Anyone else run into this problem? I am in Buxton, Maine and NESN is my RSN and I've never had a Bruin or Red Sox game blacked out before.
I tried to find a link that lists the various NHL team broadcasts territories.I haven't had any can call DTV and give them your zip code and they will tell you all teams that are blacked out in your areaChuck W said:There was something definitely wrong with their blackout of that game. I called Directv and actually got a very helpful CSR, who IMO went beyond what a normal CSR usually does. After about 20 minutes of researching(also she pulled up local Boston stations and made sure it wasn't being shown on any local station) what the issue was, she said she was going to escalate it, as there was something wrong on their end(I dunno how truthfull she was but she seemed sincere, the whole time).
The simple issue is that I am in NW Connecticut and NESN is deemed to be my home RSN . I should be receiving the games on NESN, without issues(this is SD not HD). Till that game, I have never, ever been blacked out of anything on NESN. They had better get this straightened out fast.
I suggest anyone who had this issue, first call Directv and let them know and second, call/email NESN and let them know. I'm sure they(NESN) won't be happy about having their games wrongfullly blacked out and amy put some pressure on Directv, to get it right.
dishcomm said:I tried to find a link that lists the various NHL team broadcasts territories.I haven't had any can call DTV and give them your zip code and they will tell you all teams that are blacked out in your area
..A note of caution..just because you are getting the RSN does not necessarily mean that you get the games..Sounds crazy, doesn't it.....I remember lots of concern over SNY and CT customers who were in the Mets territory but not eligible for SNY....They can't watch the Mets at all.....weord..Just call DTV ot get a clarification...
Thank you for your note and alerting us to the unanticipated blackouts
of this weekend's Bruins broadcasts. We have been in contact with
DirecTV and learned that the interruption, which was inadvertent, was
related to zip code databases.
The situation has been corrected and you should have no further
difficulties in watching the Bruins, beginning with the game in Atlanta
tomorrow night.
Again, thank you for helping us correct the situation and thanks for
watching NESN.
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