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Buying a TiVo HD DVR for Directv | SatelliteGuys.US

Buying a TiVo HD DVR for Directv

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Well-Known SatelliteGuys Member
Original poster
May 29, 2012
We recently switched to DirecTV (from Dish) & we're considering getting a Tivo to put in our daughter's room. She likes to be able to pause live TV, & we'd also prefer to have her recordings seperate from all our others. We have the HMC (HR-34) in our living room, an HR-22 in the master bedroom, & then just 3 little receivers in other locations (that can watch recordings from the DVR's).

To get the Tivo from Directv, I've been told it would cost $268.95 +tax. This includes $199 for the Tivo, $19.95 S&H & $50 upgrade fee. There would also be a $5 per month fee for Tivo service.

I have 4 questions:

1) Do I have to get the Tivo through Directv? I found one online at Best Buy (BB) that looks like it's basically the same unit (records 75 hours HD, 400 SD), & only costs $149.99. The BB model is a TCD746500 & the one Directv sells is a THR22.

2) If I am able to use the one from BB, would I still have to pay this "upgrade fee" of $50?

3) Also, would there be a difference in the monthly service fee, depending on who I bought it from? The CSR w/ Directv said it would cost $5 per month, while the BB website says it would be $14.95 per month.

4) With whichever Tivo I choose, would I be able to get Netflix through the Tivo itself? I saw on BB where Tivo has a wireless adapter, but I wasn't sure what you'd receive by having this.

I talked to a CSR rep with Directv, & she didn't really know the answers to any of my questions. Any help would be much appreciated. :)
We recently switched to DirecTV
not to be a smart aleck but why didnt you get it when you signed up? You get the best deals as a new customer and I know I've posted it a few times to get everything you **think** you'll need when you sign up

now answer the questions

1. no you don't. But note that even if you buy it from BB or solid signal as example it still is a lease
2. no. But make sure it can be installed with what you currently have set up
3. it will be $11....$6 for an extra receiver and $5 because its a Tivo. If you replace a receiver then its just $5 more
4. I have no idea since I dont own one
We recently switched to DirecTV (from Dish) & we're considering getting a Tivo to put in our daughter's room. She likes to be able to pause live TV, & we'd also prefer to have her recordings seperate from all our others. We have the HMC (HR-34) in our living room, an HR-22 in the master bedroom, & then just 3 little receivers in other locations (that can watch recordings from the DVR's).

To get the Tivo from Directv, I've been told it would cost $268.95 +tax. This includes $199 for the Tivo, $19.95 S&H & $50 upgrade fee. There would also be a $5 per month fee for Tivo service.

I have 4 questions:

1) Do I have to get the Tivo through Directv? I found one online at Best Buy (BB) that looks like it's basically the same unit (records 75 hours HD, 400 SD), & only costs $149.99. The BB model is a TCD746500 & the one Directv sells is a THR22.

2) If I am able to use the one from BB, would I still have to pay this "upgrade fee" of $50?

3) Also, would there be a difference in the monthly service fee, depending on who I bought it from? The CSR w/ Directv said it would cost $5 per month, while the BB website says it would be $14.95 per month.

4) With whichever Tivo I choose, would I be able to get Netflix through the Tivo itself? I saw on BB where Tivo has a wireless adapter, but I wasn't sure what you'd receive by having this.

I talked to a CSR rep with Directv, & she didn't really know the answers to any of my questions. Any help would be much appreciated. :)

I'm thinking the one you are talking about from BB is NOT D* capable, therefore you would not be able to change channels or view your D* sub from it.
It's strictly a Tivo dvr.
The THR22 would allow you to view D*, but why TIVO any particular reason ?

Why not just change out one of the addl. recvr (H25) for a HR2- ?
It doesn't have to be connected to be able to view the rest of the network if you don't set it up that way.

D* charges one price for service while TIVO wants thier money as well.
As Jimbo mentioned, the TiVo unit from Best Buy is not directly compatible with DirecTV. This is the TiVo Premier model and it is a stand-alone TiVo DVR. It doesn't have DirecTV tuner(s) so you would have to use another DirecTV receiver and connect the output of the receiver to the input of the TiVo Premier. Not what you want to do.

If you really want a DirecTV TiVo HD DVR, you have to get the THR22. I have 4 of them that I got as a new customer last month. I got one free, the second half price and the 2 others at regular price.

Your best bet as mentioned by Jimbo is to get an HD DVR from DirecTV instead of a TiVo. You won't have to connect it to the Whole Home network and you won't have to pay the monthly TiVo fee.
not to be a smart aleck but why didnt you get it when you signed up? You get the best deals as a new customer and I know I've posted it a few times to get everything you **think** you'll need when you sign up

When we first signed up, I was told by more than one sales rep that we could definitely pause live tv in every room (with the HMC HD DVR). So I didn't think I needed another DVR. Turns out you can only pause "recorded" programs.

We also didn't think we would be running low on recording space because I was told by Directv CSR's that the 2 external hard drives I had with Dish (1 TB each), would work fine with Directv. Turns out those won't work at all because it has to be an esata cable. And I wouldn't have been able to view all our programs we recorded on Dish anyway, because they are encrypted (or something). Now with all my daughter's recordings (cartoons) & ours, we're down to less than 50% recording space....and football season hasn't even started!!! :(

After we realized we couldn't pause live tv in the other rooms, I was able to get 1 more HD DVR for our bedroom at no extra charge. Plus we were getting NFL Sunday Ticket for free, 3 months free movies channels & sports package & our bill was about $50 less per month than what we were paying with Dish. So I felt good about my deal.

Thanks for the reply.
When we first signed up, I was told by more than one sales rep that we could definitely pause live tv in every room (with the HMC HD DVR). So I didn't think I needed another DVR. Turns out you can only pause "recorded" programs.

We also didn't think we would be running low on recording space because I was told by Directv CSR's that the 2 external hard drives I had with Dish (1 TB each), would work fine with Directv. Turns out those won't work at all because it has to be an esata cable. And I wouldn't have been able to view all our programs we recorded on Dish anyway, because they are encrypted (or something). Now with all my daughter's recordings (cartoons) & ours, we're down to less than 50% recording space....and football season hasn't even started!!! :(

After we realized we couldn't pause live tv in the other rooms, I was able to get 1 more HD DVR for our bedroom at no extra charge. Plus we were getting NFL Sunday Ticket for free, 3 months free movies channels & sports package & our bill was about $50 less per month than what we were paying with Dish. So I felt good about my deal.

Thanks for the reply.

Well, you got a hellofa deal ... wish I could have that deal.

That said, they screwed up telling you you could use the Dish EHD's if they were not Esata capable.
IF they EHD's you have ARE ESATA drives then Yes you can use them, of course you can't watch your DISH recordings as they are encrypted, like D*'s are, different encryption of course.
IF they are ESATA drives, go to the store and pick up cables for them and you CAN use them. :)
You can either go through DirecTV for the (THR22) latest TiVo compatible with DirecTV HD or through a place like Solid Signal if you want to own the box, but it MUST be the THR22. The retail boxes will not work with DirecTV.

You cannot avoid any of the DirecTV fees.

No, OTT (Over The Top) services on the THR22, meaning no Netflix etc. DirecTV and other MVPD's compatible with TiVo don't want OTT for OBVIOUS reasons. You will need another device like a Roku or Blu-ray player for OTT services

Please be aware that latest TiVo for DirecTV is OLD SERIES 3 software/box. Yes, coming on SEVEN year old technology. This means NONE of the advantages of the Series 4 TiVo Premiere. NO HD menus, no multi-room streaming or transfers, no search covering OTT, and just about any of the great features offered in the retail TiVo is MISSING on the THR22. It also isn't and won't work with some of TiVo's latest IP tech.

Even TiVo lovers are miffed about this. This HR22 DirecTV TiVo really is for TiVo fanboys and diehards who just HAVE to have a TiVo because they just love the critter and the look of the OLD TiVo interface or are used to it, and pay MORE money per month than for than a DirecTV DVR just to have a TiVo. TiVo lovers refer to it as "neutered" a diminished TiVo due to DirecTV's restrictions on the unit and we now have an OLD Series 3 box for DirecTV. If you are a TiVo fanboy, then you will mostly likely be happy, otherwise, you're better off with one of DirecTV's DVR's

Overall, you are better off, tech and lower cost with one of DirecTV's DVR. Unless you just have to have a TiVo, just get a DirecTV DVR.
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You can either go through DirecTV for the (THR22) latest TiVo compatible with DirecTV HD or through a place like Solid Signal if you want to own the box, but it MUST be the THR22. The retail boxes will not work with DirecTV.

You cannot avoid any of the DirecTV fees.

No, OTT (Over The Top) services on the THR22, meaning no Netflix etc. DirecTV and other MVPD's compatible with TiVo don't want OTT for OBVIOUS reasons. You will need another device like a Roku or Blu-ray player for OTT services

Please be aware that latest TiVo for DirecTV is OLD SERIES 3 software/box. Yes, coming on SEVEN year old technology. This means NONE of the advantages of the Series 4 TiVo Premiere. NO HD menus, no multi-room streaming or transfers, no search covering OTT, and just about any of the great features offered in the retail TiVo is MISSING on the THR22. It also isn't and won't work with some of TiVo's latest IP tech.

Even TiVo lovers are miffed about this. This HR22 DirecTV TiVo really is for TiVo fanboys and diehards who just HAVE to have a TiVo because they just love the critter and the look of the OLD TiVo interface or are used to it, and pay MORE money per month than for than a DirecTV DVR just to have a TiVo. TiVo lovers refer to it as "neutered" a diminished TiVo due to DirecTV's restrictions on the unit and we now have an OLD Series 3 box for DirecTV. If you are a TiVo fanboy, then you will mostly likely be happy, otherwise, you're better off with one of DirecTV's DVR's

Overall, you are better off, tech and lower cost with one of DirecTV's DVR. Unless you just have to have a TiVo, just get a DirecTV DVR.

Btw, IIRC, the TIVO is this instance is for the Daughter to use.

Your right, it's not a TIVO I would want, D*'s idea was to get thier own HD DVR fully into the flow and then bring out the Tivo unit, VERY Smart thinking on thier part, unless your a TIVO guy that HAS to have a TIVO.

Most people that had TIVO and swapped to the D* ones are happy once they got comfortable using the new HR DVR recvrs.
Thanks for the replies.

The main reason I'm considering the Tivo is because we had a great experience when we had them from 2001-2007. I felt the remote & menu was very user friendly & we hardly ever had any problems. I also liked being able to copy recordings to DVD (mainly football games & movies).

Although we really love the concept of the HMC DVR, the HR-22 has not been so great. I've probably been on the phone with Directv CSR's 10-12 times in the last 2 weeks. It continues to freeze up when watching shared recordings from the HMC, & now it gives me an error message saying "LR (living room) has been disconnected from your home network. This program can no longer be viewed." Talked to 3 different CSR's today alone & it's still not fixed. We have a tech guy coming Thursday.

There have also been times when it was doing the same type things with my daughters receiver...sometimes gives message saying recordings aren't available & other times the play list is totally blank. Since these "shared" recordings seems to be the source of the problem, I'd just prefer to have a stand alone Tivo in my daughters room. May even want one in the master bedroom if this keeps up.
Thanks for the replies.

The main reason I'm considering the Tivo is because we had a great experience when we had them from 2001-2007. I felt the remote & menu was very user friendly & we hardly ever had any problems. I also liked being able to copy recordings to DVD (mainly football games & movies).

Although we really love the concept of the HMC DVR, the HR-22 has not been so great. I've probably been on the phone with Directv CSR's 10-12 times in the last 2 weeks. It continues to freeze up when watching shared recordings from the HMC, & now it gives me an error message saying "LR (living room) has been disconnected from your home network. This program can no longer be viewed." Talked to 3 different CSR's today alone & it's still not fixed. We have a tech guy coming Thursday.

There have also been times when it was doing the same type things with my daughters receiver...sometimes gives message saying recordings aren't available & other times the play list is totally blank. Since these "shared" recordings seems to be the source of the problem, I'd just prefer to have a stand alone Tivo in my daughters room. May even want one in the master bedroom if this keeps up.

I would still go with a Stand Alone HR24 if you have the option.
I'm not sure the TIVO your looking to get is anything like the ones you've used in the past.
I would still go with a Stand Alone HR24 if you have the option.
I'm not sure the TIVO your looking to get is anything like the ones you've used in the past.

Is an HR24 the one I'd be buying for $199? The one I'm having problems with is a HR22. What's the difference between these & can I request the 24 at the same price?
Goldenrhino said:
Is an HR24 the one I'd be buying for $199? The one I'm having problems with is a HR22. What's the difference between these & can I request the 24 at the same price?

The 24 is newer and much faster. Other than that, no change. You can request all day but you can't be promised anything but a THR22 and a HR34. You could go the dish store route and get exactly what you want though
The 24 is newer and much faster. Other than that, no change. You can request all day but you can't be promised anything but a THR22 and a HR34. You could go the dish store route and get exactly what you want though

What is the dish store route?
Thanks for the replies.

The main reason I'm considering the Tivo is because we had a great experience when we had them from 2001-2007. I felt the remote & menu was very user friendly & we hardly ever had any problems. I also liked being able to copy recordings to DVD (mainly football games & movies).

Although we really love the concept of the HMC DVR, the HR-22 has not been so great. I've probably been on the phone with Directv CSR's 10-12 times in the last 2 weeks. It continues to freeze up when watching shared recordings from the HMC, & now it gives me an error message saying "LR (living room) has been disconnected from your home network. This program can no longer be viewed." Talked to 3 different CSR's today alone & it's still not fixed. We have a tech guy coming Thursday.

There have also been times when it was doing the same type things with my daughters receiver...sometimes gives message saying recordings aren't available & other times the play list is totally blank. Since these "shared" recordings seems to be the source of the problem, I'd just prefer to have a stand alone Tivo in my daughters room. May even want one in the master bedroom if this keeps up.

How is your HR22 connected to be able to view recordings from your HR34? The ideal set up for whole home DVR is to have your DVR's & receivers connected to each other & the internet through the coaxial cable. Do you have a DECA set up? You can have either your HR34 or a Cinema Connection Kit (wired,also called a DECA Broadband Adapter) DIRECTV Cinema Connection Kit (DECABB1R0) from Solid Signal attached directly to your router via ethernet cable,or wirelessly to your router with a wireless Cinema Connection Kit DIRECTV CCK-W Wireless DECA Cinema Connection Kit (CCK-W) from Solid Signal . All of your other HD DVR's/receivers will be connected to the internet via coaxial cable. If you have a HR24 DVR & either a H24 or a H25 receiver,you don't need ethernet connection for them(in fact you can't connect the H25 to the internet via ethernet cable because it doesn't have an ethernet connection). You need a DECA Adapter DIRECTV Ethernet Coax Adapter DECA (DECA1MR01) from Solid Signal or DIRECTV DECA II Ethernet to Coax Adapter DECA (DCA2SR0) from Solid Signal to be placed between the coaxial cable & your HR22,do you have one of those attached to your HR22? Sorry if I didn't give you an answer about a TiVo,but hopefully this can help with your HR22 problems.
How is your HR22 connected to be able to view recordings from your HR34? The ideal set up for whole home DVR is to have your DVR's & receivers connected to each other & the internet through the coaxial cable. Do you have a DECA set up? You can have either your HR34 or a Cinema Connection Kit (wired,also called a DECA Broadband Adapter) DIRECTV Cinema Connection Kit (DECABB1R0) from Solid Signal attached directly to your router via ethernet cable,or wirelessly to your router with a wireless Cinema Connection Kit DIRECTV CCK-W Wireless DECA Cinema Connection Kit (CCK-W) from Solid Signal . All of your other HD DVR's/receivers will be connected to the internet via coaxial cable. If you have a HR24 DVR & either a H24 or a H25 receiver,you don't need ethernet connection for them(in fact you can't connect the H25 to the internet via ethernet cable because it doesn't have an ethernet connection). You need a DECA Adapter DIRECTV Ethernet Coax Adapter DECA (DECA1MR01) from Solid Signal or DIRECTV DECA II Ethernet to Coax Adapter DECA (DCA2SR0) from Solid Signal to be placed between the coaxial cable & your HR22,do you have one of those attached to your HR22? Sorry if I didn't give you an answer about a TiVo,but hopefully this can help with your HR22 problems.

I am also interested to know the answers to these questions.

As I mentioned in my previous post, I have 4 TiVo HR22 and it took 2 weeks going back and forth with DirecTV and 4 service calls to get OnDemand to work with this device. Long story short, NOBODY at DirecTV and the technicians know how to hook it up to make it work with internet/OnDemand.
After 2 long weeks, it ended working simply by connecting it straight to the router with an Ethernet cable!

I have heard different answers:
1/ only works with a phone line (PPV only)
2/ only works with a wired Cinema Connection Kit (CCK)
3/ should work with a wireless CCK

The first technician who did the install tried the wireless CCK because that's what he was used to doing in all his installations but it didn't work. The HR22 doesn't support the CCK and DECA.

In the HR22 manual they mention a wireless adapter but it's just get it connected to the internet instead of a wired connection to the router. No mention of the CCK in the manual.

I'm really surprised that the OP is able to play recordings from the HR34, even if the connection is not reliable.

I'll be watching for the answers and then maybe I can educate DirecTV! :p
How is your HR22 connected to be able to view recordings from your HR34? The ideal set up for whole home DVR is to have your DVR's & receivers connected to each other & the internet through the coaxial cable. Do you have a DECA set up? You can have either your HR34 or a Cinema Connection Kit (wired,also called a DECA Broadband Adapter) DIRECTV Cinema Connection Kit (DECABB1R0) from Solid Signal attached directly to your router via ethernet cable,or wirelessly to your router with a wireless Cinema Connection Kit DIRECTV CCK-W Wireless DECA Cinema Connection Kit (CCK-W) from Solid Signal . All of your other HD DVR's/receivers will be connected to the internet via coaxial cable. If you have a HR24 DVR & either a H24 or a H25 receiver,you don't need ethernet connection for them(in fact you can't connect the H25 to the internet via ethernet cable because it doesn't have an ethernet connection). You need a DECA Adapter DIRECTV Ethernet Coax Adapter DECA (DECA1MR01) from Solid Signal or DIRECTV DECA II Ethernet to Coax Adapter DECA (DCA2SR0) from Solid Signal to be placed between the coaxial cable & your HR22,do you have one of those attached to your HR22? Sorry if I didn't give you an answer about a TiVo,but hopefully this can help with your HR22 problems.

I'm really too dumb to know all the technical lingo, but I'll try to post a picture of the adapter that's attached to the HR22. In case the pic doesn't work, it's a "Connected Home Adapter" DCA2SR0-01. It has a blue ethernet cord going from the adapter to the back of the DVR.

And there a little box on top of the HR34 that I believe is the Cinema Connection kit. All I know is it's for the wireless internet connection & is supposed to allow me to get movies & aps. At least that's my understanding of what it's for.


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I'm really too dumb to know all the technical lingo, but I'll try to post a picture of the adapter that's attached to the HR22. In case the pic doesn't work, it's a "Connected Home Adapter" DCA2SR0-01. It has a blue ethernet cord going from the adapter to the back of the DVR.

And there a little box on top of the HR34 that I believe is the Cinema Connection kit. All I know is it's for the wireless internet connection & is supposed to allow me to get movies & aps. At least that's my understanding of what it's for.

That's the right adapter for your HR22. The blue ethernet cable runs from that to your ethernet input in the back of your receiver. I also have a HR22(along with a HR24,HR23,H25,& H24). One thing you might can try if your recordings from your HR34 are still freezing when watching them on your HR22 is first,hit the dash button next to the 0 on your remote. This will tell you if your SWiM & internet is connected. You can also go to menu-settings & help-settings-whole home-status & this will tell you if your HR22 can see your HR34. Don't worry,pretty soon you will be well versed in how to diagnose problems with your DTV receivers/DVR's.
To the best of my knowlege, the THR22 (Tivo Box) is not whole Home capable. Also, it requires a phone line to be connected for TIVO services.
Just a couple things to keep in mind, when thinking about getting one. Oh, and somebody else posted that CSR's and Techs really dont know much about the TIVO's... They're right. Our training was minimal at best.
Please reply by conversation.

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