both have done that in the past and they will do that in the future.
As for BluRay, everyone has their preferance. Right now HD-DVD is riding a good start. BluRay was pushed out the door too early. Toshiba took a beating on those $499 players but even though they provided a decent product by upgrading the software and Universal did a bang-up job of producing top quality HD movies, they have not got any more player manufacturers to join their side. No studios have as you guys say 'jumped ship'. What does this say about the future for HD-DVD? I think we are not going to see a real war for the consumers bucks over this until Spring to Summer of 2007. That's when I see the real war starting.