Hooked up new receiver from Directv today. Now my called ID will not display on TV. DirectV is no help in fixing this. What can I do to fix this peoblem
never had a problem with the caller ID before. Just with this new receiver.
Is there a certain filter I need to ask for. Tell what does the filter do? I have been using directv for six years and have had a filter before.
A d11 is an older model standard deffinition receiver, no dvr, and to get the caller id to work, theoritically, all you should half to do is plug the 'dsl filter' pictured in above post, by the way you can pick these up in radioshack or walmart as well, they ranged 10-20 dollars, plug this filter into your wall jack, then run the phone line from the filter into the phone port on your receiver. Verify that Caller ID notifications are indeed enabled in the receiver setup. (on the remote, hit menu, then setup, then caller id, if it says turn notifications ON,then select that, if it says turn notifications OFF then do nothing, and hit exit. After this is done, reset the receiver by pressing the red button behind the trap door on the lower right of the receiver. Make a test call. You should be done. sorry for long post, I tried to be threro
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