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can dish add HD to 148 along w/ 61.5? | SatelliteGuys.US

can dish add HD to 148 along w/ 61.5?

If you're trying to get HD programming most likely they will install a D1000 for 129. 61.5 is very low for us in the West. What's your location and what programming do you want?
There are no plans to add any more HD programming to 148. Instead it will be at 129 and 61.5.

This Dish 1000.2 should be out soon which will pick up 129 better then the current Dish 1000.
trying to get HD (ESPN2 specifically). I am contemplating a new install here in Boise, ID. Some people in Spokane and Seattle are having issues w/ 129. Some in the bay area are having issues. some are not.

I called a local installer, he claims things are ok, however, it's summertime here in Idaho and there have been no rain clouds for weeks and weeks, so I am sure they are getting ok signals now. What will happen in the winter?

No one seems to know the date of 1000.2 :-(

61.5 is very low in the sky for me and I think a mountain is in the way and will have a hard time seeing it.

I currently have D* and want to switch to E*, however, I don't want to jepordize ESPN2 (the wife would kill me!)

I had dish back when the 6000 was the HD equipment. Had a Dish500 and a dish at 148. Worked great. However, all of the new stuff isn't on 148. The 6000, however, was a piece of crap for OTA.

Sorry to vent... just really want to make the switch, but the 129 bugs have me worried. Especially if signal dropouts cause a reboot to the VIP622. Not good.
Scott Greczkowski said:
There are no plans to add any more HD programming to 148. Instead it will be at 129 and 61.5.

This Dish 1000.2 should be out soon which will pick up 129 better then the current Dish 1000.

I just wonder how much better the signal would be with this new dish Scott? Would it make up for the signal strength going up and down all day long and causing breakups, pixelation etc?:confused:
the satellite is moving in and out of the box. they are doing severe corrections on it. While the 1000.2 clearly will be better, it cannot change the laws of physics. About the only thing one could do is design an lnb that is more sensitive with a much wider sweet spot as the satellite wobbles around the sky.

UHD on 129W will guarantee to lock my Vip211 in the Continential USA with a .9 meter dish before the movie is finished - you can bet the bank on that one.
HDTVFanAtic said:
<..>About the only thing one could do is design an lnb that is more sensitive with a much wider sweet spot as the satellite wobbles around the sky.<..>
Not any chance ! That's no-no for design of LNBF; you'll just get high level of errors beacuse on near satellites. The sat at 129W do not jumping in sky, it's just rotating, so a conus beam circling on Earth' surface.
I understood that a lnb with more sensitivity and a wider sweet spot was not about to show up on the market - but maybe should have made that clear.

Thanks for clearing it up for others.
Last report from 148W.
tpn1:TID=301, 1480W 12224 GHz RHCP 20000 5/6 QPSK, DVB-S
  581, 5922, 5923,    0, PHNIX        MPEG-2  	
  587, 6690, 6691,    0, ATV          MPEG-2  	
  606, 4130, 4131,    0, TV5          MPEG-2  	
  611, 4386, 4387,    0, ZEETV        MPEG-2  	
  617, 4642, 4643,    0, ZCINE        MPEG-2  	
  619, 4898, 4899,    0, B4U          MPEG-2  	
  642, 5154, 5155,    0, ART          MPEG-2  	
  643, 5410, 5411,    0, ARTMV        MPEG-2  	
  656, 6178, 6179,    0, ISRLI        MPEG-2  	
  660,    0, 4097,    0, RFI          MPEG-2  	
  665,    0, 4099,    0, ZIKR         MPEG-2  	
  669,    0, 4098,    0, ARTMU        MPEG-2  	
  671, 5666, 5667,    0, MLODY        MPEG-2  	
  776, 6434, 6435,    0, ALARA        MPEG-2  	

tpn2:TID=302, 1480W 12239 GHz LHCP 20000 5/6 QPSK, DVB-S
 9988, 6434, 6435,    0, RSSM         MPEG-2  	
 9989, 6690, 6691,    0, CSSM         MPEG-2  	
 9994, 6946, 6947,    0, SPEC4        MPEG-2  	

tpn3:TID=303, 1480W 12253 GHz RHCP 20000 5/6 QPSK, DVB-S
  472, 5410, 5411, 5412, SPORT        MPEG-2  	
  533, 6946, 6947, 6948, PPV          MPEG-2  	
  580, 6690, 6691,    0, INFO         MPEG-2 FTA 	
 9406, 4898, 4899,    0, ARTS         MPEG-2  	
 9416, 5666, 5667,    0, GSN          MPEG-2  	
 9417, 4130, 4131,    0, HTVN         MPEG-2  	
 9418, 6178, 6179,    0, PAEC         MPEG-2  	
 9621, 5922, 5923, 5924, BTV          MPEG-2  	
 9622, 6434, 6435, 6436, BTV          MPEG-2  	
 9996, 5154, 5155,    0, ECC          MPEG-2  	

tpn4:TID=304, 1480W 12268 GHz LHCP 20000 5/6 QPSK, DVB-S
 7565, 4130, 4131,    0, KJCT         MPEG-2  	
 7566, 4386, 4387,    0, KREX         MPEG-2  	
 7567, 5922, 5923,    0, KKCO         MPEG-2  	
 7568, 6178, 6179,    0, KFQX         MPEG-2  	
 7571, 6434, 6435,    0, KRMJ         MPEG-2  	
 9906, 4898, 4899,    0, INTL1        MPEG-2  	

tpn5:TID=305, 1480W 12282 GHz RHCP 21500 2/3 8PSK, DVB-S
 9975, 4898, 4899,    0, SMP41 AC-3(1) H264  HD 	
 9976, 4386, 4387,    0, SMP42 AC-3(1) H264  HD 	
 9984, 4642, 4643,    0, HMP41 AC-3(1) H264  HD 	
 9985, 5154, 5155,    0, HMP42 AC-3(1) H264  HD 	
 9986, 4130, 4131,    0, SMP44 AC-3(1) H264  HD 	

tpn6:TID=306, 1480W 12297 GHz LHCP 20000 5/6 QPSK, DVB-S
 7740, 4130, 4131,    0, KIFI         MPEG-2  	
 7741, 4386, 4387,    0, KIDK         MPEG-2  	
 7742, 4642, 4643,    0, KPVI         MPEG-2  	
 7743, 4898, 4899,    0, KFXP         MPEG-2  	
 7744, 5410, 5411,    0, KPIF         MPEG-2  	
 7746, 5154, 5155,    0, KISU         MPEG-2  	

tpn7:TID=307, 1480W 12311 GHz RHCP 20000 3/4 QPSK, DVB-S
  592, 4386, 4387,    0, RTVI         MPEG-2  	
  593, 4642, 4643,    0, RTVI+        MPEG-2  	
  594, 5922, 5923,    0, HTBA         MPEG-2  	
  595, 6946, 6947,    0, TVCI         MPEG-2  	
  602, 4898, 4899,    0, MEGA         MPEG-2  	
  603, 5154, 5155,    0, ERT          MPEG-2  	
  604, 4130, 4131,    0, KINO         MPEG-2  	
  605, 6178, 6179,    0, ANTEN        MPEG-2  	
  779, 5410, 5411,    0, NEWTV        MPEG-2  	
  917, 6434, 6435,    0, BSN          MPEG-2  	

tpn8:TID=308, 1480W 12326 GHz LHCP 20000 5/6 QPSK, DVB-S
 7991, 4130, 4131,    0, KTXE         MPEG-2  	
 7992, 4386, 4387,    0, KLST         MPEG-2  	
 7993, 4642, 4643,    0, KSAN         MPEG-2  	
 7994, 4898, 4899,    0, KIDY         MPEG-2  	
 9995, 6946, 6947,    0,              MPEG-2  	
 9997, 6690, 6691,    0,              MPEG-2  	

tpn9:TID=309, 1480W 12341 GHz RHCP 20000 5/6 QPSK, DVB-S
  471, 6178, 6179, 6180, SPORT        MPEG-2  	
  608, 6434, 6435,    0, ITVN         MPEG-2  	
  616, 5666, 5667,    0, PTV          MPEG-2  	
  618, 4642, 4643,    0, B4UMU        MPEG-2  	
  646, 4898, 4899,    0, ESC-1        MPEG-2  	
  647, 5154, 5155,    0, NILE         MPEG-2  	
  648, 4386, 4387,    0, FUTUR        MPEG-2  	
  649, 5410, 5411,    0, DUBAI        MPEG-2  	
  655, 6690, 6691,    0, WOWTV        MPEG-2  	
  782, 5922, 5923,    0, IQRAA        MPEG-2  	

tpn10:TID=310, 1480W 12355 GHz LHCP 20000 5/6 QPSK, DVB-S
 7644, 4130, 4131,    0, KDRV         MPEG-2  	
 7645, 4386, 4387,    0, KTVL         MPEG-2  	
 7646, 4642, 4643,    0, KOBI         MPEG-2  	
 7647, 4898, 4899,    0, KMVU         MPEG-2  	
 7650, 5154, 5155,    0, KSYS         MPEG-2  	
 7651, 5410, 5411,    0, KBLN         MPEG-2  	
 7677, 5666, 5667,    0, KVII         MPEG-2  	
 7678, 5922, 5923,    0, KFDA         MPEG-2  	
 7679, 6178, 6179,    0, KAMR         MPEG-2  	
 7680, 6434, 6435,    0, KCIT         MPEG-2  	
 7683, 6690, 6691,    0, KACV         MPEG-2  	
 7685, 6946, 6947,    0, KPTF         MPEG-2  	
 7686, 7202, 7203,    0, KTMO         MPEG-2  	

tpn11:TID=311, 1480W 12370 GHz RHCP 20000 5/6 QPSK, DVB-S
  583,    0, 4097,    0, ASIFM        MPEG-2  	
  596, 4130, 4131,    0, GLOBO        MPEG-2  	
  597, 5666, 5667,    0, RCORD        MPEG-2  	
  610, 5154, 5155,    0, SUNTV        MPEG-2  	
  612, 6690, 6691,    0, SETMX        MPEG-2  	
  613, 4386, 4387,    0, TVASA        MPEG-2  	
  614, 4642, 4643,    0, SET          MPEG-2  	
  640, 4898, 4899, 4900, TVJPN        MPEG-2  	
  652, 6434, 6435,    0, KBS          MPEG-2  	
  767, 5410, 5411,    0, ABUDA        MPEG-2  	
  783, 6178, 6179,    0, NORST        MPEG-2  	

tpn12:TID=312, 1480W 12384 GHz LHCP 20000 5/6 QPSK, DVB-S
 7978, 4898, 4899,    0, KOTA         MPEG-2  	
 7979, 5154, 5155,    0, KCLO         MPEG-2  	
 7980, 5410, 5411,    0, KNBN         MPEG-2  	
 7981, 6178, 6179,    0, KEVN         MPEG-2  	
 7984, 6434, 6435,    0, KBHE         MPEG-2  	

tpn13:TID=313, 1480W 12399 GHz RHCP 21500 2/3 8PSK, DVB-S
 9428, 4386, 4387,    0, HDPPV AC-3(1) MPEG-2 HD 	
 9484, 1553, 1556,    0, CBSHD AC-3(1) MPEG-2 HD 	

tpn14:TID=314, 1480W 12414 GHz LHCP 20000 5/6 QPSK, DVB-S
 7950, 5410, 5411,    0, KTWO         MPEG-2  	
 7951, 5666, 5667,    0, KGWC         MPEG-2  	
 7952, 5922, 5923,    0, KCWY         MPEG-2  	
 7953, 6178, 6179,    0, KFNB         MPEG-2  	
 7956, 6434, 6435,    0, KCWC         MPEG-2  	
 8801, 4130, 4131,    0, KSAW         MPEG-2  	
 8802, 4386, 4387,    0, KMVT         MPEG-2  	
 8803, 4642, 4643,    0, KTFT         MPEG-2  	
 8804, 4898, 4899,    0, KXTF         MPEG-2  	
 8807, 5154, 5155, 5156, KIPT         MPEG-2  	

tpn15:TID=315, 1480W 12428 GHz RHCP 20000 5/6 QPSK, DVB-S
  491, 4386, 4387,    0, ALOCK        MPEG-2  	
  499, 5922, 5923,    0, ULTIM        MPEG-2  	
  578, 6690, 6691,    0, BRDGS        MPEG-2  	
  621, 4130, 4131,    0, ARYDI        MPEG-2  	
 9405, 6178, 6179,    0, PNTGN        MPEG-2  	
 9907, 4642, 4643, 4644, INTL2        MPEG-2  	

tpn16:TID=316, 1480W 12443 GHz LHCP 20000 5/6 QPSK, DVB-S
 7938, 4130, 4131,    0, KAMC         MPEG-2  	
 7939, 4386, 4387,    0, KLBK         MPEG-2  	
 7940, 4642, 4643,    0, KCBD         MPEG-2  	
 7941, 4898, 4899,    0, KJTV         MPEG-2  	
 7942, 5154, 5155,    0, KWBZ         MPEG-2  	
 7943, 5410, 5411,    0, KTXT         MPEG-2  	
 7944, 7202, 7203,    0, KPTB         MPEG-2  	
 8171, 5666, 5667,    0, KTXS         MPEG-2  	
 8172, 5922, 5923,    0, KTAB         MPEG-2  	
 8173, 6178, 6179,    0, KRBC         MPEG-2  	
 8174, 6434, 6435,    0, KXVA         MPEG-2  	
 8178, 6690, 6691,    0, KPCB         MPEG-2  	
 8179, 6946, 6947,    0, KTES         MPEG-2  	

tpn17:TID=317, 1480W 12457 GHz RHCP 21500 2/3 8PSK, DVB-S
 9430, 4130, 4131,    0, SHOHD AC-3(1) MPEG-2 HD 	
 9440, 4386, 4387,    0, HBOHD AC-3(1) MPEG-2 HD 	

tpn18:TID=318, 1480W 12472 GHz LHCP 20000 5/6 QPSK, DVB-S
 7945, 6178, 6179,    0, KUPT         MPEG-2  	
 8850, 5154, 5155,    0, KFBB         MPEG-2  	
 8851, 5410, 5411,    0, KRTV         MPEG-2  	
 8852, 5666, 5667,    0, KBGF         MPEG-2  	
 8853, 5922, 5923,    0, KTGF         MPEG-2  	
 9340, 4130, 4131,    0, KSVI         MPEG-2  	
 9341, 4386, 4387,    0, KTVQ         MPEG-2  	
 9342, 4642, 4643,    0, KULR         MPEG-2  	
 9343, 4898, 4899,    0, KHMT         MPEG-2  	

tpn19:TID=319, 1480W 12486 GHz RHCP 20000 3/4 QPSK, DVB-S
  607, 4642, 4643,    0, PLSAT        MPEG-2  	
  609, 5410, 5411,    0, TVN24        MPEG-2  	
  615, 4386, 4387,    0, RTPI         MPEG-2  	
  620, 6434, 6435,    0, GEOTV        MPEG-2  	
  778, 4130, 4131,    0, NBN          MPEG-2  	
32767,    0,    0,    0, WB200        <WEB interactive> 	
32768,    0,    0,    0, WBSTR        <WEB interactive> 	

tpn20:TID=320, 1480W 12501 GHz LHCP 20000 5/6 QPSK, DVB-S
 9963, 4130, 4131,    0, SDTS1        MPEG-2  	
 9964, 4386, 4387,    0, SDTS2        MPEG-2  	
 9965, 4642, 4643,    0, SDTS3        MPEG-2  	
 9979, 4898, 4899,    0, SDTS4        MPEG-2  	

tpn21:TID=321, 1480W 12516 GHz RHCP 20000 5/6 QPSK, DVB-S
 7800, 4130, 4131,    0, KDEV         MPEG-2  	
 7801, 4386, 4387,    0, KGWN         MPEG-2  	
 7802, 4642, 4643,    0, KCHY         MPEG-2  	
 7803, 4898, 4899,    0, KLWY         MPEG-2  	
 7805, 6434, 6435,    0, KTNE         MPEG-2  	
 7806, 5922, 5923,    0, KDUH         MPEG-2  	

tpn22:TID=322, 1480W 12530 GHz LHCP 20000 5/6 QPSK, DVB-S
 7964, 4130, 4131,    0, KBMY         MPEG-2  	
 7965, 4386, 4387,    0, KXMC         MPEG-2  	
 7966, 4642, 4643,    0, KFYR         MPEG-2  	
 7967, 4898, 4899,    0, KNDX         MPEG-2  	
 7970, 5154, 5155,    0, KBME         MPEG-2  	

tpn23:TID=323, 1480W 12545 GHz RHCP 20000 5/6 QPSK, DVB-S
 9501, 4642, 4643,    0, DEMO1        <test> 	
 9506, 4642, 4643,    0, OTST1        <test> 	
 9507, 4642, 4643,    0, MUX2         <test> 	
 9510, 4642, 4643,    0, TVGT         <test> 	
 9511, 4642, 4643,    0, MUX3         <test> 	
 9520, 4642, 4643,    0, ETV1         <test> 	
 9582, 4642, 4643,    0, WINK2        MPEG-2  	
 9590,    0, 4096,    0, OTEST        <test> 	
 9599, 7714, 7715, 7716, OTST2        <test> 	
 9905, 5922, 5923,    0, TEMPN        MPEG-2  	
 9982, 5154, 5155, 5156, ETC2         MPEG-2  	
 9991, 5922, 5923,    0, SPEC1        MPEG-2  	
 9992, 6178, 6179,    0, SPEC2        MPEG-2  	
 9993, 6434, 6435,    0, SPEC3        MPEG-2  	
19128, 4642, 4643,    0, ICM          <test> 	

tpn24:TID=324, 1480W 12559 GHz LHCP 20000 5/6 QPSK, DVB-S
  582, 4130, 4131,    0, CCTV4        MPEG-2  	
  601, 4386, 4387,    0, RAI          MPEG-2  	
  644, 4642, 4643,    0, LBC          MPEG-2  	
  645, 4898, 4899,    0, ALJAZ        MPEG-2  	
  653, 5154, 5155,    0, ARANG        MPEG-2  	
  670, 5410, 5411,    0, MBC          MPEG-2  	
  910,    0, 4096,    0, RAIRD        MPEG-2  	

tpn25:TID=325, 1480W 12574 GHz RHCP 20000 5/6 QPSK, DVB-S
  573, 4386, 4387,    0, FPCHN        MPEG-2  	
  584, 6178, 6179,    0, SAMAY        MPEG-2  	
  585, 5410, 5411,    0, AAJTK        MPEG-2  	
  586, 5666, 5667,    0, HT           MPEG-2  	
  590, 4130, 4131,    0, TRACE        MPEG-2  	
  591, 5154, 5155,    0, TELSD        MPEG-2  	
  622, 4642, 4643,    0, APUNJ        MPEG-2  	
  623, 4898, 4899,    0, ZGUJ         MPEG-2  	
  624, 5922, 5923,    0, SHARA        MPEG-2  	
  654, 6690, 6691,    0, JSTV         MPEG-2  	
  664, 6434, 6435,    0, ALTER        MPEG-2  	

tpn27:TID=327, 1480W 12603 GHz RHCP 20000 5/6 QPSK, DVB-S
  598, 4386, 4387,    0, RBTI         MPEG-2  	

tpn29:TID=329, 1480W 12632 GHz RHCP 20000 5/6 QPSK, DVB-S
  579, 4386, 4387,    0, INTER        MPEG-2  	
  650, 4642, 4643,    0, SPT          MPEG-2  	
  651, 6434, 6435,    0, ARYOW        MPEG-2  	
  657, 4898, 4899,    0, ONGME        MPEG-2  	
  658, 5154, 5155,    0, BTN          MPEG-2  	
  659, 6690, 6691,    0, INTL4        MPEG-2  	
  662, 5922, 5923,    0, QTV          MPEG-2  	
  663, 6178, 6179,    0, MUSIK        MPEG-2  	
  672, 5410, 5411,    0, DANDA        MPEG-2  	
  673, 5666, 5667,    0, MZIKA        MPEG-2  	

tpn31:TID=331, 1480W 12661 GHz RHCP 21500 2/3 8PSK, DVB-S
 9966, 4130, 4131,    0, NTST1 AC-3(1) H264  HD 	
 9967, 4386, 4387,    0, NTST2 AC-3(1) H264  HD 	
 9977, 4642, 4643,    0, SMP43 AC-3(1) H264  HD 	
 9978, 4898, 4899,    0, SMP21 AC-3(1) H264  HD
Get a bigger dish if you want a good signal from 129W. I did a test on 129W with a 301 on the QPSK signals and all of them were 110+ on the signal strength with a 90cm dish.

Swapped Receivers yesterday, lost Local Channels Free Preview

Breakup & Loss of Signal on OTA Channel Using 622

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