Well, guess what guys 
Now I have some questions on the C-Band dish I got....I'll try to keep all my questions in this thread.
-What is the difference between a LNB and a LNBF? Is there a noticeable difference in the appearance? I want to see what the heck I have.
-What the heck is a feedhorn and what does it do?
-This one might sound stupid, but I always see C-Band higher in the sky than KU. Is there something different with C-band collecting the signal than KU?
-How much of a bugger is it to get the Anchorage stations on C-Band?
I'll be setting this on my deck or outside my garage and just testing it to see if it actually works (the person I got it from said it did). I cant pole mount it so I'll just build the dish and put the LNB on and ghetto move it
Sorry if these sound dumb..I know a loot about KU, but C band is really new to me

Now I have some questions on the C-Band dish I got....I'll try to keep all my questions in this thread.
-What is the difference between a LNB and a LNBF? Is there a noticeable difference in the appearance? I want to see what the heck I have.
-What the heck is a feedhorn and what does it do?
-This one might sound stupid, but I always see C-Band higher in the sky than KU. Is there something different with C-band collecting the signal than KU?
-How much of a bugger is it to get the Anchorage stations on C-Band?
I'll be setting this on my deck or outside my garage and just testing it to see if it actually works (the person I got it from said it did). I cant pole mount it so I'll just build the dish and put the LNB on and ghetto move it

Sorry if these sound dumb..I know a loot about KU, but C band is really new to me