Didn't they say that you couldn't move PPV movies to the external drive?
I wanted to backup the built in drive so that if it were to fail I have all my PPV movies (30+) not lost. If I just move movies to the external hard drive, then if it fails the movies are lost.
I could have a drive to move some movies to make more room on the internal drive but I still wanted to back them up.
I need to acquire a HDD this weekend and try it (one of my 622's has a boatload of movies that need to be archived off).
There's no way you can have a boatload of HD movies
To restate,
I wanted to do a backup so that there is an additional copy of the movies. Just like you would do on your computer you backup your data. If either the internal or external drive has a problem you can get them back.
Whether I keep a movie on the internal or external drive, if that drive fails - bye bye movie.
It seems that for now, I really only have to choice to keep the content in one place, but I only asked the question in case it was possible.
To restate,
I wanted to do a backup so that there is an additional copy of the movies. Just like you would do on your computer you backup your data. If either the internal or external drive has a problem you can get them back.
Whether I keep a movie on the internal or external drive, if that drive fails - bye bye movie.
It seems that for now, I really only have to choice to keep the content in one place, but I only asked the question in case it was possible.
The only way to have two copies of everything is:
1) PPV - Move original to archive, pay to see movie again and record to 622
2) Everything else - move to archive, record to 622 again.
I have not been able to move my only PPV movie onto the external HDD. Are you sure this could be done? It's been noted in another thread that PPV cannot be archived. Have you have any success moving a PPV movie to your external storage unit?
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