minorthr Supporting Founder Original poster Supporting Founder Jun 8, 2004 1,123 1 earth Nov 6, 2004 #1 I was installing XM in my parents car I was all done and I was trimming the end off some zip ties I had used to hold the antenna wire in place. And I think you know where this is going. I cutt through the antenna wire Now I have to get an antenna
I was installing XM in my parents car I was all done and I was trimming the end off some zip ties I had used to hold the antenna wire in place. And I think you know where this is going. I cutt through the antenna wire Now I have to get an antenna
Scott Greczkowski Welcome HOME! Staff member HERE TO HELP YOU! Cutting Edge Sep 7, 2003 103,427 28,490 Newington, CT Nov 6, 2004 #2 Go get another car kit use its antenna and return the old one tell them you didn't need a second car kit.
Go get another car kit use its antenna and return the old one tell them you didn't need a second car kit.