thank you all so much, now if I can just get the nerve
Right now, the Chicago HD locals are on TP12 (CONUS) from 129 and TP11 (Spotbeam) from 61.5. If you are receiving 129 now, you can safely "move" to Chicago. You will have to watch the uplink reports for Ciel-2 to see if/when the Chicago HD locals go to spotbeam.I live in loves park, IL (rockford), if I wanted to "move" to chicago will there be any aiming issues. How do I know all will work, sorry newbie here. I get 129, 119 and 110 is this feasible?
I live in loves park, IL (rockford), if I wanted to "move" to chicago will there be any aiming issues. How do I know all will work, sorry newbie here. I get 129, 119 and 110 is this feasible?
Here is something I was wondering also, I get the rsn sports package simply for fox sports midwest. I am a Cardinals fan, here in Loves Park they are not blacked out, if I "move' will they then be blacked out?
I live in loves park, IL (rockford), if I wanted to "move" to chicago will there be any aiming issues. How do I know all will work, sorry newbie here. I get 129, 119 and 110 is this feasible?
Here is something I was wondering also, I get the rsn sports package simply for fox sports midwest. I am a Cardinals fan, here in Loves Park they are not blacked out, if I "move' will they then be blacked out?
Am I doing something wrong, I am talking to Jessica yeah right, and she keeps going on about dish mover. I keep trying to tell her it is hooked up already and I need to change my service address. She isn't getting it.
Finally made her understand, looking great, thanks again for all the help.
Thanks for all the help, now to find a address for chicago.
Hang on..If you "move" to Chi. Youl'll be mvoing to the Chicago Teams territories. And out of the ST Louis teams. You'll not see the Cards. But you'll get your fill of the Cubs and White SoxThanks for all the help, now to find a address for chicago.
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