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called to upgrade--now I'm cancelling service!! | SatelliteGuys.US

called to upgrade--now I'm cancelling service!!


SatelliteGuys Guru
Original poster
Apr 19, 2004
I called about 2am to go from 120 to 180 and add CT locals. I told the girl to lose my Chicago locals and keep LA. She did the opposite and I've lost my west coast networks. Thanx retard csr thank you very much. I have written ceo@echostar so you can imagine how tired of typing I am. Lets just say I'm 320 lbs and right now am a prime candidate for a heart attack. Ive plated csr and supv roulette. One csr said he'd add LA--he promptly aded Denver!! I am so disgusted and worked up I really believe I could hold them responsible if I survive the stroke I will have in the next 15 minutes. The last time I emailed ceo, they helped me greatly--lets see what this time brings. I NEVER ASKED THEM TO TOUCH LA--I KNOW WHENEVER YOU MESS WITH A DIST NETWRK THERE CAN BE TROUBLE. this is all some ditzy broad's fault and my fault. I had the nerve to upgrade my account.
320 pounds, hell maybe you should go for a walk once in a while instead of hitting the on switch on the tv. Doesn't matter if you have LA, Chicago, Denver or El Paso for that matter, last I saw, your dish doesn't do you much good "Six Feet Under".
Just a suggestion.

Dude, relax. Wait for the reply from E* CEO's email and then decide what you should do. I'm sure they'll be able to change everything back to the way you wanted it to be originally.


I know your intentions are good and I know that mattyro's rant is a bit too much, but come on, there's no need for such a comment.
Just be patient. I've been a sub for 7 years and have had to play multiple rounds with CSRs and supervisors a number of times to straighten things out. Sometimes it can take a few days, but in the end, I've always been able to get everything resolved to my satisfaction, with no raised voices or threats to go to the CEO.

After all, it is only TV, and if you are already getting over 90% of your channels, then you still have something to watch while things get sorted out.
While he indeed might be getting a little too stressed by this, he has every right to be annoyed by such incompetence. The fact that so many people seem willing to accept such poor service, only goes to demonstrate why such ineptitude will not only continue, but flourish.

Consumers need to let these morons know that poor service is not acceptible as SOP.
I've seen horrendous customer service in many businesses, including the guy who actually argued with me that caller ID was a necessity. :what

In my experience Dish Network has been better than most, as I haven't had any problem with them. But, when you do have a problem, it is stressful dealing with any of them.

Good luck!! I have every expectation that your problem will be resolved soon.

ok- heres round two: I emailed and as usual got a return phone call. The call came from the same woman who had helped me greatly in the past.(she asked for my silence and I kept my promise--she actually was worried I would mention my problem and solution on "those forums"!) Well, I felt I was talking with a different person. I heard "I apologize" and "It's against the law" and the same phrases you would expect to hear from someone WHO IS NOT in the ceo's office. I asked her if she really believed that "I apologize" means anything to someone who just lost one of his favorite programming options for good?? Her answer was "I can put in waivers". It was pretty much a round robin of "sorry" "against the law" and whenever I posed a question she couldnt answer: "I can put in waivers" KEEP IN MIND THE REMOVAL OF DISTANT LA WAS A COMPLETE ERROR BY A CSR-- Check this out-- during all this they added Chicago and Colorado !! WTF I thought I didnt qualify! Well, I stayed calm and about 2 hours ago I emailed ceo again and stated that my account is now down to Chicago and HD and HDVOOM. In the email I stated on principle alone I simply couldnt stay with Dish and if this wasnt resolved I would cancel altogether within 2-3 days. I'm sorry-- this isnt my fault and I dont wanna keep paying a company that wont admit its wrongdoings. I'm only one customer but its like saying "my vote doesnt count" at election time-- it does and I do. No one at Dish seems to care that I called to upgrade 3 different ways and thier incompetence at the time and thier poor service after the fact has cost them a 6 year customer.
I know by asking it is automatic, but please do not label me a troll. As a known D* advocate and E* hater (from experience) take this for what it is worth.

I have read many E* threads, usually ones with negative titles, because they are provocative and justify my existence. This thread here is yet another detailed account of poor customer service by echostar and as posted above seems to be standard operating procedure (SOP). It really makes me wonder with the seemingly consistent poor level of service why everyone stays with them. I have not been an E* customer for sometime. When I was, I had 2 301's and a 501 and I hated everything about all 3 of them other than the custom weather channel on like 9998 or something. I am not sure where they are able to claim they are the JD Power CS Winner for last year unless only their customers were surveyed.

There are other options folks. I know E* has the better HD line-up (for now) and the best in International options ... but you really don't have to continue to beat yourselves up when something as simple as a programming change causes this kind of fury. Certainly this may be done on the Internet, correct? It just seems goofy to me because I hate to write check to any company that does not do what they say and will not listen to what I ask.

Good Luck mattyro! To me echostar is the same as the DeathStar ...
maybe its just me but I was under the assumption that if you did any changes to your setup, you have to requalify for distants. And you can't have both now. (locals & distants unless grandfathered and you lose that if you make changes)

I know when I changed I lost Denver Fox because I didn't qualify (use to and then the local Fox put a translator station in the area which gave me Grade B)
If I understand the law correctly...Unless a grandfathered (legitimately qualified) subscriber discontinues service, drops DNS or changes providers they should still be entitled to continue their DNS service. Seems like E* is trying to go beyond that. I know that I'm wary of modifying my own programming for fear of loosing my discounts and/or DNS. I certainly don't blame the OP for being pissed, if they did that to me I would leave too.

NightRyder said:
If I understand the law correctly...Unless a grandfathered (legitimately qualified) subscriber discontinues service, drops DNS or changes providers they should still be entitled to continue their DNS service. Seems like E* is trying to go beyond that. I know that I'm wary of modifying my own programming for fear of loosing my discounts and/or DNS. I certainly don't blame the OP for being pissed, if they did that to me I would leave too.


If the subscriber changes anything on the programing that concerns locals they are vulnerable to lose there distant networks. For instance when the 105's came out and all of my customers did the upgrade they lost there distant's even it they had been a customer for years. Before you made any changes be make sure you have a clear understanding of what you want and dont want.
GaryPen said:
While he indeed might be getting a little too stressed by this, he has every right to be annoyed by such incompetence. The fact that so many people seem willing to accept such poor service, only goes to demonstrate why such ineptitude will not only continue, but flourish.

Consumers need to let these morons know that poor service is not acceptible as SOP.

i agree with you 100% and as far as the post above your's about getting 90% of his channels he should only being paying 90% of his bill.
I have been a part of these satellite forums for as long as I've had the satellite service (maybe 6 years). I know full well that once you get something like a distant local,DO NOT REMOVE IT CUZ YOU MAY NOT GET IT BACK!!. Cant they go back and listen to the phone call and plainly see that I never told the csr to do anything with LA? A lot of you know a lot more about this than myself but: why do I still get all 4 Chicago locals? I bet if I called they would add Denver or Atlanta. What is thier hangup with LA. Oh yeah- Ive had distant locals BY LEGITIMATELY QUALIFYING FOR 5 YEARS. During that time I have had CONNECTICUT locals as well as the distants. By adding locals and bumping service to at180 and removing Chicago should in no way have affected my LA locals. I will see what DirecTV can do for me . I'm so frelling angry....
Hey Mattyro

No sense getting mad. If you feel you have been wronged do what I did-quit. Like I told the guy who called to try and get me back-there are other options out there for the consumer. I have analog cable for now and I am looking at Digital cable, FTA, C Band, Canadian Sat, Directv, and OTA as options. As long as your account is in good standing they will make you an offer sooner or later. Weigh your options and make a calm choice.
The only way I add channels is through the website. You aren't vulnerable to CSR screwups that way. If anything the system occasionally glitches and lets you add channels you aren't supposed to be able to get.
mattyro said:
I Oh yeah- Ive had distant locals BY LEGITIMATELY QUALIFYING FOR 5 YEARS. During that time I have had CONNECTICUT locals as well as the distants.

the rules have changed since 5 years ago

I'm not defending E* my any means....I'm just going by what the FCC came up with when dealing with SHVERA
mattyro said:
I have been a part of these satellite forums for as long as I've had the satellite service (maybe 6 years). I know full well that once you get something like a distant local,DO NOT REMOVE IT CUZ YOU MAY NOT GET IT BACK!!. Cant they go back and listen to the phone call and plainly see that I never told the csr to do anything with LA? A lot of you know a lot more about this than myself but: why do I still get all 4 Chicago locals? I bet if I called they would add Denver or Atlanta. What is thier hangup with LA. Oh yeah- Ive had distant locals BY LEGITIMATELY QUALIFYING FOR 5 YEARS. During that time I have had CONNECTICUT locals as well as the distants. By adding locals and bumping service to at180 and removing Chicago should in no way have affected my LA locals. I will see what DirecTV can do for me . I'm so frelling angry....

What they are doing to you makes absolutely no sense. They will let you have Chicago DNS but not LA? What a bunch of corporate BS! This appears to have nothing to do with any legality but smells like another Dish CS software programming f***-up, probably won't let them re-add a DNS group thats been dropped. Of course all of us IT types know it wouldn't take their DB admin more than a couple of minutes to set your account right again, but they will never admit it. Hope you have better luck with D*.


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