Just like the title says. I would think no because the refrator may be different but I'm no expert. Thoughts.
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Please be more specific in what you are asking, and what is a refrator? A 1000.4 dish has a EA LNB and a WA LNB the spacing between LNBs is different if that is you questionJust like the title says. I would think no because the refrator may be different but I'm no expert. Thoughts.
If you have a 1000.4 EA now all you need to buy is a 1000.4 WA LNB assembly. No a 1000.2 LNB assembly isn't interchangeable with a 1000.4. Go to ebay and search for a 1000.4 LNB, you should be able to see the different spacing. Search on ebay for auction 300892539410.Sorry Boba I ment reflector.
So it sound like everything is the same except the LNB and of course the adjustments. I have a 1000.4 EA now but am thinking converting it to WA to get a better signal. Not sure of the differences to a 1000.2?
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