They might if they are concerned about being able to offer DNS. Most remember what happened to DISH Network for "not caring".
DISH getting into trouble for "not caring" had absolutely
NOTHING to do with "movers" - it had EVERYTHING to do with them giving EVERYONE DNS w/out qualifying those same subs. People to this day STILL move w/DISH & life still goes on for everyone involved; obviously you don't understand the difference...
To the OP: unfortunately since you used such a poor choice of words in your post title, I figured you would get the kind of idiotic posts like you did in the very 1st reply. Certain folks post the SAME type of responses anytime this subject is brought up & keep getting THIS board mixed up with the "other" draconian board.

As already told to you, just do a search on moving & decide for yourself, & DON'T let a couple of do-gooders treat you like you just robbed a bank; at best it's along the lines of jaywalking. Been a mover her for close to a decade & haven't lost a night's sleep over it yet. (& sure as hell DON'T care what some folks think about it on a internet board...

BUT, you also have to be smart about it as well - DON'T move, then call them out for a trouble call & NOT change your address back. Again, the search tool here is your friend..
BTW, welcome to the board